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Certified Software Tester V2.0 CSTE Certification Process.

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1 Certified Software Tester V2.0 CSTE Certification Process

2 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester  CSTE Introduction Program  CSTE Prerequisites  Applying for CSTE certification  Self-Study program  CSTE Exam  Sample CSTE Examination  Benefits of becoming a CSTE  Other Certifications  Reference  Q&A Agenda

3 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester CSTE Introduction Program

4 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester CSTE stands for Certified Software TEster which provides a professional level on the principles and practices of quality control in the IT profession. CSTE Introduction Program

5 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester CSTE Prerequisites

6 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester  To become a CSTE you must meet the following prerequisites: − CSTE Body of Knowledge (Described in the next slide.) − Working in the software testing field for at least 2 years. − Significant testing vocabulary to master the basics on the CSTE Body of Knowledge. CSTE Prerequisites

7 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester  CSTE Body of Knowledge − Test Principles and Concepts. − The Tester’s Role in Software Development and Acquisition. − Test Management. − Build the Test Environment. − Risk Analysis. − Test Planning Process. − Test Design. CSTE Prerequisites

8 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester − Performing Tests. − Defect Tracking and Correction. − Acceptance Testing. − Status of Testing. − Test Reporting.  NEW Knowledge Domains as of 2006 − Testing software Developed by outside organizations. − Testing Software Controls. − Testing New Technologies. CSTE Prerequisites

9 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester Applying for CSTE Certification

10 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester 1. Analyze your background in testing: − Familiarity with some topics of the CSTE Body of Knowledge. − Worked at least in 2 - 3 different QA projects. − Estimate the time it would take to study the CSTE guide and based on that, select the most appropriate date to do the exam. –CSTE Guide cost: $100 –CSTE Guide can be ordered from Applying for CSTE Certification

11 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester 2. The process to submit the application form to do the exam has been changed as of 2008. 3. As of 2008 a Certification Candidacy Application must be submitted through the new Customer Portal in Software Certifications Website at: efault.asp Applying for CSTE Certification

12 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester Applying for CSTE Certification

13 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester 4. Once you have submitted your application through the Customer Portal, you must read the instructions provided in the website to Schedule your Exam. − The cost of the exam is $350 Applying for CSTE Certification

14 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester Applying for CSTE Certification 5. As of 2008 exams are being offered through a Prometric Testing Center (online exam), more information at: 6. In Mexico, these Prometric Testing Centers are located in Mexico DF, Monterrey and Guadalajara.

15 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester Self-Study Program

16 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester  Establish a Study Plan before hitting the books: –Set your study objectives in measurable terms. –Set Milestones. –Be consistent. –Stick to the plan.  Example of a Study Plan –Microsoft Project is a good tool to develop the Study Plan: Self-Study Program

17 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester Self-Study Program

18 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester  A good approach is to divide the Study Plan in Milestones:  Reading I  Reading II (Next Slide illustrates a chart with milestones)  The recommended amount of time to prepare for CSTE is 8-12 months:  Studying 1.5 to 2 hrs every day  Avoid cramming which it is not beneficial in the long term. Self-Study Program

19 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester Self-Study Program CSTE MilestonesDuration CSTE Reading I99 days (3 months) CSTE Reading II76 days (2.5 months) CSTE Reading III54 days (1.5 months) CSTE Rehearsal15 days CSTE Beta Reading15 days CSTE Travel Phase1 day CSTE Big Bang Day1 day

20 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester  CSTE Study Best Practices  Read the CSTE Study guide at least 2 times.  Underline the most important points on the CSTE guide.  Prepare a Questionnaire of the most important points on the CSTE guide. Self-Study Program

21 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester  Read Testing books  Books of reference − Testing Computer Software, by Cem Kaner. − Testing Applications on the Web, 2e, by Hung Q. − Effective Methods for Software Testing by William Perry. − Managing the testing process, by Rex Black. Self-Study Program

22 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester  Read Testing Articles  Reference website: − − −  CSTE Yahoo Forums  These forums provide very good tips for the exam. Self-Study Program

23 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester CSTE Exam

24 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester  Exam duration: 4.5 hours.  Once you are in the exam you are not allowed to leave the classroom.  Ten minute break between each part. CSTE Exam

