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Published byKristina Franklin Modified over 9 years ago
BT’s Next Generation Network for resellers
Event objectives Build awareness of BT’s next generation network and the migration process Share the most relevant information Explain the call to action for resellers and explain how and why you should get involved Answer your questions and establish where to find required additional information
Agenda Welcome & introduction What is BT’s next generation network (NGN)? What this means for the reseller community & what the reseller community needs to do Q&A Break BT’s testing programme including focus on Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) compatibility testing Switched-on communications campaign overview Q&A Event close (followed by lunch)
BT’s next generation network Why? What? When?
“Technology is not kind. It does not wait. It does not say please. It slams into existing systems. Often destroying them, while creating new ones.” Joseph Schumpeter (1937) For example... Since the invention of the microprocessor, the cost of moving a byte of information around has fallen on the order of 10-million-fold… That's as if a 747 plane, once at $150 million a piece, could now be bought for about the price of a large pizza. Putting it into context…
Setting some context for BT’s 21CN in the UK 20+ million customers (30M lines) in the UK Residential ► SMEs ► Large corporates Regional ► National ► Virtual CPs PSTN/ISDN ► Leased lines ► Broadband ► IP/MPLS/Ethernet
21CN – three key objectives Speed to market End user experience & empowerment Cost transformation Empower the end user with control, choice and flexibility like never before including communications from anywhere to any device Offer exciting new services for end users faster than before Reduce costs and grow cash cost savings - expected to amount to £1 billion per annum
BT’s current UK network IP ATM DSL KStream PSTN Leased lines PDH Fibre Copper SDH access PDH access End User End User ~5.5k sites ~5.5k sites ~2k sites ~2k sites ~300 sites ~300 sites ~100 sites ~100 sites ~15 sites ~15 sites MSH -SDH ~1k sites ~1k sites SDH VC-12 PDH access SDH VC-4 PSTN
BT’s 21CN in the UK IP-MPLS-WDM Fibre Copper MSAN End User End User ~5.5k sites ~5.5k sites ~100 sites ~100 sites Class 5 Call Server Content WWW ISP Multi-service access Converged core Wireless
The network components BRAS Call server Call server Ethernet/SDH backhaul IP/MPLS/SDH core MSAN Metro
21CN customer experience Core network convergence Remake the portfolio Web21CN 21CN – an end-to-end transformation Service NetworkProducts
Preparing for going live Voice transformation trial Strategic solution lab testing Customer equipment compatibility testing Strategic solution deployed in South Wales End customer communications Integrated system and process testing Exchange migration process testing Interoperability testing
End user migration progress 2007 2008 2009 2010 PSTNBroadbandBoth 2011
21CN – planning the UK rollout Industry agreed rollout plan to get 21CN across the UK in the quickest possible way Industry is working hard to ensure smooth end user migration Broadband To maximise the early end user footprint and to drive the UK broadband industry Up to 24Mbit/s broadband available from early 2008 PSTN / ISDN Replacement of older equipment first Rural exchanges migrated with urban neighbours
Obligatory product headlines 21CN roll-out will cause little or no change to many of today’s products 21CN will enable new Access, Broadband and data products
Product portfolio impact Migrating – Migration of existing products to 21CN. Includes: –PSTN (includes, for example, CPS, Least-Cost Routing) –ISDN2e, ISDN30e, WLR, DASS2 New – New products enabled by 21CN. Includes: –Wholesale Broadband Connect –Wholesale Broadband Managed Connect –Wholesale Broadband Connect Converged –Voice Line Access Retaining – Products retained on existing platform for the time being –Analogue PCs, KiloStream, MegaStream Retiring – Products that have reached the end of their life-cycle or that have a replacement in the new portfolio. Includes –Pre-ETSI ISDN, Meter Pulse Facility, Smart Divert, DataStream
New product launches Voice Line Access Like WLR but the line is controlled by the service provider for incoming and outgoing calls Wholesale Broadband Connect Like IPstream and Datastream (which it will gradually replace) but with downstream speeds of up to 24Mbit/s Wholesale Broadband Managed Connect Like WBC but with more flexible handover arrangements and optional managed services Wholesale Broadband Connect Converged Like WBC but includes a voice line capability controlled by the service provider
21CN – key points Customer experience is paramount during the migration Industry-wide engagement Massive scale, huge investment –All PSTN, ISDN and broadband lines hosted on BT’s network will be migrated to a new network Driving a radical simplification –Moving from service-specific platforms to a multi-service platform Little or no change to existing products Scope of 21CN does not require any immediate change to the copper network Implementation is underway –Planned to complete by 2011
21CN MSAN Deployment of BT’s 21CN In summary … 20CN DSLAM PSTN switch Main frame BT serving exchange building Disconnect copper pairs from 20CN and re-connect onto 21CN No change to home or office wiring End customer site No need for end customer site visit No change to copper access network Access network copper pairs ISDN No change to CPE
BT’s next generation network Why? What? When? for more information visit
BT’s NGN – what it means for the reseller community & what the reseller community needs to do
A major change for the industry… 21CN customer experience Core network convergence Remake the portfolio Web21CN Service Network Products...but a great opportunity
Why resellers should get involved and the value add for your customers Why get involved? To avoid problems – real or imagined To provide informed, proactive advice to your customers To pre-empt customer issues on things like CPE and outages Adding Value You can add value to your customer relationships You can help build awareness of the switched-on campaign. Future opportunities for new products.
