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Lingua Inglese II magistrale LM-38 a.a 2013-14 Prof. V. Pulcini Dott. Luisa Bozzo.

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1 Lingua Inglese II magistrale LM-38 a.a 2013-14 Prof. V. Pulcini Dott. Luisa Bozzo

2 Title: The vocabulary of business and tourism through dictionaries and corpora This course offers an overview of English dictionaries, with special reference to monolingual learners dictionaries and their development within the English lexicographic production up to the present. It illustrates the theoretical and pedagogical problems related to learners dictionaries, such as controlled vocabulary, verb patterns and phraseology, focussing the attention on the major dictionaries available online today and on the changes in the macro- and microstructure introduced in the most recent editions, up to the release of electronic dictionaries. The course also deals with linguistic research in the areas of lexis (collocations and idioms) and grammar, supported by new technology from the 1970s and research resources (corpora).

3 programme (continued) The analysis of English lexis will focus especially on terminology, collocations, phraseology and syntactic patterns specific to business, tourism and international communication. During lessons, which will be held in the language laboratory, students will carry out group and individual research on the lexicon of their own subject fields. The course will also include an online Workshop using the e-learning platform of the Department for students attending lessons. See the tutors personal website:

4 propedeuticità Gli studenti devono possedere una buona competenza nell'uso dell'inglese orale e scritto (livello C1 secondo il Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento per le lingue straniere). Devono anche conoscere i fondamenti della linguistica inglese, in particolare la fraseologia e la sintassi, e avere abilità informatiche di base per la navigazione in Internet, la consultazione di dizionari on- line e di corpora. Per sostenere questo esame gli studenti devono aver superato l'esame di Lingua inglese del primo anno (comprensivo della prova propedeutica) e la prova propedeutica del secondo anno.

5 the exam The final examination will be oral and will include a discussion of the final paper and questions on the set readings. The final paper must address one of the topics discussed in the course, i.e. lexis (phraseology, collocations), grammar (verb pattern, phrasal verbs), carrying out a comparison of the lexicographic sources and corpora examined in the course. Detailed guidelines for the writing of the final paper will be given in the course slides and in the course materials, available at the end of the course. The final evaluation will be combined with the assessment obtained for the practical language lessons of the second year (oral report and presentation skills). ERASMUS students should personally see the tutor at the beginning of the course.

6 the exam + Online Workshop Per gli studenti che partecipano all Online Workshop l'esame orale, in inglese, verte sui contenuti delle letture scelte e su una relazione finale che illustri le attività svolte (Tasks) nei moduli del Workshop. La relazione sostituisce il saggio di ricerca individuale per gli studenti che abbiamo partecipato allOnline Workshop con regolarità. La valutazione finale dellesame integrerà il risultato della prova propedeutica del secondo anno (Oral report and presentation skills).

7 set readings AVAILABLE AT COPINFORM (opposite Palazzo Nuovo) Halliday, M.A.K., Teubert W., Yallop C. and Čermáková, Lexicology and Corpus Linguistics. An Introduction, 2004, Continuum chapter 1 pp.1-22 Lexicology; chapter 2, pp.24-45 Words and meaning, Etymology, Prescription, A social view of language and meaning; chapter 3, pp.107-112 A brief history of corpus linguistics; chapter 4, pp.114-165 Directions in Corpus Linguistics. Cowie, A. P., English Dictionaries for Foreign Learners, Oxford University Press, 2002 (Introduction, chapters 1 and 5). Sinclair, J. The Search for Units of Meaning, in Textus, IX, 1996, 75–106. Walker, C. How a corpus-based study of the factors which influence collocation can help in teaching business English. English for Specific Purposes, 30 (2011), 101-112. Gotti, M.. The language of tourism as specialized discourse. In O. Palusci and S. Francesconi (eds.), Translating tourism. Linguistic/cultural representations. Trento: Editrice Università degli Studi di Trento. 2006.15-34

8 Caimotto, M.C., Molino, A. Anglicisms in Italian as alerts to greenwashing: a case study, CADAAD, Volume 5/1, 2011 Pulcini, V. Register variation in tourism terminology. In R. Facchinetti (ed.) English Studies between Lexicology and Culture, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, 53-75 From Textus. English Studies in Italy: Salvi, R. Intercultural Issues in Virtual Professional Settings, 13-28 Facchinetti, R. The Interactivity of Corporate Websites: A Comparative Study, 45-55. Gatti, M. C. The Construction of Company Identity through Memory. Specialised Metaphorical Meanings for Pastness on Italian Business Web Pages, pp. 69-79. Crawford Camiciottoli, B. Crafting Brand Identity in the Fashion Industry: A Linguistic Analysis of Web-based Company Communication, 81-90. Molino, A. New Targets for More Sustainable Companies: A corpus-driven Study of the Adidas, Ikea and Vodafone Sustainability Reports, 103-113. Caimotto, M.C. The Unsustainable Anglicisation of Sustainability Discourse in Italian Green Companies, 115-126.

9 English Historical Dictionaries Samuel Johnson Dictionary of the English Language 1755 OED= The Oxford English Dictionary (1st ed. 1928, 2nd ed.1989) (accessible only from University premises) Merriam-Webster = Webster's Third New International (1° ed. 1828, latest edition 1961)

10 English learners dictionaries Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (1st ed. 1948, 8th ed. 2010) Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (1st ed. 1978, 6th ed. 2014) COBUILD= Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary (1st ed. 1987, latest ed. 2006)

11 Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary (1st ed. 2003, 3rd 2008) english/ MEDAL= Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners (1st ed. 2002, 2nd ed. 2007)

12 English language corpora The British National Corpus 117m. Words The COBUILD Collins-Birmingham University International Language Database Bank of English 320m. words

13 Try and look up some old and new words in dictionaries and corpora hashtag globalization / globalisation homophobia infinity pool flash mob spam social network

14 Oxford 3000 Look at the Oxford 3000 list, consider the first 30 words and select the 10 most important ones, in your opinion, for basic communication.

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