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Human Anatomy Terminology

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Presentation on theme: "Human Anatomy Terminology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Anatomy Terminology
ASA Bio 2014 Williams

2 Anatomy & Physiology

3 Standard anatomical position (SAP)
Standing straight Palms forward No bones crossed!

4 Anatomical Planes Coronal – separates into FRONT & BACK parts
Sagittal – separates into RIGHT & LEFT parts Transverse – separates into TOP & BOTTOM parts

5 Anatomical planes & Directional terms

6 Anatomical planes & Directional terms

7 Anatomical planes & Directional terms

8 Directional Terms SAGITTAL PLANE
Separates body into right & left parts Midline: exact middle of body (sagittal plane) Medial: towards the midline Lateral: away from the midline

9 Directional Terms CORONAL PLANE Separates body into front & back parts
Anterior: forward of coronal plane Posterior: behind coronal plane

10 Directional Terms TRANSVERSE PLANE
Separates body into top & bottom parts Superior: above transverse plane Inferior: below transverse plane

11 Major divisions of the body
Cranial – skull Infracranial – the rest of the body Axial – trunk & head (parts in midline) Appendicular – appendages/ limbs Includes pelvic and shoulder girdles

12 Directions in appendicular skeleton

13 Directional Terms APPENDICULAR SKELETON Appendages/ Limbs
Distal: away from body Proximal: towards body

14 Additional directional terms
Palmar: Dorsal: Palm of hand Back of hand

15 Additional directional terms
Dorsal: Plantar: top of foot bottom (sole) of foot

16 Terms of movement Flexion Decreasing angle between bony elements at joint Extension Increasing angle between bony elements at joint

17 Terms of movement ABduction Moving away from the midline
ADduction Moving towards the midline

18 Terms of movement Medial Rotation Rotating medially (in to the body)
Lateral Rotation Rotating laterally (away from the body

19 Terms of movement Pronation Placing palm posteriorly
Supination Placing palm anteriorly

20 Terms of movement Dorsiflexion Decrease angle between foot and leg
Plantarflexion Increase angle between foot and leg

21 Terms of movement Inversion Sole of foot towards midline
Eversion Sole of foot away from midline

22 Terms of movement Circumduction Combined movements of flexion/extension, adduction/abduction, etc

23 Paired movements Flexion/ Extension sagittal plane
ADduction/ ABduction coronal plane Medial/ Lateral rotation transverse plane

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