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A brilliant mind with a body that cannot move By Bryn Parry-Jones.

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2 A brilliant mind with a body that cannot move By Bryn Parry-Jones

3  Where and when was he born?

4  Dr Frank Hawking  Isobel Hawking  Philippa and Mary Hawking  Adopted Edward

5  St Albans School for Girls  St Albans High School  Oxford University  Cambridge University  Professor of Mathematics

6  Cosmologist  Professor of Physics  Author  Academic  Children

7  He has written 13 books.  11 of these are academic books not focused towards children  His most famous book is – A Brief History of Time  It sold 9 million copies world wide  His 2 Children’s books are:  George’s Secret Key to the universe  George’s Cosmic Treasure Hunt

8  1975 Eddington Medal  1976 Hughes Medal of the Royal Society  1979 Albert Einstein Medal  1981 Franklin Medal  1982 Order of the British Empire (Commander)  1985 Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society  1986 Member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences  1988 Wolf Prize in Physics  1989 Prince of Asturias Awards in Concord  1989 Companion of Honour  1999 Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize of the American Physical Society  2003 Michelson Morley Award of Case Western Reserve University  2006 Copley Medal of the Royal Society  2008 Fonseca Price of the University of Santiago de Compostela  2009 Presidential Medal of Freedom the highest civilian honour in the United States


10  Motor Neuron disease

11 Click on Image to play short video on YouTube – requires internet access

12  George meets his next door neighbour Eric who’s a scientist and has an amazing computer called COSMOS that can draw windows into space!  George gets caught up in the adventures with Eric. Eric gets sucked into a black hole, George rides a comet and George learns a lot about the universe and stops a bad scientist from steeling COSMOS just in enough time to make it to his presentation at school which is titled “My secret key to the universe!

13  Any questions?

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