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© 2011 IBM Corporation SmartCamp – 6 Min Pitch March 2011.

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1 © 2011 IBM Corporation SmartCamp – 6 Min Pitch March 2011

2 © 2011 IBM Corporation We have set ourselves the challenge of changing the way the world works Smart traffic systems Smart water management Smart energy grids Smart healthcare Smart food systems Smart regions Smart supply chains Smart cities

3 © 2011 IBM Corporation 3 Ecosystems are built around entrepreneurs Think big, think different Steve Jobs Jeff BezosHenry Ford Thomas Watson Music\Media CommerceTransport Information Tech

4 © 2011 IBM Corporation 4 Smart is about organizations becoming instrumented, interconnected and intelligent (3i’s) Solutions should demonstrate how the apply the 3i’s We are looking for innovative business models ++=

5 © 2011 IBM Corporation 5 Ireland – Analytics platform for Forestry Industry (UK\Australia) Stockholm – Online water protection analysis (China\India) Boston – Anti counterfeit for medicines (Nigeria) Tel Aviv - Smart grid for the enterprise (Global) UK – ‘Fingers of the internet’ (Spain\US) Silicon Valley – Smart parking (US) Silicon Valley - Connected healthcare (US) Paris – Scientific image sharing platform (France\CH\UK) Copenhagen – Monitoring platform for tanks and silos (EU) Examples: SmartCamp Companies 2010

6 © 2011 IBM Corporation More information We are looking for entrepreneurs with global ambitions who are helping to build a Smarter Planet – early stage companies who are potential candidates for top tier venture funding. The following useful background and context information!/smarterplanet

7 © 2011 IBM Corporation 6 Min Video Pitch Presentation As part of the selection process we require a short 6 min video presentation The presentation needs to cover the following areas: 1.Elevator pitch 2.The problem 3.The customer 4.The solution 5.Business model Be sure to focus on how this aligns with the Smarter Planet vision. Be sure to focus on progress you have made to date (what you have achieved). You should spend no more than 1 min on each of the topics above. Ideally aim to video record both yourself and the presentation (or just yourself if not using slides). The video should be uploaded to a site like Youtube or Vimeo.

8 © 2011 IBM Corporation 6 Min Video Pitch Presentation 1.Elevator pitch Short, Simple, Memorable: “What, How, Why.” “We’re X for Y” is ok if 1) it’s true 2) X & Y are well-known Max 3 key words / phrases, 2 sentences. “SlideShare is the world’s largest community for sharing presentations. “ is the free, easy way to manage your money online.” 2.The problem What is The Problem? Make it Obvious. 3.The customer Who has it? How Many? How do you know? Stats, examples, research, links. 4.The solution Describe why your Solution makes customers very happy Does it better, different than anyone else 5.Business model Describe Top 1-3 Revenue Sources Prioritize by Size, Growth, and/or Potential Cite current market activity / customer behavior as proof

9 © 2011 IBM Corporation 9 6 Min Video Pitch Presentation Smile. It’s ok to have fun when you pitch As our friend Nic Brisbourne ( says ‘ Pitch me like I’m your best friend’  Give it straight  Keep it interesting  Deliver it like a conversation rather than like a firehose  Try to inject some humour  Focus on the areas that your friend wants to hear about

10 © 2011 IBM Corporation 10 Examples: SmartCamp Mentors 2010

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