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Growing Strawberries in Florida

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1 Growing Strawberries in Florida
Alicia Whidden Hillsborough County Extension Service

2 History in Florida Grown in Florida over 100 years
Niche was winter market due to our mild winter weather, good water supply, location to markets

3 Fragaria x ananassa Herbaceous, perennial -member of the Rose Family
Needs full sun Soil pH from Soil needs to be well drained Air temperatures below 32° can damage flowers and fruit Grown from October to late spring Fertilization- 150N-150P2O5-K 2O lb/A Use annual hill culture production system

4 How will you market your crop?
Traditional Commercial market through a broker Roadside stand Directly to Restaurants CSA U-Pick

5 Growing Methods Traditional Field Culture Vertical Stacking Systems
Trough and Table Systems used in Europe

6 Traditional Fumigation with Methyl Bromide and chloropicrin still being done Drip tape and black plastic mulch used Beds are 7-9” high; 27-28” across bed top with raised center; 4’ row center

7 Making Beds Ground worked then beds pressed
Next-fumigated and plastic machine w/ drip tape reform & cover beds Rates of MeBr/C: 98: lbs/treated A 67: lbs/treated A 10,890 linear ft of row=A

8 Planting Plants are done 2 rows to bed
Spacing is 12-16” between plants & 12-14” between rows Bareroot transplants most commonly used; but plug plants can also be used Plants are set in October

9 Planting Correctly Very Important to plant correctly
Plants should be set with bud of crown above ground but roots in soil Setting too deep is a big problem Be sure to firm planting media around plant

10 Production Guide Bareroot transplants will need to be watered from dawn till dusk for days till new root system is formed Most growers fertigate- use lbs N/A/day Crop is sprayed preventatively Picking schedule- during cool weather-every third to fourth day with shorter times in hot weather

11 EDIS Publications For Crop Production
Strawberry Production in Florida Intermittent Sprinkler Irrigation for Establishment of Bare Root Strawberry Transplants Fertilization of Strawberries in Florida Weed Control in Strawberry

12 Vertical Stacking Systems
2 types-Vertigro & Hydrostacker Hydroponic system with water and nutrients through a tube at the top Perlite planting media Clean produce- no dirt Expensive production system up-front

13 Vertical Stacking Systems
Can use to grow a variety of crops Think about arrangement of plants so that plants on bottom will receive adequate light Watch plants on bottom to make sure they receive adequate nutrition

14 Vertical Stacking System
When growing strawberries do not go over 5 pots high For cold protection can cover rack of pots with row covers Still need to prevent diseases and insects

15 Vertical Stacking Systems
Vertigro (800) Hydro-Stacker (941)

16 Trough and Table Systems
Used in Europe in greenhouses or tunnel systems Variety of plant media used-coir, perlite, vermiculite, peat mixes Be sure plant nutrition is adequate Bees needed for pollination Ease of handling and harvest due to raised height

17 Tabletop System

18 Hydroponic system

19 Varieties Be sure to use varieties bred for our mild climate
UF,U of California, Private breeders Royalties on patented varieties Average cost for bareroot transplants-$100/1,000 plants

20 Florida Varieties Strawberry Festival-UF Treasure- Private Breeder
Winter Dawn-UF Carmine-UF Sweet Charlie-UF

21 Strawberry Festival #1 variety in Florida Good red color Conical shape
Firm berry Medium sweetness Good choice for eating

22 Sweet Charlie UF variety Older variety Orange red color Sweet fruit
Softer fruit; very soft in hot weather Consumers like it

23 Treasure Developed by Peggy Chang, Naples #2 variety grown Good shape
Firm Good color but can have white shoulders Does best in warm winter Good flavor

24 Other UF Varieties Winter Dawn Carmine Good early yield Firm berries
Not very sweet

25 Camarosa UC variety Older variety Blocky shape Dark red color
Liked by consumers Late production

26 Camino Real UC variety Beautiful berry; high consumer appeal
Much like a Camarosa Produces later than Camarosa

27 My picks for local markets
Sweet Charlie Camino Real Strawberry Festival Treasure Camarosa For list of plant nurseries: go to click links & go to nursery listing

28 Diseases Anthracnose crown rot/fruit rot Botrytis fruit rot
Fungal Leaf diseases Angular leaf bight Phytophthora crown rot/fruit rot

29 Anthracnose Botrytis fruit rot

30 Diseases Publications with more info:
Angular Leaf Spot: A Bacterial Disease in Strawberries in Florida Anthracnose Fruit Rot of Strawberry Botrytis Fruit Rot (Gray Mold) & Flower Blight of Strawberry Root Necrosis of Strawberries Caused by Colletotrichum acutatum Powdery Mildew of Strawberries

31 Insects & Nematodes Spider Mites-#1 Thrips Aphids Cyclamen mites
Sap beetles-if ripe fruit not picked Fruit Flies-if ripe fruit not picked Nematodes- sting is #1 problem but root knot can also attack strawberries

32 Insects Publications Florida Crop/Pest Management Profiles: Strawberries Strawberries: Main Pests and Beneficials in Florida Nematode Management in Strawberries

33 Other resources GCREC strawberry website- Berry/Vegetable Times Newsletter- contact Alicia Alicia Whidden, Hillsborough Co. Extension Service, , ext.134

34 Thank You For more information visit the Small Farms web at Take a virtual field day tour by visiting the Virtual Field Day web at This presentation brought to you by the Small Farms/Alternative Enterprises Focus Team.

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