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QUESTION: What is the population of Tennessee?

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1 QUESTION: What is the population of Tennessee?
What is the population of Nashville? What is the population of Tennessee? Can you imagine all the people living in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Georgia living in the same city?

2 Population of Mexico City ~ 20,000,000
ANSWERS Population of Nashville ~ 600,000 Population of TN ~ 6,000,000 Population of KY ~ 4,000,000 Population of GA ~ 10,000,000 Population of Mexico City ~ 20,000,000

3 I grew up in one of the largest cities in the world and I will share some information about Mexico and Mexico City with you.

4 Where is Mexico City?

5 Mexico city is the capital of the country
Mexico city is the capital of the country. Also known as the DF (“Distrito Federal”, or Federal District), similar to USA Washington DC (DC= District of Columbia)

6  Mexico City was founded in 1325 by the Spanish conqueror Hernan Cortes…..

7 …. but the history of Mexico City starts earlier
….but the history of Mexico City starts earlier. In 1325 the Mexica settle near Lake Texcoco, later the Tepanecs and Aztecs reigned that city.

8 On a lake. Yes believe it or not Mexico City is built on a huge LAKE
On a lake? Yes believe it or not Mexico City is built on a huge LAKE!!!! Why did they build it there?

9 They believed, because their Gods had told them so, that they would see a sign - and eagle perched on a cactus eating a snake.  They saw just such a sign on an island in the middle of Lake Texcoco. This is also represented on the Mexican flag.

10 Since Mexico City was built on a lake many famous and big buildings are sinking slowly, like El Palacio de Bellas Artes.

11 Mexico City was also build close to an active volcano called Popocatepetl, that means "Smoking Mountain“.

12 Mexico has many cities with colonial architecture, like Puebla, were I moved when I was 15.

13 Have you ever heard of 5 de Mayo
Have you ever heard of 5 de Mayo? Well it is NOT the independence day of Mexico. It was only a battle during the independence war. This picture is where that battle happened in the city of Puebla.

14 Puebla is also called the City of the Angels
Puebla is also called the City of the Angels. When the enormous cathedral was build they could not figure out how to lift the heavy bells to the top of the tower.

15 The archbishop dreamed that the Angels carried the bells and the next day…….

16 …….. the bells were on the top!

17 Monterrey M I also lived in the North of Mexico.

18 Yes….we LOVE SOCCER!!!

19 What else do you want to know?

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