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Resources for Helping People with and without Disabilities Establish Relationships & Friendships

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Presentation on theme: "Resources for Helping People with and without Disabilities Establish Relationships & Friendships"— Presentation transcript:

1 Resources for Helping People with and without Disabilities Establish Relationships & Friendships


3 What is a friend? --- We have chemistry! We enjoy each other’s company. We trust, understand, respect and appreciate each other. We like how we feel when we’re together. We are close even when we are apart. We look forward to being together. We commit over some time. We give to each other. We may not give in the same way but what we give and what we receive is of great value to each of us.

4 You're more up to date with friends whom you've never met than with REAL friends.


6 -Being HAPPIER! -Being HEALTHIER! -Being SAFER! -Reducing isolation and loneliness. -Increasing their self-confidence. -Being exposed to more perspectives. -Being part of a larger circle that may lead to jobs, intimate relationships, etc. -What other Benefits can YOU think of?

7 -Providing natural opportunities for respite. -Opportunity for other family members to connect. Disability often isolates whole families. -Peace of mind knowing that their family member truly BELONGS. -What other benefits can you think of for the family?

8 -More opportunities for community members to learn FACTS about various disabilities. -Realization that people with disabilities are an asset to their community. -What other benefits to the community can you think of?


10 Differences are often frightening to people and can interfere with relationships. Some differences that we need to help people better understand include: -looking different-using special equipment -communicating in unusual ways -behaving “oddly”-needing assistants (PCAs) What else can you think of?

11 But most obstacles to relationships between people with and without disabilities are in not in the person with a disability, they are in our environment and our attitudes. These include: -inaccessible places. -segregated living situations, schools, workplaces, recreation programs. -general feelings of fear, misunderstanding and pity towards people with disabilities. What other obstacles can you think of?

12 Opportunities to CONNECT with others Maximizing SOCIAL SKILLS Knowing the FACTS about various disabilities SUPPORT to initiate and sustain relationships

13 This Can Happen Wherever People LIVE LEARN WORK PLAY

14 People with and without disabilities can learn Better Social Skills. The better your skills, the more likely you are to have relationships and friendships. But mastery of social skills should NEVER be a pre-requisite for friendships!

15 There are many Awareness Programs that help people get a better understanding about various disabilities. Understanding makes acceptance and relationships much more likely.









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