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Creative Non fiction Writer’s Market Report by Diane Saks Dr. Maryann Arini CRW 180 Creative Non Fiction October 24, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Creative Non fiction Writer’s Market Report by Diane Saks Dr. Maryann Arini CRW 180 Creative Non Fiction October 24, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creative Non fiction Writer’s Market Report by Diane Saks Dr. Maryann Arini CRW 180 Creative Non Fiction October 24, 2014

2 Literary Magazine 1966 Website: Genres Published: Creative Nonfiction Formats: Web, E-publication Submission Guidelines: Reading Period: Aug 1 to Jun 1 Reporting Time: 3 to 6 months No Charges Reading Fee: Accepts Electronic Submissions: Yes Accepts Simultaneous Submissions: Yes Accepts Unsolicited Submissions: Yes Payment: No payment Editorial Focus 1966 is a literary magazine that celebrates research- driven creative nonfiction — prose that turns information into story and facts into art. We are published with the support of Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas and its English Department. Tips From the Editor Please include a brief note with your submission that describes the research component of your essay. Please place your name on the first page of your essay and please include page numbers. Contact Information Kelly Grey Carlisle, Editor 1 Trinity Place c/o Kelly Grey Carlisle San Antonio, TX 78212

3 Literary Magazine AGNI Website: Genres Published: Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction Subgenres: Autobiography/Memoir, Cross-genre, Prose Poetry, Narrative Nonfiction, Literary Fiction Submission Guidelines: Reading Period: Sep 1 to May 31 Reporting Time: Less than 3 months Charges Reading Fee: No Accepts Electronic Submissions: Yes Accepts Simultaneous Submissions: Yes Accepts Unsolicited Submissions: Yes Number of Debut Authors per Issue: Approx. 30 authors and translators appear in each print issue. Six authors appear each month at AGNI Online. Payment: Cash Editorial Focus We see literature and the arts as part of a broad, ongoing cultural conversation that every society needs to remain vibrant and alive. We look for the honest voice, the idiosyncratic signature, experimental where necessary but not willfully so. Writing that grows from a vision, a perspective, and a passion will interest us, regardless of structure or approach. Contact Information William Pierce, Senior Editor 236 Bay State Road Boston, MA 02215

4 Literary Magazine Annalemma Magazine Website: Genres Published: Fiction, Creative Nonfiction Submission Guidelines: Reporting Time: Less than 3 months Charges Reading Fee: No Accepts Electronic Submissions: Yes Accepts Simultaneous Submissions: Yes Accepts Unsolicited Submissions: Yes Number of Debut Authors per Issue: approx. 12 Payment: Cash Editorial Focus Annalemma Magazine is a literary and arts journal printed biannually and updated weekly online. Founded in 2007 with the expressed mission of engaging as many people as possible in the life- changing experience of telling good stories, Annalemma’s print issues are a lavish celebration of colorful artwork and photography that accompany short stories and essays from writers of all ages, nationalities, disciplines and echelons of the publishing world. Contact Information Chris Heavener, editor 112 2nd Ave #30 Brooklyn, NY 11215 TAGS: creative nonfiction

5 Literary Magazine Grain Magazine Grain Magazine, published four times per year, is an internationally acclaimed literary journal that publishes engaging, surprising, eclectic, and challenging writing and art by Canadian and international writers and artists. Literary nonfiction: To a maximum of 5000 words. The key here is "literary"--imaginative, inventive, culturally/critically relevant (no academic papers or reportage)....Surprise us. All contributors, regardless of genre, are paid $50 per page to a maximum of $225, plus 2 copies of the issue in which their work appears. Visual work published inside the magazine (reproduced in black and white) is paid at the same page rate as text contributions. Cover images (full- colour) are paid at the current CAR/FAC rates. Contact Editor, Grain Magazine, PO Box 67, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 3K1, Canada

6 Literary Magazine Black Warrior Review Website: Genres Published: Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction Formats: Web, Print Submission Guidelines: Reading Period: Jan 1 to Aug 1 Reporting Time: Less than 3 months Charges Reading Fee: No Accepts Electronic Submissions: Yes Accepts Simultaneous Submissions: Yes Accepts Unsolicited Submissions: Yes Payment: Cash Editorial Focus Contact Information Managing Editor, Black Warrior Review Office of Student Media The University of Alabama Box 870170 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 managingeditor.bwr@gmail. com

7 Literary Magazine Arcadia Website: Genres Published: Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction Formats: Print Submission Guidelines: Reading Period: Jan 1 to Dec 31 Reporting Time: 3 to 6 months Charges Reading Fee: Yes Accepts Electronic Submissions: Yes Accepts Simultaneous Submissions: Yes Accepts Unsolicited Submissions: Yes Payment: Cash Editorial Focus Arcadia has published eclectic art and literature in Oklahoma City since 2009. We publish in a one-of- a-kind quarterly format that features both magazine issues and stand-alone poetry and fiction chapbooks. We seek and publish the best, no matter what form that comes in: short story, poem, painting, photograph, stand-up comedy routine, album, short film, mockumentary, epic poem about the Dukes of Hazzard, we don't care. We want to see it, read it, hear it, and love it. Contact Information Chase Dearinger 9616 Nichols Rd Oklahoma City, OK 73120

