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Status of program book. Where is Iskandar? In Pahang on the 2 nd year students econ geology field trip Will be back Friday night, plan to work on the.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of program book. Where is Iskandar? In Pahang on the 2 nd year students econ geology field trip Will be back Friday night, plan to work on the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of program book

2 Where is Iskandar? In Pahang on the 2 nd year students econ geology field trip Will be back Friday night, plan to work on the book over next weekend and Monday. To printer on Tuesday.

3 Status of CD-ROM It is complete. Autorun works. Just need artwork from EAGE Will submit to CD manufacturer on Monday 9 th April View CD Menu:

4 Status of book: Layout work 90% complete Ads mostly not received –Ads received: CGG Veritas full page ad - rcvd 3-1.pdf DIALOG full page ad - rcvd 3-22.pdf Exxon-Mobil full page ad - rcvd 3-30.pdf GeoKnowledge half page ad - rcvd 3-29.pdf GETECH full page ad - rcvd 3-27 not full bleed.pdf JGI full page ad no bleed print with white borders - rcvd 3-30.pdf JX Nippon Oil full page ad - rcvd 3-14 CMYK converted.pdf Lundin full page ad - rcvd 3-12.pdf Murphy full page ad - rcvd 2-28.pdf Paradigm full page ad - rcvd 3-2.pdf PGS full page ad - rcvd 3-29.pdf Roxar full page - rcvd 2-27.pdf Shell full page ad - rcvd 3-12.pdf Weatherford full page ad - rcvd 3-30.pdf EMGS half page ad - rcvd 3-15.pdf GeoKnowledge half page ad - rcvd 3-29.pdf GeoTrace half page ad - rcvd 3-21.pdf RPS half page ad - rcvd 3-30.pdf Need logo from SFE Oilfield Resources (M) Sdn Bhd (only one missing)

5 Stuff I really need PETRONAS ad still missing Photo of OC – and can someone write a caption? (Front row, L to R: blah blah, blah blah, blah blah..)

6 Some stuff that would be nice to get: 1.Short blurb on the exhibition (Ruth) 2.The original “priviledges table” (from Registration?) – the one I got from the website is low res, won’t print nice. See next slide. 3.A short writeup about the student program (Shirley?) 4.A short writeup about the panel discussion

7 Participation Fieldtrip Admission Technical Session Admission Exhibition Door Gift Student Programme Opening / Closing Ceremony Admission Short Courses Coffee / Tea Break Happy Hour Reception Lunch Programme Book Admission Golf Admission Gala Dinner Pass Type Full Delegates (Registered for Conference & Exhibition) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ Barcode Plastic Students Delegates (Registered for Conference & Exhibition) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ Barcode Plastic VVIP / VIP (Complimentary Pass) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ Barcode Plastic Sponsors (Complimentary Pass) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ Barcode Plastic Exhibitors (Complimentary Pass) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ Barcode Plastic Exhibitor Supports (Complimentary Pass) ✓✓✓✓ Paper card without Barcode Additional Exhibitor Supports (Registered for Exhibition – RM 300) ✓✓✓✓ Paper card without Barcode Authors / Speakers (Registered for Conference & Exhibition) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ Barcode Plastic Session Chairman (Registered for Conference & Exhibition) ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ Barcode Plastic Visitor (Complimentary Pass on 2 nd Day only) ✓✓ Paper card without Barcode Golf Participants ✓ Gala Dinner Participants ✓ Fieldtrip participants ✓ Short Course Participants ✓

8 Ad placements –No concrete plan as yet, the idea is to put the full page ads in the back of the book with a few exceptions which I will use to adjust odd/even pages. –PETRONAS ad (if we get it) – inside front cover. –ExxonMobil ad – back cover. –Inside back cover, facing inside back cover – the two Gold sponsors. –Half page ads have already been placed.

9 Stuff I plan to do Redo color scheme of main schedule table (page 2). To be honest, it doesn’t really look that bad now, might leave it alone.

10 Stuff I would like people to do PLEASE HAVE A LOOK, spot typos, etc.

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