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Relations between Gentiles and Jews n Apostolic Conference: Gal 2:1-10 (cf. Acts 15:6-21) n Difficult issues in daily life: circumcision, foodlaws, etc.

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Presentation on theme: "Relations between Gentiles and Jews n Apostolic Conference: Gal 2:1-10 (cf. Acts 15:6-21) n Difficult issues in daily life: circumcision, foodlaws, etc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Relations between Gentiles and Jews n Apostolic Conference: Gal 2:1-10 (cf. Acts 15:6-21) n Difficult issues in daily life: circumcision, foodlaws, etc. Those aspects of the Jewish Law which traditionally separated Jew from Gentile n First-century Judaism diverse, but united by Monotheism, Temple, and Torah

2 Struggle to be Faithful in a Gentile World n Military conquests of Alexander the Great (reigned 336-323 BCE): radically transforms the eastern Mediterranean world, Hellenism as an international culture n Conflict between Jews and Seleucid Kings of Syria reach climax during reign of Antiochus IV (175-163 BCE) who seeks to eradicate Mosaic tradition

3 Struggle to be Faithful in a Gentile World n Under persecutions of Antiochus, Jews died for practicing faith (2 Maccabees) n Growing belief in immortality and apocalyptic notions (e.g. Dan 12:1-3) n Maccabean revolt: Led by Judas Maccabeus, a Jewish army recaptures, purifies and redicates Temple 164 BCE (Hanukkah); Israel independence 142 BCE, establishment of Hasmonean dynasty

4 Domination of Rome n Hasmonean Period (142-40 BCE) is plagued by division n Rome conquers in 63 BCE - Pompey’s legions occupy Palestine n After 63 BCE Rome rules Palestine through “puppet” kings (Herodians) and Roman governors (Pontius Pilate) n Religious/Political challenge of loyalty to Rome (see Mark 12:17)

5 Domination of Rome n Herod the Great’s building program (37-4 BCE): massive renovation of Temple, fortresses (Masada), port city of Caesarea. n Jewish War against the Romans (66-77 CE), led by passionate Jewish nationalists. n Temple destroyed in 70 CE n Second revolt in 132-35 CE led by bar Kochba (some believed him to be the Messiah)

6 NT Attitudes toward Rome n The political implications of Jesus’ proclamation of the Kingdom of God n Revelation: strongest negative voice against Rome (see Rev 17-18) n Luke-Acts: Christianity is a law-abiding movement n Study Romans 13

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