Practicalities of the migration process It will be a phased migration programme over 5 years and you need to be aware of the migration schedule There will be service breaks – e.g. PSTN migration up to 3 minutes outgoing and 30 minutes incoming and there will be a voice service outage as a result of broadband migration There will be an impact on some products and services e.g. withdrawal of meter pulse and changes to Smart Divert The most up to date information on migration impacts can be found in the Transfer Engineering Matrix – via Consult21 website
How to be engaged and build awareness Remember that your supplier/carrier can raise any specific issues on your behalf through the Consult21 programme Work together to support your customers Understand the key impacts and build awareness Be engaged and involved with the reseller communications programme Use the switched-on toolkit materials
An industry joined by a common goal FCS, Gamma Telecom and other members of industry involved Reseller Communications Working Group in place since January 2007 –to build awareness of the migration programme with the reseller community, e.g. webcall programme End user switched-on communications programme launched in October 2006 Supported by Ofcom
Reseller call to action – you can help by... Providing pro-active advice and support to your customers Providing reassurance and information to your customers Building awareness of the switched-on campaign Being aware and prepared: –know where to go for information –use the switched-on communications toolkit –register for the reseller database
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Break (15 minutes)
Agenda BT’s testing programme including focus on Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) compatibility testing Switched-on communications campaign overview Q&A Event close (followed by lunch)
21CN Testing Overview
The many facets of testing Proof Of Concept Vendors testing –Conformance Testing (CT), Multi-Vendor CT (MVCT) and Network Integration Testing (NIT) OSS testing –Integration Verification & Validation Testing (IVV&T), end to end OSS testing Infrastructure/network testing –NIT and First Office Application (FOA) –CPE testing Service testing –User & Live Acceptance Testing (UAT/LAT), Service FOA (SFOA), Consult21 Conformance Testing Working Group, Experience Development Centre (EDC), Supplier & Carrier test facility Swansea Transfer engineering Test tools and test automation Infrastructure FOA 100,000s 10s Test complexity Component Tests Proof of Concept Environments LAT & Service FOA’s Voice / Data / Broadband Network Assurance Laboratory (NAL) – NIT / IV&VT Safe to Connect’s LAT & Transfer Engineering FOA’s Voice / Broadband / ISDN SafetoLiveSafetoLive E2e tests
First Office Application (FOA) - Approach Broadband Service FOA1 Voice Service FOA1 Infrastructure FOA Data Services FOA1 Tx FOA IP FOA V MSAN FOA BB MSAN FOA BRAS FOA CS FOA Transfer Engineering FOA1 Operational Testing CS DC BRAS CoreCore CoreCore Element Managers and OSS Data Centre MetroMetro MetroMetro MSAN BRAS Broadband Remote Access Server MSAN Multi Service Access Node FOA First Office Application IP Internet Protocol DC Data Centre CS Call Server Tx Transmission V Voice BB Broadband BRAS Broadband Remote Access Server MSAN Multi Service Access Node FOA First Office Application IP Internet Protocol DC Data Centre CS Call Server Tx Transmission V Voice BB Broadband
Trials & testing - three phased approach Proving the manual/automated methods for preparing the frame for Transfer Engineering (migrating the customer to 21CN) Producing quality procedures Testing the synthetics used in modelling resources Assessing the impacts on customer service Progressively introducing the testing and trialling of Voice, Broadband and ISDN migration methodologies Use of business scenarios / test cases to provide end-to-end testing of migration PHASE 2 Out of service trials (FOA1) In service / live trials (pathfinder) (FOA2) PHASE 3 Proof of concept trials / lab testing PHASE 1
BT’s 21CN & Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) compatibility
21CN CPE compatibility What are the implications for CPE of 21CN? Objectives and scope of CPE Compatibility Testing programme CPE Compatibility Testing progress & focus Result publication Information and reference
What are the implications for CPE of 21CN?
