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G ame P rogramming L anguages Jesse Forrest COP4020 10.14.05.

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Presentation on theme: "G ame P rogramming L anguages Jesse Forrest COP4020 10.14.05."— Presentation transcript:

1 G ame P rogramming L anguages Jesse Forrest COP4020 10.14.05

2 Topics Covered Evolution of Programming Languages How each level of programming languages affected game production. Future of programming languages in respect to game programmers.

3 Game Evolution Digital Circuits How did digital circuits affect programming languages? How was this an improvement from analog electronic development?

4 Game Evolution Digital Circuits

5 Game Evolution Assembly Language The birth of early game consoles Is Assembly a high-level or low-level language? What was the problem that game programmers ran into when using Assembly?

6 Game Evolution Assembly Language Pitfall - written in Assembly

7 Game Evolution C Language Why was the C language created? How did C make large scale game programming possible? What were the downsides of C in regards to gaming?

8 Game Evolution C Language

9 Game Evolution C++ and Java What was the benefit of C++ and Java:  Merge functions and data into a class  Object orientation helps modeling graphic interfaces, complex systems, and objects in games.  Java went a step further and added garbage collection.

10 Game Evolution C++ and Java What was poor about C++ and Java:  Modeled complex relationships between objects poorly.  C++ was not binary platform independent.  Java failed to have high performance.

11 Game Evolution C++ and Java

12 Game Evolution Next Generation What is parametric polymorphism? Allows you to use high-level algorithms and containers (arrays, trees, sorting routines) in a very general way. C++ attempts this concept poorly with templates.

13 Game Evolution Next Generation To simplify this concept lets look at the following task: // add arrays A, B. Put result in C. int A[10], B[10], C[10]; A solution is: int i; for (i=0;i<=9;i++) C[i] = A[i] + B[i];

14 Game Evolution Next Generation Beginners (newbies) would think that because they can add integers as C=A+B, and the arrays seem compatible that they should be able to type: C=A+B;

15 Game Evolution Next Generation Any C programmer would know that this syntax is incorrect, but try explaining it to a newbie. Whenever you can replace a complex piece of code with an equivalent simpler piece of code, you’ve multiplied your productivity as a programmer. This is the basic idea of polymorphism.

16 Game Languages: Past, Present, and Future An overview of what we have discussed: click here For an overall view of the history of games due to programming languages: click here. click here

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