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Natalia Rodriguez Research in Ecology. The Atlantic Sharp Nosed Shark The Mean is the average. To find the mean you add up all the numbers and divide.

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Presentation on theme: "Natalia Rodriguez Research in Ecology. The Atlantic Sharp Nosed Shark The Mean is the average. To find the mean you add up all the numbers and divide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Natalia Rodriguez Research in Ecology

2 The Atlantic Sharp Nosed Shark The Mean is the average. To find the mean you add up all the numbers and divide it by the total amount of numbers. Female sharks are much larger than males. MalesFemales 9201160 9281160 9351160 9431160 9501160 9501160 9541160 9601160 9621160 9741160 9751160 9751160

3 I Sea Turtles! Blue1125 Yellow325 Green025 Red1025 Orange1525 Very few sea turtles make it to the ocean each year. They face many dangers such as pollution, preadators (racoons, dogs, gulls…), misleading lights and poachers.

4 Bottle caps are a big problem for the ocean. Many animals eat them or make homes in them. Bottle caps are one of the most commonly found beach trash along with plastic bags. Percentage is the amount in each hundred like a fraction 10 / 100.

5 Sea Cigars Red mangroves are more important than people think. Their prop roots provide a small ecosystem that protects small fish and other marine animals from predators. Animals that live here are snowy egret, white ibis, brown pelican, cormorants, mangrove cuckoos, herons, manatees, monkeys, turtles, red-tailed hawks, sea turtles, American alligators and crocodiles, and mangrove tree crabs…

6 The Probability of Coral Survival To survive a coral needs warm water, shallow water, and rough waves. The color from the coral comes from little algae that lives inside the coral. When the algae dies due to global warming the coral kicks it out and loses its color. Wave action killed the coral the most. Trial Water TempDepth Wave ActionSurvived? 1214Y 2343N 3111N 4212N 5621N 6441N 7351N 8615N 9232N 10416Y 11361N 12161N 13132N 14363N 15414Y 16136N 17245Y 18246Y Probability is a way to measure the chances that something will occur in relation to the possible alternatives.

7 Variance

8 Standard Deviation

9 Distribution of Sea Cigars

10 TTest With Caterpillars P IF the calculated t-statistic is larger than the one from the table, the null hypothesis is rejected. IF the calculated t-statistic is less than the one from the table you fail to reject the null hypothesis. ControlTreatment 14 13 15 1315 1315 1314 15 P= 0.000545

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