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Collaboration between mathematicians and mathematics education researchers Frédéric Gourdeau Université Laval, Québec, Canada.

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Presentation on theme: "Collaboration between mathematicians and mathematics education researchers Frédéric Gourdeau Université Laval, Québec, Canada."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaboration between mathematicians and mathematics education researchers Frédéric Gourdeau Université Laval, Québec, Canada

2 Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group - Groupe canadien d’étude en didactique des mathématiques CMESG/GCEDM Formed of mathematicians and mathematics education researchers Main activity : annual meeting 38 th annual meeting in 2014 Gourdeau, BIRS 2014

3 CMESG… … is a group of mathematicians and mathematics educators who meet annually to discuss mathematics education issues at all levels of learning. The aims of the Study Group are : to advance education by organizing and coordinating national conferences and seminars to study and improve the theories of the study of mathematics or any other aspects of mathematics education in Canada at all levels; to undertake research in mathematics education and to disseminate the results of this research. Gourdeau, BIRS 2014

4 Key characteristics Evolved from an informal organization with small meetings (20 to 50 participants) to a more organized and larger (75 to 120) meeting. There is a desire to keep it from growing too big. Maintains the spirit of the founders Gourdeau, BIRS 2014

5 The spirit of CMESG Respect – We facilitate discussions in French and English – Welcome new participants – Invite younger/newer members to ask question, to report Giving a place to reflect and think – Not to present your theories, findings or papers – Rather to contribute to the discussion based on your knowledge and expertise Gourdeau, BIRS 2014

6 How? No paper presentation Most important part of the annual meetings are the working groups (WGs) – WGs meeting for three full morning – Participants choose a group and stay with it – 12 to 25 participants generally – Led by 2 or 3 people, often mathematicians with researcher in mathematics education – Often activities are proposed, then discussions Gourdeau, BIRS 2014

7 How - continued Plenary speakers One mathematician, one mathematics education researcher One man, one woman Format of plenaries – One hour – Discussion/questions: the day after – Small groups prepare the questions Gourdeau, BIRS 2014

8 How – continued Executive – At least one mathematician, one math. ed. researcher – At least one from francophone university, one from anglophone – Presidents of CMESG have been mathematicians and mathematics education researchers History of outstanding mathematics education researchers in the group. The group has an excellent reputation, and plenary speakers usually want to come. Gourdeau, BIRS 2014

9 Examples of topics for WGs : 2013 meeting MOOCs and Online Mathematics Teaching and Learning Exploring creativity: From the mathematics classroom to the mathematicians’ mind Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013: Education and Communication Multiplicative thinking in 9 to 15-year olds Mathematics Curriculum Re-Conceptualization Gourdeau, BIRS 2014

10 From 2012 Diversities in Mathematics and their Relation to Equity Numeracy: needs, affordances, and challenges Technology and Mathematics Teachers (k-16) Proof in mathematics and in schools The role of text/books in the mathematics classroom Gourdeau, BIRS 2014

11 IMPACT Network of mathematicians and mathematics education researchers who know and respect eachother Influence throughout Canada by the people – Sharing ideas, experiences, resources – Support network – Credibility Gourdeau, BIRS 2014

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