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5 th Grade Book of the Year 2006 Rachel Scott Lisa Wright.

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1 5 th Grade Book of the Year 2006 Rachel Scott Lisa Wright

2 Book of the Year: Overview This is a collaborative project between the two fifth grade English teachers and the school librarian. We are in a K-5 elementary school. This will become an annual event for the fifth graders. The entire project takes place over approximately a two month period, from the second week in January to the first week in March. If students   Read 6 of the 15 listed books   Write a book review on one of the books   Cast their vote for the best book of the year They will   Attend a pizza party where the book of the year will be announced

3 Read 6 of the 15 listed books A book list, chosen by the school librarian, will be announced the second week of January. The book list will be available online and at the school library. Students have until the end of February to read at least 6 of the books (7 weeks to read 6 books). Students are already required to get a certain number of Accelerated Reader (AR) points. The books read for this program will count toward those required points. The school librarian will determine who has read at least 6 books by checking the AR database.

4 Write a book review on one of the books The 5 th grade English teachers will do a unit on book reviews with the students the last week of February. Important topics covered will include: Persuasive writing techniques. The difference between a book report, book summary, and book review. An exploration of other student book review web sites. Students will write a draft book review at the end of the unit. This review will be on paper, written during English class, and may be either a positive or negative review of one of the books on the list. [Library class 1] During each class’s library time, the students will enter their book report into an online form (created by the school librarian). The school librarian will be assisting students as they complete their reviews. After the book reviews have been perused by the school librarian for appropriate content, the reviews will be made available online for the students to read each others reviews.

5 Cast a vote for the best book of the year [Library class 2] During the classes’ next library time, the book reviews will be discussed. Highlights might include the books most reviewed, any controversies, thoughtful insights from the reviews, questions raised by the reviews, etc. At the end of library class, students will vote online for their choice of best book (using an html form created by the school librarian).

6 Attend a pizza party where the book of the year will be announced A few days after the vote a pizza party (pizza and pop) will be held in the community room. Both 5 th grade classes will attend at one time during a lunch period. Funding for the pizza party, decorations, “goodie bags” (to include book coupons, ice cream coupons, book markers, pencils/pens, etc.) will be obtained from local businesses. A framed award certificate will be produced by the school librarian and displayed prominently in the school library. The announcement will be as “cheesy” as possible to emphasize fun and community.

7 Student Centered: Free choice of books from a varied book list. Knowledge Centered: Encourage Free Volunteer Reading. Learn to write a book review. Discuss books reviewed. Assessment Centered: Students will complete AR tests for the books they read. Community: Community building between the two fifth grade classes and within each fifth grade class. The local business community is also involved as a donor and supporter of this school program. Educational Technology: Students will enter their book review online and vote online. Four Aspects of Learning Environments

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