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Welcome to Kindergarten! Pleasant Valley School. Meet Our Team Ms. Colleen All Day Ms. Rosini All Day Mr. Mott All Day.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Kindergarten! Pleasant Valley School. Meet Our Team Ms. Colleen All Day Ms. Rosini All Day Mr. Mott All Day."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Kindergarten! Pleasant Valley School

2 Meet Our Team Ms. Colleen All Day Ms. Rosini All Day Mr. Mott All Day

3 Other Teammates! Mrs. Miner School Principal Mrs. Post Vice Principal Ms. Messina School Secretary Ms. Gayle School Nurse

4 What do I need for school? Backpack Lunch box (for snacks, drinks, and lunch) Healthy snack and drink Milk and or Lunch money (optional) –Milk / Lunch Money - Please pay Friday for the following week. Please put money in a sealed envelope with your child’s name, your child’s teacher’s name, and the amount enclosed. Thank you! Blanket (for all day only) Change of clothes ** Label everything with your child’s name.**

5 What will I learn in Kindergarten? ABC’s and 1,2,3s Rhyming, letter sounds, sight words, reading books… Counting to 30, patterns, measuring, shapes, money, time, graphing… Weather, animals, plants…. Holidays, special people…

6 What does the day look like? Communication Folder Morning Work Morning Meeting Read Aloud Bathroom / Snack Break Literacy Activities - Guided Reading, projects, lessons, journal writing… Lunch / Recess / Nap Math Activities Specials - Art, Music, Gym, Library, (Health)

7 What can I do at home? Read, read, read! Go places, talk about what you see! Visit your local library regularly Play and make art work - cut, color, glue, play with play dough Practice writing your name Practice reading and writing letters and numbers Practice letter ID, sounds, sight words Practice rhyming words Eat healthy and get a good night’s sleep!

8 When do I need to be at school for All Day K? Students line up on the K-1 playground between 8:40 and 8:50am. School starts at 8:55am. Dismissal begins at 3:25pm. –3:25 – Parent Pick-ups from Gym. –3:30 – Bus students and Walkers are dismissed.

9 Where can I go for more information? Weather: Channel 19 or check the “i” online Groton’s District Website: Pleasant Valley Website PV Kindergarten Team Website:

10 Is there anything else? Please have ID ready if you or a family member is to pick up your child. Please call the office or send in a note if… –Your child is out sick or has an appointment. –Any change in a child’s pick-up routine. –Any change in contact information (phone or email).


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