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Our misplaced priority and its consequences By Bob Moffitt 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Our misplaced priority and its consequences By Bob Moffitt 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our misplaced priority and its consequences By Bob Moffitt 1

2  Evangelism - working priority over discipleship  Teaching Truth yields biblical disciples 2

3  The Twins  Richard Dawkins  Our Paradigm’s terms:  Evangelism; Discipleship 3

4 7 Reasons Why A Working Return to the Priority of Discipleship is Imperative And the Consequence of Ignoring a Return 4

5  Jesus passion for repentance, salvation, followers  Jesus most often connected the Gospel to Kingdom not Salvation  Kingdom = God’s will done > flourishing  Jesus model :  Conversation with Nicodemus in John 3  Woman at the well in John 4  Healing a dying boy from Cana in John 4  Casting out of a demon in Mark 1; Luke 4  Man cured of leprosy in Mt. 8; Mark 1; Luke 5  Blind man given sight in Mt. 8  Raising to life of the widow’s son in Luke 7 5

6  Great Awakenings: 1730-1740; 1790-1840 –  19 th and 20 th Century revivals - AMEN!, but…  Consequence: evangelism w/o discipleship  Beach evangelism  Babies don’t change culture 6

7  “…..In the church’s mission of sacrificial service evangelism is primary.”  Proclamation – if not priority, what is it?  Assumed – “As you go…” ; Component of witness; Ally/partner in demonstration of the Kingdom  Biblically – a seamless action early in process of discipling leading to obedience 7

8  Hypocrisy: saying one thing living differently  UN Christian – David Kinnaman, 2007  Mosaics - 1984 and 2002 (12 to 30 yr.-olds in 2014)  Buster - 1965 and 1983 (31 to 49 yr.-olds in 2014)  30% to 35%: 5% difference – between Xn & non-Xn  95 million Mosaics and Busters  60 million profess earlier commitment to follow Jesus  3 million have “Biblical worldview” Pg 73  Isaiah 58 8

9  Deuteronomy 4:5-8 “Priests”  Matthew 5:13-16 “Salt and Light”  I Peter 2:12 “Good Neighbors”  Corporate “worship” is primarily for followers, not observers 9

10  “Irreducible Minimum” of discipleship – teaching obedience; fruit = obedience vs fruit of Spirit  When we ignore the Irreducible Minimum:  Diminished time/energy for discipling  Focus on personal spiritual disciplines  Sales; Inoculation against conversion; Numbers - Argentina, Romania, India  2/3 of us believe we are sincere; 1/3 outsiders believe we are sincere  Can evangelism lead to sin? 10

11 Sin 11 Present Future Man God’s Intentions 6) Sin Hides God’s Intentions

12 Disobedience: Conversion w/o Discipleship Personal Lives Families Brothers and Sisters in Christ Neighbors Government, Employers, Employees Enemies Wall of Sin 12

13 Man Church 13 Present Future God’s Intentions

14 The Church of this generation is losing (or, has it lost?) the battle for the soul of our cultures 14

15  Eph 4:11-13 - Equip the saints to serve  Phil 2:6-8 - Service  Voluntarily/willingly  Humbly  Sacrificially  Joyfully  Taking on another’s burden  Helping the served to grow toward God’s intention 15

16  Model abiding in Christ  Model servanthood – one-on-one  Model abiding and servanthood - in community Instead of doing discipleship by:  First teaching how to evangelize  First teaching Bible knowledge  First teaching personal spiritual disciplines 16

17 “If Jesus Were Mayor”  Healing brokenness  Sovereignty over the cosmos  Concern for the desecration of sacred places  Signs of supernatural intervention  Suffering  Giving beyond our ability –until it hurts  Loving care for one-another 17

18 18

19  Motivated for obedience  Powerful history of mobilization  Growing awareness of reversed priorities  Need: Change of Paradigm + Knowing how 19

20 May His Kingdom come, now, in our lives, to our families, in our churches, in the nations, and on the whole earth, as it is in Heaven!!!! 20

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