Implementing services on 21CN PSTN: New PSTN line cards in new MSAN edge equipment IP packet based transport of voice data (legacy PSTN uses switched circuit transport) ISDN: New ISDN line cards in new MSAN edge equipment IP packet based transport of voice data (legacy PSTN uses switched circuit transport) Broadband: New ADSL/ADSL2+ line cards in new MSAN edge equipment Same IP packet based transport as existing broadband Some of these changes cause certain characteristics to differ from those on the existing network
CPE related 21CN differences PSTN Loop current: maximum off-hook loop current reducing Ringing implementation moving to balanced ringing PSTN and ISDN Echo cancellation used unless fast modems are detected Audio path discontinuities when jitter buffers adapt End-to-end delay increasing Broadband No fundamental changes expected
Network is built to standards BT Suppliers Information Notes (SINs) Migrated services will continue to be consistent with what is in the current SINs UK transmission plan 21CN meets the performance criteria & specifications of ND1701 issued by the NICC
CPE compatibility testing: Objectives and scope
Objectives of CPE Compatibility Testing Feedback into the 21CN design, if and when compatibility issues are found To help rule out CPE compatibility related issues or identify and apply appropriate solutions ensuring detail is available to all relevant stakeholders To help manufacturers and other stakeholders ensure that CPE functions properly on 21CN Where relevant, assess impact of migration process
CPE compatibility testing: Progress & focus
Testing update PSTN Standalone mass market (business & consumer) - no significant problems PBXs. 1 issue Devices that connect to some form of receiving centre - a very few devices have issues Broadband Well down track with initial testing of around 70 ADSL modems & modem/routers representing all existing chipsets - no problems to date ISDN2/30 Testing yet to start – trial ISDN migrations March ’08, Oct ’08 for mass migration
High priority categories Security Telecare Telemetry ATM PoS terminal Payphones Emergency phones
We are collaborating with … Carriers & Suppliers BSIA – British Security Industry Association (Security systems) TSA – Telecare Services Association (Social & Telecare for the vulnerable) ENA – Energy Networks Association (Gas & Electricity) WITS – Water Industry Telemetry Standards (Water Industry) Environment Agency Link Network (ATMs) Home Office – specifically custodial services (Tagging devices) APACS – UK Payments Association (EPOS/EFTPOS) Payphones CAA/NATS – Civil Aviation Authority & National Air Traffic Services Trinity House – lighthouses, coastguard Fire Industry Associations Network Rail (Railside emergency phones, signalling etc) Lifts & Emergency Phones... and the list is growing.
CPE compatibility testing: 21CN test result publication
Switched-on test result examples
Information and reference
Information sources General information about 21CN can be found at: Information about 21CN and migration can be found at: BT Supplier Information Notes (SINs) can be found at: The UK Transmission Plan can be found at:
The public information campaign to communicate about the process of migration to BT’s next generation network
Background Between 2006 and 2011, BT will migrate voice, broadband, and ISDN services to a next-generation network (NGN) Customers may experience some minor service interruptions at the point of migration to the NGN The Industry agreed to communicate about the migration to ensure any end user disruption is minimised The communication is being managed by a working group comprised of representatives from Communication Providers (CPs), resellers and industry associations Ofcom is involved in and supportive of this activity
Who will we be affected by the process of migration to BT’s NGN? Whose products and services run over a BT line
What is switched-on? Switched-on is the name of the public information campaign to communicate about BT’s migration to a NGN Switched-on is not commercial in any way and is not designed to give any single provider a competitive advantage. It will not communicate any new services or benefits enabled by the new network for BT or any other CP
The aim of switched-on To inform all UK based consumers, SMEs and resellers about the process of migration Build awareness and understanding of the migration programme Help people find additional support and information
Small business communication collateral
The communications toolkit To ensure communications regarding the new network and the process of getting switched-on are consistent across the industry, a comprehensive toolkit of collateral and guidance has been created Contents include: –Artwork and brand guidelines –Downloadable banners for websites –Call centre briefing pack –Notes for editors –Consistent messaging to cut and paste into reseller communication –The latest version of this presentation The latest toolkit materials can be downloaded from the communications area of the Consult21 website and will be added to over time at
CP toolkit
The aim of the switched-on communications campaign for resellers Give you the essential information you need Keep you informed about essential programme updates Advise where action may be required Help you keep your customers updated
Communications programme activities for resellers Switched-on presence at selected industry, CP and specific bespoke events Knowledge building webcalls Reseller newsletter Editorial/advertising in channel trade press Reseller area in Consult21 website with communication toolkit
Registration form
Reseller newsletter
So what do you need to do now? Build awareness of switched-on and the process of migration with your employees, business partners and customers Keep in contact with your supplier/carrier about the migration programme and timescales Promote the switched-on website and email enquiry address as appropriate:http://www.switchedonuk.org Register for the database if you have not done so to date and listen in to the webcalls Give us feedback! What do you need to hear about, where do you need clarification and what other materials will help you with your communications?
Answers Questions
Event close Thank you for your participation today URL link for slides will be loaded on the reseller sections on the consult 21 website and on the switched-on website Remember to register for the e-newsletter and updates Remember to visit the switched-on website Remember that your supplier/carrier can raise any specific issues on your behalf through the Consult21 programme
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