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Standards in Industry Mark Skilton, Director Global Infrastructure Services, Strategy co-chair, Cloud computing work group, The Open Group

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1 Standards in Industry Mark Skilton, Director Global Infrastructure Services, Strategy co-chair, Cloud computing work group, The Open Group

2 2 Mark Skilton | IS © Copyright Capgemini 2011 All Rights Reserved Confidential – Capgemini Which type of standards need to be developed in Cloud Computing ? Storage Public Private Legacy Devices Social, Business Communities Application Service Catalog Compute Network, access, Market discovery, Monetization impact, Identity Management Syntax Encryption OVF Virtual Container Advance Data, Transport Encryption e.g.AES, VPN, SSL XML, HTTP, REST, Web Services.. At Rest, In transit, OpenID, OpenAuth, SAML, OCCI Open Cloud Computing Interface OGA API OS Standards OS Platforms Business Models Examples CDMI Cloud Data Management Interface - SNIA OCI Open Cloud Interface ITSM, ITIL, OCCI Business Service SLA ??? S-RAMP Service Discovery Service Catalog ??? Vendor Application APIs Google, Amazon, gap

3 3 Mark Skilton | IS © Copyright Capgemini 2011 All Rights Reserved Confidential – Capgemini What is the European View on Standards for Cloud Computing ?  Competitive Advantage – “Cloud is changing Business and Society” – Marker sector initiatives: eScience, eGovernment, banking, retail, supply chain, telco, mobile social networks – Large scale competitors with first mover advantage  Barriers to cloud adoption and accelerators – Consumer choice and trade barriers, – Coordination of standards interoperability across borders – Gaps in standards Semantics, locations, SLAs, Audit, legality, compliance, certification EU Directives 95, 2002, ISO 27000, HIPPA, S-O…  Differentiation – what is EU good at ? – Knowledge economy – Economic zone impact – Supply chain impact – EU combined GDP is larger than United States, its largest global GDP; EU has 4 of top 10 GDP countries (Source: IMF World Economic Outlook Database 2011 ). Cloud could be a unifying force across boundaries and divisions to maximize EU commercial power

4 4 Mark Skilton | IS © Copyright Capgemini 2011 All Rights Reserved Confidential – Capgemini What are the Implications Internationally ?  What standards do we need to open the market? – Economic impact of cloud scale services.. Stimulate cross to cloud services – Capgemini : platform standards coordination, multi-country scaling  What standards to integrate services on top of the platforms? – Architectural interoperability, certifications, green – Capgemini : involved directly, influencing  What policies to build differentiation and competitive advantages? – Innovation, infohubs (Monetizing data), information expertize, – Identify barriers to retain and drive cloud business models spread, monopoly – Capgemini : Industry vertical solutions in the cloud, multiple vendor platform solutions  What standards to define configurations and drive “online stores and virtual organizations ” ? – Cloud still seen as a “technical model”…EU…. but its “a Business Model”…. US and Asia – Adoption models still seen as “technical road maps” … but its “market channels..” – Need to industrialize Information economy – Need to view and adopt “appliance like” and “IT as a Business” behaviors by EU companies – Capgemini : Business Cloud models, new market services, global-regional deployment Cloud commercial power is enabled by standards and understanding business network focus …

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