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Aflatoxin challenges in Eastern and Southern Africa INTRODUCTION.

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Presentation on theme: "Aflatoxin challenges in Eastern and Southern Africa INTRODUCTION."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aflatoxin challenges in Eastern and Southern Africa INTRODUCTION

2 Aflatoxins Naturally occuring mycotxins Produced by Aspergillus Flavus and AspergillusParasiticus,species of fungi Toxic to humans and animals Cause impaired immune sytems Cause death

3 Why deal with Aflatoxin Aflatoxins are present in all stages of production,processing and storage As a natural toxin,occurs primarily in cereal crops(ie maize,wheat) being the main food items for human population as well as important raw materials of animal feeds

4 Aflatoxin challenges and effects in Swaziland Food security: contaminated food(maize) is consumed by poorer households and their families. FAO – estimates that 25% of world food supply is contaminated Persistant drought increased crop susceptibilty to Aflatoxin accumulation Health effects: high-level exposure may cause instant death (without knowing cause).chronic exposure may result in,suppresionof immune system,liver cancer,and nervous disorders to both human and animals. Commiting high expenditure by government. Trade barrier-regulations have hit hard to smallholder who exchanged goods alongside borders Stringest levels imposedby exporting countries-rejection of contaminated food

5 Awareness campaign General extension workers to educate farmers and general public of dangers associated with aflatoxin poisoning On site training Through media,national radio,print media and TV messages incorporated on agricultural extension messages Schools

6 Practices and strategies to mitigate Aflatoxin contamination Preharvest:promotion of early harvesting,soil test,correct application of fertlizers Use of,or selection of appropiate seeds Involvement of seed companies when educating farmers Good control practices,pest and diseases management

7 Harvest At full maturity Use safe methods to avoid breaking kernels Rapidly dry to safe moisture Use clean equipment and material

8 Drying Use improved and recommended cribs Dry to safe moisture Protect from insects infestation

9 Storage Use recommended storage tanks(ie grain tanks,small brick silo,or stone silo all of low costs) Shelter storage facilities,for temperature and moisture levels control Eliminate insect activity by use of recommended insecticides

10 Standards and regulations Aflatoxin standard is being developed by Swaziland standards authority No regulations

11 Thank you God bless

12 Way forward Aflatoxin contamination is a food safety and food security issue Prevention is the best option by applying and implementing good agricultural practises(GAP) Prevention should involve other stakeholders e.g traders,retailers wholesalers,small millers big millers Coordination between private sector,regulatoryagencies(agriculture,health&trade)and support services,general extension Need to set up monitoring surveillance programmes gathering data to target prevention measures Regulations concerning aflatoxin should be developed

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