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7Ways Increase Your Self-Confidence Are you confident about yourself, your own skills and abilities? Are you comfortable in your own skin or do you feel.

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2 7Ways Increase Your Self-Confidence

3 Are you confident about yourself, your own skills and abilities? Are you comfortable in your own skin or do you feel uncertain? Do you undermine your own uniqueness? Perhaps you did not approach other people because you did not feel confident? These are the ways.

4 1. Be unquestioningly you! When you are trying to fit all the different molds that other people want you to fit in, you may lose track of who you really are. And it becomes impossible to please everyone all the time. Fall in love and approve of your own voice and your uniqueness. Begin believing that your voice and uniqueness are gifts that needs to be shared with the world.

5 “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”― Howard Thurman

6 2. You are good enough: approve, love and support yourself When you love and approve of yourself, you are giving the message that you matter. The popular quote is: “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” I would like to add: “when the tough get going, they also support themselves on the journey.” Do not forget that your art is valuable and you are not going to launch it out to the world unless you feel it is good enough.

7 “Do not look for approval except for the consciousness of doing your best.” ~Andrew Carnegie

8 3. Purpose, vision and dreams It may be better to cultivate a purpose that plays to your strengths and what you really love to do, be and have. Confidence comes from playing to your strengths and engaging in activities that make you happy and fulfilled. If you have not found what you are looking for, that is all right. Allow yourself the permission to do, be and feel what makes you inspired and happy in the current moment.

9 “I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.” ~ John Lennon

10 4. Begin with the “why” in mind S uccessful leaders and companies have a very clear “why” and it helps them to connect deeply with people. When you repeatedly connect to your “why,” you reconnect to the important things. You get focused and certain of why you are doing something and this creates a lot of confidence that others can sense.

11 5. Take action It is best to begin where you are at without lamenting what you have not done in the past. Jumping into action gives you a power-up that boosts your confidence. As you flex the action muscle, you become better at taking action and exude confidence. Great confidence comes from taking charge and taking action.

12 “Imagination means nothing without doing.” ― Charles Chaplin

13 6. Detach yourself from the outcome If you want a quick boost of confidence, do your best and then let it go. This tells the universe that you believe in yourself and have the confidence to allow things to happen without having to control everything. Confidence comes from being all right with the mysteries and intrigue of life and living with detachment from a particular outcome.

14 Expect the best but do not make the mistake of expecting a certain outcome.

15 7. Transform fears and failures into friends and teachers I nstead of running away from fear and failure, run straight into their path with courage and confidence. You will become greatly confident in your life if you allow failure to instruct you. Confident and happy people view failure as a result that can be fixed and do not allow it to have negative consequences on their entire self-image.

16 “You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt

17 “Today You are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” ~Dr Seuss Thank You Very Much Sompong Yusoontorn

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