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Published byKerrie King Modified over 9 years ago
Gzim Ocakoglu European Commission - DG Enterprise Ankara, 25 September 2003 IDA Secure Communications Platforms : TESTA and PKI Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 2 Outline TESTA at a glanceTESTA at a glance Sectoral projects using TESTASectoral projects using TESTA What is TESTA? … How to connect ?What is TESTA? … How to connect ? TESTA todayTESTA today The PKI serviceThe PKI service The future of TESTAThe future of TESTA
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 3 TESTA at a glance Vocabulary... Sectoral applications
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 4 TESTA at a glance Benefits, Contractors, budget Secured telecommunications services with warranted Service Level Agreements (SLA)Secured telecommunications services with warranted Service Level Agreements (SLA) Network service and generic services delivered by EquantNetwork service and generic services delivered by Equant Support services (advice, help desk) provided by UnisysSupport services (advice, help desk) provided by Unisys Duration of the contract until 2004Duration of the contract until 2004 Global potential value: € 28,5 million EuroGlobal potential value: € 28,5 million Euro
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 5 New users coming soon ….. - Justice and Home Affairs (VISA,SIS II) - Environmental protection (PROCIV NET) - Energy and Transport (SafeseaNet, TachoNet) -... Employment and Social AffairsEmployment and Social Affairs –EURES –TESS AgricultureAgriculture –CATS/STATEL TransportTransport –Care II FisheriesFisheries –Fides Regional PolicyRegional Policy –Structural funds (SFC) Health and consumer protectionHealth and consumer protection –Eudra projects –Euphin Justice and Home AffairsJustice and Home Affairs –EURODAC TradeTrade –SIGL StatisticsStatistics –Datashop –Statel Financial IntelligenceFinancial Intelligence –FIUNET Humanitarian aidHumanitarian aid –HOLIS (14 points) General applicationsGeneral applications –IntraComm –Circa Sectoral Projects using TESTA
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 6 What is TESTA ?... How to connect ?
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 7 TESTA principles Trans European Services for Telematics between Administrations IP protocol on MPLSIP protocol on MPLS Separation from the InternetSeparation from the Internet Registered but non-Internet routable address rangeRegistered but non-Internet routable address range Private domain-names ( domain-names (
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 8 EuroDomain EuroGate EU Agencies National Network EU Institutions Direct connected sectors External Dial-up services TESTA: a domain- based approach
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 9 EuroDomain EuroGate National Network National agency Direct connected sectors TESTA : a domain- based approach
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 1010 EuroDomain EuroGate EU Agencies National Network EU Institutions PKI NTP DNS Mail relay PortalCirca External Dial-up services Direct connected sectors Generic services
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 20031 Architecture : 62.62 addressing & NAT EuroDomain EuroGate EU Agencies Finland Commission 62.62.x.x - Spain - - -
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 1212 Spain A A A A A A A MX TESTA architecture :DNS
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 1313 Architecture : DNS how it works Local domain A Client LDA ServerServer DNS Internet ServerServer ServerServer ServerServer DNS EuroDomain EuroGate DNS ServerServer EU
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 1414 Architecture : DNS how it works Local domain A Client LDA ServerServer Local DNS Slave of DNS Internet ServerServer ServerServer ServerServer DNS EuroDomain EuroGate DNS ServerServer EU
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 1515 Belgium Belgium Denmark Denmark Germany Germany Greece Greece Spain Spain Ireland Ireland United Kingdom United Kingdom Italy Italy Luxembourg Luxembourg Netherlands Netherlands Austria Austria Portugal Portugal Finland Finland France : in the process France : in the process Sweden : in the process Sweden : in the process Iceland Iceland Norway Norway Connected Countries +
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 1616 Connected Acceding Countries Czech Republic - 05 06 2003 Estonia - 30 06 2003 Malta 25 08 2003 Poland 27 06 2003 Slovenia 24 04 2003 Cyprus to be connected end of Sept 2003 Slovakia : in the process Hungary : in the process
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 1717 Council of the European Union Council of the European Union European Parliament European Parliament European Commission European Commission Court of auditors Court of auditors Court of Justice Court of Justice European Economic and Social Committee European Economic and Social Committee Committee of the regions Committee of the regions Expected : European Investment Bank European Investment Bank Connected EU institutions
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 1818 Connected EU agencies CEDEFOPEuropean Centre for the Development of Vocational Training CEDEFOPEuropean Centre for the Development of Vocational Training EUROFOUNDEuropean Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions EUROFOUNDEuropean Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions EEAEuropean Environment Agency EEAEuropean Environment Agency ETFEuropean Training Foundation ETFEuropean Training Foundation EMCDDAEuropean Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction EMCDDAEuropean Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction EMEAEuropean Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products EMEAEuropean Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products OHIMOffice for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) OHIMOffice for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) EU-OSHAEuropean Agency for Safety and Health at Work EU-OSHAEuropean Agency for Safety and Health at Work CPVOCommunity Plant Variety Office CPVOCommunity Plant Variety Office CdTTranslation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union CdTTranslation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union EUMCEuropean Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia EUMCEuropean Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia EAREuropean Agency for Reconstruction EAREuropean Agency for Reconstruction EUROJUST EUROJUST
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 1919 Local domain AEuro-Domain PE Initial Architecture Site install CE
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 2020 Local domain AEuro-Domain PE Architecture Site install Phase 1 CE IPSEC TUNNEL NAT EC20M CE
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 2121 Local domain AEuro-Domain PE Architecture Site install Phase 2 CE IPSEC TUNNEL NAT EC20M CE EC20M
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 20032 Local domain AEuro-Domain EC20M IPSEC TUNNEL Back-Up NAT Current Architectur e Site install
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 2323 Site location Concentration point for national agenciesConcentration point for national agencies Security (physical protection, site security officer)Security (physical protection, site security officer) SLA (availability, helpdesk)SLA (availability, helpdesk) In function of projects of immediate interestIn function of projects of immediate interest –Sectoral projects –...
