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Learning Targets Define parametric equations Graph curves parametrically within a given parametric interval Eliminate the parameter to obtain a rectangular.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Targets Define parametric equations Graph curves parametrically within a given parametric interval Eliminate the parameter to obtain a rectangular."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Targets Define parametric equations Graph curves parametrically within a given parametric interval Eliminate the parameter to obtain a rectangular equation

2 Using Your Graphing Calculator

3 Function Mode vs. Parametric Mode Vocabulary Parametric Equations Parameter Parameter Interval Rectangular Equation (Cartesian Equation) An equation with only x’s and y’s. …where t is called the parameter … …and t is in the parameter interval, such as 0 ≤ t ≤ 2.

4 txy -3(-3) 2 - 2 = 73(-3) = -9 -2 0 1 2 3

5 txy -3(-3) 2 - 2 = 73(-3) = -9 -2(-2) 2 - 2 = 23(-2) = -6 (-1) 2 - 2 = -13(-1) = -3 0(0) 2 - 2 = -23(0) = 0 1(1) 2 - 2 = -13(1) = 3 2(2) 2 - 2 = 23(2) = 6 3(3) 2 - 2 = 73(3) = 9

6 Using Your Graphing Calculator


8 What is a good window for this parametric curve? Parametric Interval: Domain: Range:

9 Using Your Graphing Calculator Let’s start with Tstep = 1.

10 Using Your Graphing Calculator What is a good value for Tstep? Experiment with different values. What happens when you make the value bigger? Smaller?

11 Graph the parametric equations in our example for the following parametric intervals: -3 ≤ t ≤ 1 -2 ≤ t ≤ 3 How are these different from the parametric curve we graphed earlier?

12 Learning Targets Define parametric equations Graph curves parametrically within a given parametric interval Eliminate the parameter to obtain a rectangular equation

13 Eliminating the Parameter

14 Your Turn!

15 Learning Targets Define parametric equations Graph curves parametrically within a given parametric interval Eliminate the parameter to obtain a rectangular equation

16 Homework Page 530 #’s 1 – 25 odd, 65 For the remaining time in class, we will work on #65 from the homework assignment in small groups. See page 18 in your textbook to review the equation of a circle.


18 h2-243 k33 -3

19 #65. Parametrizing Circles

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