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Planning Education to Planning Practice Workshop RTPI Planning Education Policy Sue Percy RTPI Director:- Membership, Education and Lifelong Learning 15.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning Education to Planning Practice Workshop RTPI Planning Education Policy Sue Percy RTPI Director:- Membership, Education and Lifelong Learning 15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning Education to Planning Practice Workshop RTPI Planning Education Policy Sue Percy RTPI Director:- Membership, Education and Lifelong Learning 15 th January 2008

2 Context  The RTPI’s New Vision for Planning making of place and mediation of space  Spatial Planning  The essential idea of:- critical thinking about space and place as the basis for action or intervention  Need to reflect this in the education of professional planners

3 Education Commission 2003  Increase the supply of an effective cadre of planners & technical support  Recognise the growing global & international context for planning & the internationalisation of education  Create & foster an educational continuum – an escalator  Support & enhance the value of planning courses  Promote inclusivity, opportunity and flexibility

4 Education Commission 2003  Support the development of skills, knowledge and competencies of practitioners throughout their working lives  Three phases:-  Initial Planning Education  APC  Lifelong Learning

5 Initial Planning Education  The First Phase  Basis of planning education  An understanding of spatial planning (breath)  Understanding of an area of specialism (depth)  Delivered through  Combined courses  Spatial and specialist courses  Undergraduate entry and postgraduate entry  Including intensive 12 month, 180 credit pg courses  Bursaries from CLG  Uplift in recruitment and calibre for Master Degrees

6 From inputs to outcomes  Shift from specifying input requirements  To outputs of planning education based on competencies  Courses assessed against Learning Outcomes  The ‘Why’ not just the ‘How’ questions  Accredited courses should develop knowledge and understanding of e.g.:-  Legal & institutional frameworks; decision making; making recommendations; demonstration of effective research & appraisal skills; acquisition of generic & discipline skills; appreciation of design; understanding of social, economic and environmental contexts; ethics & values ….

7 Planning Schools  RTPI accredits 26 planning schools  111 accredited courses  3390 students

8 A Partnership Approach to Accreditation  A new approach to accreditation – Partnership Boards  A partnership between RTPI, Planning Schools and professional practice  Have both scrutiny and developmental functions  Meet once a year minimum  Accreditation for new schools and schools progressing towards PBs

9 Assessment of Professional Competence & Licentiate Membership  Second phase of planning education –graduates of accredited courses  1337 Licentiates  More structured, supportive route  More rigorous test of competence  Reflective assessment of own practice  Use of detailed log book to record professional experience  Professional Development Plan  Access to a mentor  Detailed written report

10 Lifelong Learning  The third phase  Continual enhancement of skills, knowledge and competencies through a planners professional life  But also it is about attitude, commitment and reflection  A driver for change for the benefit of the individual, organisation and society  Needs commitment from not only the individual but also their employer

11 Learning Partnerships  Aimed at employers of Planners including interdisciplinary practices  Benchmarking & promoting best practice in training & development  Communicates high standards of professionalism to clients, stakeholders and the public  Benefit employees by assisting with training, development & CPD  Benefit employers by promoting excellent practice, benefiting recruitment & retention  But we need employers to engage

12 Future Work & RTPI Commitment  We are committed to up-skilling the planning profession and positioning planning as the key developmental profession  Having an education model that supports this aim  Review of all three phases of planning education  Key question - Is Planning Education Fit for Purpose?

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