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T HE R OTARY F OUNDATION T HE R OTARY F OUNDATION of Rotary International eLearning Alumni Relations The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning.

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1 T HE R OTARY F OUNDATION T HE R OTARY F OUNDATION of Rotary International eLearning Alumni Relations The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 exit

2 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 Press Esc any time to exit the course 12 Alumni Basics Rotarian Actions Alumni Relations

3 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 Alumni Basics What is the purpose of Alumni Relations? To create a lifelong relationship between Rotary and its Alumni

4 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 Alumni Basics Alumni on the web  Former Ambassadorial Scholars n Former GSE Team members and leaders n Former recipients of a University Teachers Grant…( more) Who are Foundation Alumni?

5 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 Alumni Basics n Former Rotary Volunteers who have received a grant from the Foundation n Former Discovery Grant recipients n Former Individual Grant recipients Who are Foundation Alumni?

6 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 Alumni Basics  Alumni are part of the Rotary Family  Alumni are powerful advocates for Foundation Programs  Alumni are Potential Donors  Alumni are Potential Members Why are our Alumni important?

7 89,480 Total (as of 2004)  34,840 are former Ambassadorial Scholars  50,000 are former GSE members  14,580 (or 16% of the total) are Rotarians How many Foundation Alumni are there? Alumni Basics

8 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 Alumni Basics  Alumni receive ReConnections, annual newsletter  Alumni are served by Foundation Alumni Resource Group Members  Alumni are served by District Foundation Alumni Subcommittee chairpersons Click to go to Reconnections on the web

9 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 Alumni Basics Alumni Global Service to Humanity Award test Test your Alumni Basics IQ Zone competitions choose regional alumni award winners (honored at each zone institute) Zone winners are the pool for the Global winner Global Service to Humanity Award winner honored at Alumni reunion during the RI Convention

10 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 Alumni Basics TEST Which of the following are not considered Foundation Alumni Former University Teachers Former GSE Team Leaders Former Ambassadorial Scholars Former Youth Exchange participants (Click the correct button) 1

11 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 Alumni Basics TEST Why are Foundation Alumni important? (Click the correct button) All of the above Potential new members of Rotary Potential donors to The Rotary Foundation Powerful advocates for Foundation programs 2

12 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 Alumni Basics TEST Who receives the Global Alumni Service to Humanity Award? (Click the correct button) Winner of the Zone 22/23 Institute award Winner chosen by the Trustees from among the zone institute winners Former Trustees of The Rotary Foundation A prominent Foundation Alumni Resource Group Member 3

13 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 Alumni relations 1 next That’s correct! Now click here for the next question. The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005

14 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 Alumni Relations 2 That’s correct! Now click here for the next question. The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 next

15 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 Alumni Relations 3 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 That’s correct! Now click here to continue with the course.

16 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 Rotarian Actions What Rotarians can do to further Alumni Relations Resources on the Web

17 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 Rotarian Actions Who  Every district should have an Alumni Subcommittee chairperson  Foundation Alumni Resource Group members  Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinators  The Alumni Relations Section at The Rotary Foundation

18 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 Rotarian Actions Actions districts and clubs can take n Encourage the formation of Alumni Associations n Invite alumni to serve on Selection committees n Ask Alumni to help with Orientation seminars n Ask Alumni to work on service projects n Ask Alumni to speak at club & district events

19 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 Rotarian Actions The key is to keep Alumni involved in Rotary All too often, alumni return home from their service abroad and are ignored by their sponsor Rotarians!

20 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 Rotarian Actions  Build Alumni into your plans  Request alumni lists from the alumni section at The Rotary Foundation  Help locate “lost” alumni Test your Rotarian Actions IQ test Actions districts and clubs can take

21 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 Rotarian Actions TEST Who are appointed to help with alumni relations: RI Board of Directors Club presidents Foundation Alumni Resource Group members PolioPlus Advocacy Task Force (Click the correct button) 1

22 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 Rotarian Actions TEST Rotarians can help keep alumni involved by asking them to Serve on selection committees Help with club and district service projects Speak at club and district events All of the above (Click the correct button) 2

23 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 Rotarian Actions TEST Which of the following are not a resource for alumni relations: District Alumni Subcommittee chairs Alumni section at TRF (Click the correct button) Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinators 3 Constitution and Bylaws committee

24 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 Sorry, Wrong Answer back

25 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 1 That’s correct! Now click here for the next question. The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 next

26 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 2 That’s correct! Now click here for the next question. The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 next

27 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 3 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 next Great, that’s correct! Now click here

28 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 Finished? Have you completed both tests? yesno exit

29 The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International eLearning 2005 CONGRATULATIONS! You have completed the Alumni Relations Exams Please send an email to to verify completion. In the subject line write: “I passed Alumni 101” startexit

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