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2012 © United States Spiritist Council

2 Allan Kardec presented the main elements of the Universe in two of the books of the Spiritist Codification, The Spirits’ Book and Genesis

God Matter Spirit Cosmic Principle Source: Allan Kardec - The Spirit’s Book, question 27

4 God Matter Spirit Cosmic Principle
Allan Kardec - The Spirit’s Book, question 27 Cosmic Principle These three elements comprise the principle of all that exists – they are the universal trinity. But to the element of matter must be added the universal fluid, which plays an intermediary role between spirit and matter per se, since matter is too dense for spirit to act upon it directly.

5 Allan Kardec - The Spirit’s Book, questions 23 & 24
The Spirit is the intelligent principle of the Universe, and Intelligence is one of spirit’s essential attributes. Allan Kardec - The Spirit’s Book, questions 23 & 24

6 Spirits are not vague and indefinite beings
Spirits are incorporeal beings formed of quintessential matter, but matter existing in a state which has no analogue within the circle of your comprehension, and so ethereal that it could not be perceived by your senses. Spirits are individualizations of the intelligent principle, just as bodies are individualizations of the material principle.

7 Structure Spirit (Soul) Perispirit Body
the intelligent principle that harbors the thought, will and the moral sense; Is the fluidic, light, imponderable envelope that serves as the connection and intermediary between the Spirit and the body. the material envelope that enables the Spirit to relate to the exterior worl.

Immortality Individuality Intelligence, Thought & Reason Conscience Spirits are of different orders, according to their individual degree of self-purification.

9 The whole difference between construction and creation is exactly this: that a thing constructed can only be loved after it is constructed; but a thing created is loved before it exists. Charles Dickens


11 In order for the Spirit to act, it needs matter, even if it is in the form of energy. Matter is the tie that holds the Spirit; Matter is the element which enchains the spirit, the instrument which serves it, and upon which, it exerts its action. It may be said that matter is the agent, the intermediary, through which, and upon which, the spirit acts. Physical and biological sciences define matter as being everything that has weight, mass and that occupies a place in space, in a liquid, gaseous or solid state. The discarnated Spirits, in spite of not possessing a physical body, are surrounded by matter and are able to act upon it. We can establish that all substances, known and unknown, are in fact nothing more than different modes under which matter presents itself, nothing more than varieties into which it is transformed under the direction of the innumerable forces that govern it.

12 The Spirits’ Book Question 30
Does matter consist of one or many elements? “One single primitive element. The bodies that you regard as simple are not true elements, but rather transformations of the primitive matter.”

13 Spiritism explains to us that all creation has its origin in the universal cosmic fluid that we can understand as being the divine plasma, product of the Creator. From the modifications occurred in the universal cosmic fluid, bodies, substances and others existent matters appear.

14 In this original substance, under the influx of the Supreme Lord, the Divine Intelligences united to Him operate in a process of indescribable communion . They extract from this spiritual breathe the granaries of energy with which they construct the systems of the Immensity . These Glorious Intelligences utilize the divine plasma converting it into cosmic habitations . Created Spirit can form or co-create, but only God is the Creator of All the Eternity .

15 Under an analogous basis, the human Intelligences utilize the same cosmic fluid, for the Co-creation, in a lesser plan, assimilating the corpuscles of matter with the spiritual energy of their own, thus forming the physic-psychosomatic vehicle in which they will reincarnate, or modeling the civilizations that represent in the world the Incarnate Humanity and the Discarnate Humanity. Incarnate: 7 billion Discarnate: 25 billion

16 The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

17 FLUID There is an ethereal fluid that fills space and penetrates bodies. This fluid is the ether, or primitive cosmic matter, the generator of the universe and beings. Inherent to this ether are the forces that preside over the metamorphoses of matter — the immutable and necessary laws that govern the universe. KARDEC, Allan. Matter. Genesis - Fluids. Chap. XIV - Item 10

18 All these forces are eternal and universal like the creation.
These multiple forces, indefinitely varied according to the combinations of matter, localized according to masses and diversified in their modes of action, depending on circumstances and conditions, are known on Earth as gravity, cohesion, affinity, attraction, magnetism, and active electricity. Gravity Cohesion Affinity All these forces are eternal and universal like the creation. KARDEC, Allan. Matter. Genesis - Fluids. Chap. XIV - Item 10 Attraction Magnetism Electricity

19 The universal elementary principle offers two distinct states:
Etherization That of etherization, or imponderability, (that cannot be weighed) which may be considered the normal primitive state; Materialization That of materialization, or ponderability. The intermediary point is the transformation of the fluid into tangible matter. However, even then there is still not a brusque transition, because our imponderable fluids may be regarded as a halfway phase between the two states. KARDEC, Allan. Matter. Genesis - Fluids. Chap. XIV - Item 2

20 Each one of these two states necessarily gives place to special phenomena:
Etherization To etherization belong the phenomena of the invisible world (spiritual) Materialization To materialization belong the phenomena of the visible world (fluids of ponderability) However, Some called material phenomena are, within the jurisdiction of science per se; the others, qualified as spirit or psychic phenomena because they are most especially connected with the existence of spirits, fall within the attributions of Spiritism. KARDEC, Allan. Matter. Genesis - Fluids. Chap. XIV - Item 2


22 Since the spirit life and the corporeal life are constantly in contact with each other, the phenomena of these two orders often appear simultaneously. While in the incarnate state, people can perceive only the physic phenomena that are linked to the corporeal life; those of the exclusive domain of the spirit life are outside the physical senses and can be perceived only in the spirit state. The fluidic elements of the spirit world are outside the scope of our analytical instruments and the perception of our senses, which have been made for tangible matter and not ethereal matter. The knowledge of the origin and nature of the Spirit, of the role of the perispirit, as well as that of the laws that are responsible for matter and fluids are of fundamental importance for the mediumistic practice. Once the mediums begin to better understand the psychic mechanisms of mediumship, the animic phenomena, the fluidic actions and the obsessive influences they will be in condition of safely carrying out their task.

23 Love is anterior to life, posterior to death, initial of creation, and the exponent of breath.
Emily Dickinson

24 United States Spiritist Council
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