25 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester  Structure of the exam:  The exam is divided in 2 parts: − Multiple choice: 100 multiple choice questions –2 parts of 50 questions each. − Essay and short answer: 15 essay questions. –2 parts of 7-8 essay questions. –There is no right or wrong answer on this section. –You will be evaluated according to your knowledge. CSTE Exam

26 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester  As of 2004 - The minimum grade to pass the exam was 75 points in each section.  As of 2005 - If you didn’t get 75 points in each section you failed all the test.  No matter if you passed 3 sections with 100 points if you failed one section you failed all the exam.  If you failed the exam you had to wait 6 months to try again.  As of 2006 - Now you can pass the exam if your average score is 75 points. CSTE Exam

27 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester  Results are sent via regular postal service in approx 3 months.  The software certification website contains an index section named “Active CSTE Roster,” which is updated 2 times a month with all the names of the people who have passed the exam.  As of 2006- Now the institute sends a report with your grades to your email address. CSTE Exam

28 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester Sample CSTE Examination

29 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester  Multiple Choice questions:  What is QA?  What is QC?  What is Validation?  Essay questions:  Define 4 functional testing techniques.  Define the process to conduct an effective constructive criticism. Sample CSTE Examination

30 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester Benefits of Becoming CSTE

31 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester  Value Provided to the Profession  Common Body of Knowledge (CBOK)  Examination Process to Evaluate Competency  Code of Ethics. Benefits of Becoming CSTE

32 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester  Value Provided to the Individual  Credibility in your IT profession.  Recognition by Peers of Personal Desire to improve.  Increased confidence in Personal Capabilities.  Knowledge to improve processes in your IT organization. Benefits of Becoming CSTE

33 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester  Value Provided to the Individual  Recognition by IT Management for Professional Achievement (USA only) − 13% receives an immediate bonus of $610 − 12% receives an immediate average increase of 10% − 36% are recognized in staff meetings − 20% are recognized in newsletters or e-mails and by receiving rewards, management visits or calls, and lunch with the boss. − 29% are promoted to better assignments. Benefits of Becoming CSTE

34 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester  Value Provided to the Employer  Increased Confidence by IT Users and Customers.  Improved Processes to Build/Acquire/Maintain, Operate and Measure Software.  Independent Assessment of Competencies.  Competencies Maintained Through Recertification. Benefits of Becoming CSTE

35 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester  Value Provided to Co-Workers  Mentoring the Staff.  Testing Resource to “IT” Staff.  Role Model for Quality Assurance Practitioners. Benefits of Becoming CSTE

36 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester  How to Improve Quality Assurance Effectiveness Through Certification  A “driver” for improved IT effectiveness is the integration of the certification program in your “IT” career development plan. This can be accomplished by: − Creating an awareness of the certification program and its benefits to your practitioners. − Requiring or encouraging your practitioners to become certified. − Recognizing and rewarding successful candidates. − Supporting recertification as a means of maintaining competency. Benefits of Becoming CSTE

37 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester Other Certifications

38 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester  Certified Software Quality Analyst (CSQA), provides a level of competence in the principles and practices of quality assurance in IT. Certified Software Project Manager (CSPM), provides a level of competence to effectively design, manage, test and monitor the status of software projects. Other Certifications

39 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester Advance Level of Certification  Certified Manager of Software Testing (CMST) indicates a level of professional competence in both the principles and practices of software testing and the skills and capabilities necessary to manage the software test function.  Certified Manager of Software Quality (CMSQ) indicates a level of professional competence in both the principles and practices of software quality assurance and the skills and capabilities necessary to manage the quality assurance function. Other Certifications

40 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester Reference

41 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester  For more information on certification process and schedule dates visit:   For more information on the Quality Assurance Institute (QAI) and preparation guides:  Reference

42 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester  For more direction on how to prepare for Certifications visit Monterrey QAI Federation Chapter at:  Reference

43 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester  Perhaps the most important thing you can do to improve yourself professionally and personally is to develop a lifetime learning habit.  REMEMBER: If it is going to be – It’s up to me. Quote

44 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester  Any questions… Q&A

45 Copyright 2006 - 2008. MSQAA Federation Chapter Certified Software Tester Thank you…

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