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Preparing Your Students for the GED Science Test:

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing Your Students for the GED Science Test:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing Your Students for the GED Science Test:
The Scientific Method Sara Turnbull, Adult Academic Program, Robbinsdale Schools

2 Session Objectives: Define the scientific method and key vocabulary
Explore the elements of the scientific method and key vocabulary Identify real-world applications of the scientific method Identify how the scientific method will appear in the GED tests Identify instructional resources to teach scientific method Identify strategies for scaffolding scientific method instruction Identify the scientific practices which are addressed through scientific method instruction

3 Science Practices

4 What is the scientific method?
Here is an excellent presentation to use with your students: Download for free from Teachers Pay Teachers: Created by Amy Brown, Science Stuff, this includes student pages for use with the presentation and teacher notes too. Show powerpoint AND student pages. Send graphic organizer and student pages to participants.

5 Vocabulary of the scientific method:
The Simpson’s Worksheet - controls and variables Scientific Method Stories – identify steps of the scientific method used to solve a real world problem about patient illness (beriberi) and penicillin Tip: To write a hypothesis, use “I predict….” or “If…., then….” To remember variables, the Independent (manipulated) Variable is what “I do or change and the Dependent (responding) Variable is the Data collected.

6 Graphic Organizer My favorite is from Teachers Pay Teachers, Kim Sal, the Science Gal. Scientific Method Graphic Organizer Have Deb scan as PDF

7 Using the Graphic Organizer
KAPLAN GED Science Test Science Practices - Practice Questions Content Page - Static Electricity Deb to scan as PDF page 506, questions 9-12 and static electricity page

8 Using the Graphic Organizer
Creating an Experimental Design Experiments outlined in graphic organizers New Readers Press Scan completed graphic organizers

9 Scientific Method - Group Project
Student groups are given a scenario and design an experiment together and then share with the class.

10 Scaffolding Strategies
Reformat essay that accompanies video, to scaffold summarizing skill Use Graphic Organizer to outline experiment Create sentence frames for the Scientific Method or try My Template Write a paragraph describing an experimental design scan worksheet

11 Current Research on Aging at UC Irvine
Student scientists in action From Question to Conclusion, an excellent look at the Scientific Method through Drosophila (fly) research

12 The Simplified, Linear Scientific Method vs. Reality
An entertaining video on the fluidity of the scientific method and practical problem-solving ??

13 Lesson Plan with Short Videos
The Process of Scientific Experimentation - makes it easy to create an account to save your favorite videos from this marvelous website. And another… Blood Vessels Help Tumors Grow - log in to my account??

14 Graphing and Analyzing Data
“Dopamine May Affect Thrill-Seeking Behavior in Humans" Using a Graph to Find Area: A Science Skill Lab Find at (Amy Brown, Science Stuff)

15 Using Picture Books to teach the Big Ideas of Science
My favorite Evolution book: Life On Earth, The Story Of Evolution by Steve Jenkins (My favorite PBS Evolution Series, 7 videos - scan 2 pages frogs

16 More Big Ideas of Science
Cells and Genetics Dozens of interactives on topics from stem cells to cloning to gene therapy The Atom - Cool interactive Kitchen Chemistry - Videos plus Math lessons Plate Tectonics Climate Change - Excellent graphics A Student’s Guide to Global Climate Change

17 Daphnia Heartbeat Observing and measuring the Daphnia heartbeat - worksheet Graphic Organizer; Graphing; Design an Experiment (Find Experiment at Teachers Pay Teachers> Science Skills: Graphing, Applying the Scientific Method, and Scientific Writing #2 by Amy Brown, Science Stuff) rescan graphic organizer + lab sheet

18 The Biology Corner Scientific Method Stories and Scenarios
Biology lesson plans, worksheets, tutorials and resources for teachers and students Scientific Method Stories and Scenarios Hands-On Activities Virtual Labs Analyzing and Graphing Data and more…. PDF Scroll thru with participants PDF Scroll thru with pa

19 A Guide to Understanding Science 101
Explore an interactive representation (flowchart) of the process of science. Discovery: The Spark for Science - Everyday Science Questions Science Misconceptions Science Checklist

20 Resources Teachers Pay Teachers, Amy Brown - Science Stuff
Lesson Plans; Videos and accompanying essays with questions The Biology Corner UC Berkeley Scientists at the Smithsonian - Scientists in the Field TV411 - Kitchen Chemistry Science Lessons with Math

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