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Chapter 5 Earth’s Resources. What occurs when harmful materials get into the water, air, or land?

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 5 Earth’s Resources. What occurs when harmful materials get into the water, air, or land?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 5 Earth’s Resources

2 What occurs when harmful materials get into the water, air, or land?

3 Pollution

4 What is it called when we use our resources wisely?

5 Conservation

6 What can hardened tree sap become after a long time?

7 Amber

8 What is water that is held in soil and rocks underneath the ground called?

9 Groundwater

10 What kind of resources are water, soil, and air?

11 Natural Resources

12 What are the remains of plants and animals that lived long ago called?

13 Fossils

14 What are rocks made of?

15 Minerals

16 What happens when water vapor cools?

17 Condenses into water droplets

18 What do cars need to run?

19 Fuel

20 How are igneous rocks made?

21 Melted rock cools and hardens

22 List three characteristics of topsoil.

23 It has lots of humus. It has lots of minerals. It holds water.

24 Give an example of a nonrenewable resource.

25 Metal

26 How long does it take to create fossil fuels?

27 Millions of years

28 In what type of rock are you most likely to find fossils?

29 Sedimentary

30 If a town needs more water what can they build that will connect them to a water source?

31 An Aqueduct

32 In which layer of soil are crops planted?

33 Topsoil

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