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Evergreen tools at IISH Mieke Stroo Evergreen Conference 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Evergreen tools at IISH Mieke Stroo Evergreen Conference 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evergreen tools at IISH Mieke Stroo Evergreen Conference 2013


3  Institute was founded in 1935.  The IISH conducts advanced research on the global history of work, workers, and labour relations. To this end it gathers data, which are made available to everybody.  The institute holds over 3,000 archives, more than 1,000,000 printed volumes, and an equivalent number of audio-visual items, in total ca. 50 kilometer. The largest part of the collections is accessible without any restrictions.

4 Has some 1.3 milion records stored in Evergreen.

5 Evergreen migration steps  Export of bibliographic data, serials and authorities from Advance ILS  First migration to Evergreen 2.03. was done in September 2011  Last migration to Evergreen 2.2.2 was finished in January 2013  Unit testing was developed for every Evergreen module  Evaluation of results for every unit test by Collection Department Team (CODI)  Final migration to Evergreen 2.2.2 with completely tested functionality

6 Linked Data – Authority Linking Two ways of authority linking for IISH:  Users can link authority in Evergreen Staff Client:  - open authorities list  - choose appropriate authority  - link it with bibliographic record Automatic authority linking by using searching and matching techniques:  - automatically linked for 1.3 millions records during migration

7 Data Management in Evergreen Automatic update of selected fields in any Evergreen record No restrictions for amount records to be updated in one batch Rules for update are stored in Excel files All records first will be copied and placed in backup and can be restored if something is wrong Authorities can be searched and matched

8 Data Management: Excel file

9 Vu-Find as OPAC  VU-find is used by our patrons (  MARC21 records, EAD and other databases all in Vu-Find  Data is exported through an OAI protocol (

10 API EvergreenOAI protocolAPI Vu-Find



13 Tool to import book titles: the ISBN reader


15  TCN =1466257  In evergreen you’ll find:

16 Automatic update of the language code, country code and year of publication to the leader field:

17 More information  Technical details on all tools can be obtain by emailing : Vyacheslav Tykhonov Take a look at his presentation:

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