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Parkway UMC SAFE SANCTUARY Training. OUR SAFE SANCTUARY POLICY HELPS US PROTECT Our children and youth from harm or abuse Our employees and volunteers.

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Presentation on theme: "Parkway UMC SAFE SANCTUARY Training. OUR SAFE SANCTUARY POLICY HELPS US PROTECT Our children and youth from harm or abuse Our employees and volunteers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parkway UMC SAFE SANCTUARY Training

2 OUR SAFE SANCTUARY POLICY HELPS US PROTECT Our children and youth from harm or abuse Our employees and volunteers from suspicion or accusation


4 #1AVOID ISOLATION ALWAYS MAKE SURE YOU CAN BE Seen by another person… preferably another leader

5 #1AVOID ISOLATION BY… Maintaining an open environment in your classroom Don’t cover the windows – let everyone see what is going on in your classroom! Position yourself so others can easily see you in the room at all times/as much as possible Being visible!

6 #2AUTHORIZED PERSONS ONLY ONLY SAFE SANCTUARY- APPROVED persons may be in contact with the children

7 #2AUTHORIZED PERSONS ONLY ALL WORKERS SHOULD WEAR THEIR NAMEBADGE You can only ask someone with a name badge for help with the children

8 #2AUTHORIZED PERSONS ONLY DO NOT ALLOW PERSONS WITHOUT A NAME BADGE TO HAVE ACCESS …to the children you are supervising! Ask a Staff or Manager to escort them away from where you are with the children

9 #2AUTHORIZED PERSONS ONLY CHILDREN SHOULD WEAR THEIR NAME BADGE! You may know each child by name, but if someone has to step in and help in an emergency, they may not!

10 #2AUTHORIZED PERSONS ONLY parent must have a pick up card to check out the child person picking up does not have the card? send them back to staff/registration to resolve

11 #3POTTY BREAK you may… assist children in classroom bathrooms with top ½ of door open (protect privacy) as long as there is another leader within view of you

12 #3POTTY BREAK you may… assist children in hall bathrooms with stall door open -- protect privacy and ask another person to stand at the main door so you are not alone with the child.

13 #4 BOUNDARIES Sitting in Lap: ok for infant, toddler, pre-K child - older children should sit on leg or beside leader Touching to Comfort or Affirm: appropriate touching to hand, arm, shoulder, back, head ok in public Hugs: side-by-side is best (avoid full body contact) Kisses: Never initiate! Always be aware of how it looks To the person being contacted To onlookers Not sure? Don’t do it!

14 #4BOUNDARIES Protect every person… From verbal abuse: any act that threatens, humiliates or degrades this includes stopping a child from using hurtful words with another child. Tell them the language is offensive and must stop immediately.

15 #4BOUNDARIES Protect every person… From physical abuse: any act that endangers a person’s physical or mental health this includes stopping a child from making any physical contact with another child, including wrestling, horseplay, etc. Show child their physical space and instruct them to stay in it.

16 #4BOUNDARIES Protect every person… From sexual abuse: exploiting another person for sexual satisfaction this includes displaying suggestive visual material, making comments about one’s own or another’s body, touching another person, touching self, making any kind of sexual contact or statements.

17 #5 DISCIPLINE Gentle Reminders Redirection Time Out Involve Staff or Manager Restrain only if child is threatening to hurt themselves or someone else

18 #5 DISCIPLINE No physical discipline such as spanking!

19 #6 Tobacco Alcohol or illegal drugs Firearms or other weapons

20 #6 Fou l or offensive language Tell the child the language is inappropriate and must stop immediately

21 #6 Posts to Social Media pictures of children can only be taken with church camera [Unless leader asks you to take pictures – these must be downloaded to church file and deleted from personal camera immediately]

22 #6 Posts to Social Media do not post comments about children using their names or any identifying factors do not post anything that would cast Parkway UMC in a negative light

23 #7 EMERGENCIES Care first for the child Call 911 if warranted Notify Staff or Manager Turn other children over to another leader so you can stay with the child

24 #7 EMERGENCIES Building Evacuation: Count heads & exit nearest door Assemble in parking lot Manager will have rosters to make sure everyone is accounted for

25 #7 EMERGENCIES Building Emergency: Secure children away from your windows. Lock your door Wait for an all clear from Staff or Manager

26 # 8 R EPORTING Complete Incident Report if you had to Administer first aid Give a child emotional support Give any other assistance a parent should know about

27 Questions? See Staff or Manager

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