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Communication with National  Chapter Handbook – download from  Communicate problems.

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2 Communication with National  Chapter Handbook – download from  Communicate problems with AMBA national in a timely manner  Submit reports to Larry (  Submit information for email blasts to Larry  Review your chapter website (  Update Officer contact info  Submit Website Chapter meeting info to Lisa Paoli

3 Communication with National  For updates on new members in your area, contact Larry  For new CMRS members, check the monthly newsletter  To add meeting or chapter information to the newsletter, email me –  Allow 2-3 weeks for website updates

4 Tips on Getting Started  Hold 6 meetings annually – half can be online  Encourage use of member forums for networking purposes between chapter members  Chapter website updates – Lisa Paoli 

5 Benefits for Chapter Officers  Discount of $100 to National Conference  Earn 6 CEUs for year  Study Guide & Exam (after completing your office term)

6 Chapter Member Benefits  Network with others in medical billing  Education and Training  Share ideas and information  Chapter project  Earn CEUs for attending meetings and training  Mentor environment where less experienced billers can learn from seasoned billers

7 Tips to Earn Chapter Money  50/50 Pot  Drawings  Charge a nominal fee for meetings to cover copies, meals, refreshments, etc.  Hold a training seminar or webinar and charge a nominal fee to members and a higher fee to non-members

8 Communicating with Members  President should acknowledge all new members and guests  Have “greeters” to greet speakers, new members and guests  Put someone in charge of obtaining a list of members in your area on a regular basis so you can reach out to any new potential members.

9 Meeting Tips  Provide an agenda and stick to it as closely as possible  Start on time – end on time or as closely to time as possible  Have a positive attitude  Stay focused and be organized  Don’t forget to make any special announcements and announce the next meeting and topic

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