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Team Supersonic Rafael Ramirez Derek Schell Ernest Tom Christopher Walker.

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Presentation on theme: "Team Supersonic Rafael Ramirez Derek Schell Ernest Tom Christopher Walker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Supersonic Rafael Ramirez Derek Schell Ernest Tom Christopher Walker

2 OVERVIEW  Initial Customer Design/Acoustic-Rafael  Thermodynamic Model-Chris  Construction of Artifact-Derek  Testing-Tom  Improvements-Tom  Reflection-Derek

3 Initial Customer Design/Acoustic Our initial customer design was Thermo Acoustics which is the science of generating or amplifying sound waves using heat. Our team has reconsidered the Thermo Acoustic Project due to limited time and resources.We decided on moving forth a different direction with a Beta Stirling Engine. Reasons:  A Beta Stirling engine seemed to be more feasible than a thermo acoustic engine when it came down to our constraints.  A beta stirling engine modeling and design were fairly similar to thermo acoustics, so all of our progress wasn’t lost.  Out of the major types of stirling engines we chose a beta due to single power piston arranged within the same cylinder on the same shaft as a displacer piston simplifying our design and making us meet our constraints.  Since a beta stirling engine follows a stirling cyclic compression and expansion of air, our modeling followed four processes discussed in Thermo Fluids class

4 Stirling Engine Components:  Our solar device consists of five components: a dish, heating plate, beta engine, cooling jacket, and a flywheel

5 Thermodynamic Model  Stirling Cycle 1-2: Isothermal Expansion 2-3: Isochoric Heat Removal 3-4: Isothermal Compression 4-1: Isochoric Heat Addition  Initial Condition 4-1: Isochoric Heat Addition STP -> 1-2 of the cycle

6 Thermodynamic Model  Beta-type Stirling Engine/Cycle 1-2: Isothermal Expansion 2-3: Isochoric Heat Removal 3-4: Isothermal Compression 4-1: Isochoric Heat Addition

7 Thermodynamic Model  Initial State Initial Start-up Process D Isochoric Heat Addition State 4State 1 (=) Pressure [Pa]101325289485.9901 Volume [m^3]0.000260625 Temp [K]294.26841.1353103 Sp. Vol. [m^3/kg]0.83392 Enthalpy [J/kg]4207601266100 Int. Energy [J/kg]336270955370 Mass [kg]0.00031253 Density [kg/m^3]1.199155794

8 Thermodynamic Model  Cycle States Beta Stirling Cyle Process AProcess C Isothermal ExpansionIsothermal Compression Process BProcess DInitial Process D Isochoric Heat RemovalIsochoric Heat Addition State 1State 2State 3State 4State 1 (=)State 4State 1 (=) Pressure [Pa]289485.9901144742.995108139.5267216279.0534289485.9901101325289485.9901 Volume [m^3]0.0002606250.00052125 0.000260625 Temp [K]841.1353103 628.4240167 841.1353103294.26841.1353103 Sp. Vol. [m^3/kg]0.833921.66784 0.83392 Mass [kg]0.00031253 Density [kg/m^3]1.1991557940.599577897 1.199155794

9 Thermodynamic Model  P-v Diagram 13 W

10 Thermodynamic Model  Flywheel KE = ½ I ω² I = mr² From work output, and size limit of flywheel due to material on hand and solving for ω ○ ~22,000 rev/min Designed for 250 rev/min System will require a matched load or a brake to operate continuously

11 Thermodynamic Model  Output W in W out W net 52.29607205-39.071130713.22494134 Qtot [W]=13.22494134 T max T min ΔT [K] 841.1353103628.4240167212.7112936 η (calculated)η (theoretical) 0.1322560720.220680892

12 Construction of Artifact  Solidworks Model Developed  Tweaked Model due to materials available  All 6061 Aluminum


14  Machined most of the parts on a lathe and mill on our own

15 Assembled using small ball bearings to reduce friction Attached to purchased parabolic reflector Adjusted to achieve optimal focal length

16 Attached to Solar Tracker Water Flow Attached


18 Testing  Ernest  What do you have working? How do you know it works? How have you documented that it works?  How we ran out of time – final assembly issues

19 Improvements  Ernest  A plan for any future actions necessary to complete the project successfully

20 Reflection  Much less structured than other projects  More freedom in design and creation of the prototype  More time to model prior to construction  More instruction on the topic of the semester prior to starting the design  More specific constraints  Teams based on scheduling  Required more individual team organization

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