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MY FAMILY AND MY COUNTRY LEARNING INTENTION (L.I): To begin a family tree for my family and to identify key features of the NZ flag. STARTER: Discuss with.

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Presentation on theme: "MY FAMILY AND MY COUNTRY LEARNING INTENTION (L.I): To begin a family tree for my family and to identify key features of the NZ flag. STARTER: Discuss with."— Presentation transcript:

1 MY FAMILY AND MY COUNTRY LEARNING INTENTION (L.I): To begin a family tree for my family and to identify key features of the NZ flag. STARTER: Discuss with a partner – What is a family tree? Why are they useful/important?


3 YOUR FAMILY TREE Begin a draft of your family tree on the sheet provided. Write full names and if possible dates of birth. For women write their unmarried (maiden) name, if you can find out what it was. If you have stepmothers/stepfathers just add them on to the side.

4 THE NEW ZEALAND FLAG New Zealand’s flag has a ______ background. The cross in the top- left corner is a _____ ____. This is here because New Zealand used to be a colony of ____ ____. The four stars on the right form the four stars of the ________ _______, a constellation in the skies of the Southern hemisphere. The current flag was made the official flag of New Zealand in ______, replacing the Union Jack. WORD BOX: Union Jack Southern Cross blue 1902 stars Great Britain


6 WHERE ELSE ARE WE FROM? 1.Draw a flag of another country that you identify with (about a quarter of a page in size). 2.Around the flag write words to explain why you identify with this flag e.g home of my parents, sports team, food (If your culture is 100% New Zealand, instead of drawing the flag of another country, create a new flag for New Zealand, to represent our country now! )

7 HOMEWORK Complete your family tree to include your parents, your grandparents, and if possible your great grandparents! Include NAMES and DATES OF BIRTH if possible. (For women include their maiden (unmarried name) – if you can find out what it was). DUE NEXT TUESDAY

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