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 2424 Cost sharing All costs covered by IDA forAll costs covered by IDA for –National administrative networks –EU institutions and EU agencies Cost sharing forCost sharing for –Direct to TESTA connected local administrations Back-bone costs are covered by IDABack-bone costs are covered by IDA Local loop costs not covered by IDA (Leased line, router, monitoring, installation)Local loop costs not covered by IDA (Leased line, router, monitoring, installation)
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 2525 Request connection Request contacts Request installationSend technical questionnaire + start installation Send contact info Site info Send technical data ( Unisys assist) Site configuration + test Request acceptance Invoice Acceptance Payment TESTA how to connect
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 2626 Request connection Request for possible integration national network + request price connection YES Inform sector + assistance NO Order direct link Price Offer Inform sector Sectoral request for direct TESTA link
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 2727 TESTA today
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 2828 Activities on Network : Extension Connect national networks in all Member StatesConnect national networks in all Member States –France –Sweden Connect Acceding and Candidate CountriesConnect Acceding and Candidate Countries Integrate new usersIntegrate new users Environmental protection (PROCIV NET) Energy and Transport (SafeseaNet, TachoNet)
Activities on Security: Enhancements On the EurodomainOn the Eurodomain – Add line-encryption – Prepare for TESTA security accreditation For the border to local domainsFor the border to local domains – Formulation of general security framework – Prepare for accreditation of the TESTA LDCPs (Local Domain Connection Points) Bulgaria Info-Day PM Session, April 15, 2003
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 3030 Activities on Quality: Enhancements On TESTA services and TESTA environmentOn TESTA services and TESTA environment –Enhance resiliency of generic services –Portal and newsletter –Workbook and applications guidelines With end to end approach With end to end approach –Promote SLAs in local domains through TESTA MoU
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 3131 Primary Site: Managed Resilient FirewallManaged Resilient Firewall Managed SMTP Messaging ServiceManaged SMTP Messaging Service Managed Intranet DNSManaged Intranet DNS 99.9% Monthly Service Availability (99.5% on mailbox hosting)99.9% Monthly Service Availability (99.5% on mailbox hosting) Secondary Site: Managed FirewallManaged Firewall Managed SMTP Messaging ServiceManaged SMTP Messaging Service Managed Intranet DNSManaged Intranet DNS 99.8% Monthly Service Availability (99.5% on mailbox hosting)99.8% Monthly Service Availability (99.5% on mailbox hosting) Management and Support: 365x7x24 Planning was impacted by the findings of the Security Assessment and the Encryption requirements. Implementation is planned during the course of the 2 nd Quarter 2003. Resiliency Component
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 3232 Resiliency
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 20033
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 3434 The PKI Service
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 3535 The IDA PKI project Objectives of the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)Objectives of the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) –ready to use by all networks of the IDA programme –adaptable or extensible to the specific requirements of some networks –enable the members of a user community to access other IDA networks with the same certificate (subject to access rights control) Set-up steps for each user communitySet-up steps for each user community –requirements analysis –definition of organisation and services –service set-up –routine management of the infrastructure
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 3636 Where can networks use the IDA PKI ? Web-based applications:Web-based applications: –protection of web-based information repositories and client/server communications Secure messaging:Secure messaging: –secure e-mail –electronic signatures –authentication –integrity –confidentiality Message Encryption Secret (session) key Encrypted message
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 3737 TESTA the future
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 3838 TESTA post 2004 - Objective To define what TESTA will become after 2004 as an “IDA communication platform”To define what TESTA will become after 2004 as an “IDA communication platform” To define the needs of communication at the European levelTo define the needs of communication at the European level –the growing need for the exchange of information between European administrations –the growing need of a secure and resilient platform
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 3939 TESTA post 2004 Working method TESTA Steering CommitteeTESTA Steering Committee –Participants : IDA, EC DI, Major Sectors (DG JAI, DG TAXUD), the Council, … TESTA Expert Group MeetingsTESTA Expert Group Meetings –The group will meet 2 or 3 times and will give regular feedback to the TAC WHAM and the TAC previous meetings held on 10/12/2002, 09/09/2003previous meetings held on 10/12/2002, 09/09/2003 next meeting foreseen on 01/10/2003next meeting foreseen on 01/10/2003 An Info-Day with private sector in 4Q2003An Info-Day with private sector in 4Q2003
Turkey IDA Info-Day PM Session, September 25, 2003 4040 Further information TESTA web siteTESTA web site – (via TESTA access) IDA web siteIDA web site – TESTA CIRCA interest groupTESTA CIRCA interest group – (restricted access) IDA project managementIDA project management –European Commission, DG Enterprise D.2 –
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