8 Literary Magazine Ascent Aspirations Magazine Website: Genres Published: Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction Submission Guidelines: Reading Period: Jan 1 to Dec 31 Reporting Time: Less than 3 months Charges Reading Fee: No Accepts Electronic Submissions: Yes Accepts Simultaneous Submissions: Yes Accepts Unsolicited Submissions: Yes Number of Debut Authors per Issue: 10 fiction, 25 poetry, 3 essay, 2 reviews, 3 visual art Editorial Magazine Ascent accepts unsolicited manuscripts of short fiction (1,000 words or less), poetry, short philosophical essays on life and the human condition, and reviews of current published works and visual art. Contact Information David Fraser, Editor 1560 Arbutus Drive Nanoose Bay, V89P 9C8

9 Literary Magazine Border Crossing Website: Genres Published: Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction Subgenres: Cross-genre, Experimental, Flash Fiction, Graphic/Illustrated, Prose Poetry, Literary Fiction, Translation Submission Guidelines: Reading Period: Sep 15 to Feb 1 Reporting Time: 3 to 6 months Charges Reading Fee: No Accepts Electronic Submissions: Yes Accepts Simultaneous Submissions: Yes Accepts Unsolicited Submissions: Yes Number of Debut Authors per Issue: 3-5 Payment: Cash Editorial Focus Founded in 2011, Border Crossing is a literary and arts journal published by the Lake Superior State University Creative Writing Program. Uniquely situated on the border of the United States and Canada, we're committed to publishing the best work submitted by emerging and established writers on both sides of the border and abroad. We're especially interested in writing that crosses boundaries in genre or geography, and voices that aren't often heard in mainstream publications. Contact Information Julie Brooks Barbour, Mary McMyne, and Jillena Rose, Co-editors 650 W. Easterday Ave, Dept. of English Sault Sainte Marie, MI 49783

10 Literary Magazine Carte Blanch Website: Genres Published: Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction Subgenres: Graphic/Illustrated, Translation Formats: Web Submission Guidelines: Reading Period: Nov 1 to Mar 1 Reporting Time: 3 to 6 months Charges Reading Fee: No Accepts Electronic Submissions: Yes Accepts Simultaneous Submissions: Yes Accepts Unsolicited Submissions: Yes Payment: Cash Editorial Focus Contact Information Maria Turner, Editor c/o Quebec Writers’ Federation 1200 Atwater Ave, Suite 3 Montreal, QC, H3Z 1X4

11 Literary Magazine The Threepenny Review We do not consider submissions of any kind during this period. The online submissions system is closed. If you mail us your article, poem, or story through the post, it will simply be discarded unread. And, as always, we will not consider any emailed submissions, now or at any other time. Please wait until January 1 before submitting your work to us through either the regular mail or our online submissions system. And please read the important guidelines given below before submitting work to us; in fact, we strongly recommend that you read them now, so as to be fully informed about our procedures when the system reopens. Writers Guidelines Writers' Guidelines 1. At present The Threepenny Review is paying $400 per story or article, $200 per poem or Table Talk piece. This payment buys first serial rights in our print and digital editions, and the copyright then reverts to the author immediately upon publication. 2. All mailed manuscripts must include a stamped, self-addressed envelope for our reply. Submissions should be mailed to: The Editors The Threepenny Review PO Box 9131

12 Desert Nights Rising Stars Writers Conference At the Tempe Campus of Arizona State University. Thursday thru Saturday February 19 th -21, 2015. The Virginia G. Piper Center for Creative Writing hosts the Desert Nights, Rising Stars Writers Conference in Arizona State University’s historic quarter. The conference workshops, readings, and book signings will largely take place in the buildings near College Street and University Drive, on the north end of the main campus. The Piper Writers House and its grounds offer a vibrant, nurturing environment in which writers, faculty, students and community members exchange ideas and share an appreciation for literature and writing. Starting in 2015 the Desert Nights, Rising Stars Writers Conference will count towards Arizona Professional Development credit for Arizona educators. Attending all three days of the conference will earn 24 hours of Professional Development credit. The conference is a fantastic way to interact with writers, readers, and educators all while earning Professional Development credits!

13 Writer’s Contest Stage of Life Writing Contest Deadline Wednesday, December 31, 2014 Categories General, Nonfiction, Personal Journals Entry Fees $0. No entry fees. Prizes In addition to a SWAG package, Stage of Life's educational literacy sponsors Papa John's, IHOP, Applebee's, and SpaWeek donate gift cards to the winning teen and adult essay writers each month. Description What’s your story? Educational literacy initiative,, hosts an international writing contest every month centered around a specific “life” topic. Topic themes have ranged from mental health to consumerism to fear to goal setting to our relationship with nature. The writing community welcomes nearly 1,000,000 teens, college students, teachers, parents and bloggers each year who come to read the stories or enter the writing contests. Answer the monthly “life question” by submitting a 500-word essay to tailored to the writing prompt and be automatically entered into the writing contest. Contact Information Website

14 Poem Poems about Life Life is the sum of experiences that we encounter as we go through life. Day to day struggles and triumphs are experienced by all of the world's creatures. As human beings, when we encounter a challenge, we have freedom to choose how to react. Every decision that we make leads us down a different road. We will never come to exactly the same crossroads. Every decision the we make has significance. The tiniest choice that we make reverberates throughout the entire Source: Family Friend Poems

15 Creative Writing I get the chance to express myself. I have had the chance to talk about my self and my experiences in life with other people.

16 Pictures, Quotes from articles, comprehensive write up of each magazine/journal missing.

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