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Narrative 101. What is Narrative? There is a distinct difference between Story and Narrative. –Story is a series of events unfolding –Narrative is the.

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Presentation on theme: "Narrative 101. What is Narrative? There is a distinct difference between Story and Narrative. –Story is a series of events unfolding –Narrative is the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Narrative 101

2 What is Narrative? There is a distinct difference between Story and Narrative. –Story is a series of events unfolding –Narrative is the way in which these events and elements are related to an audience. "Story is the irreducible substance of a story (A meets B, something happens, order returns), while narrative is the way the story is related (Once upon a time there was a princess...)" (Key Concepts in Communication - Fiske et al (1983))

3 How to shape narrative Many constructs are used to shape narrative in film and television: –Story Arcs A distinct narrative direction or ‘strand’ These can be interwoven or run in parallel to form multi- strand narratives Feature-length films typically have 3 or more strands –Oppositions / Challenge Characters / elements have binary oppositions An objective is set / a quest must be completed –Story focus Type of story that will psychologically hold audience interest: –Human interest –Mysteries

4 Comprehending devices Understanding time in structuring narrative –Devices used to modify the perception of time: Flashbacks Dream Sequences Repetition Other Characters’ POV Flash Forwards Real-time interludes Pre-figuring on events that have not yet taken place.

5 Cause and Effect To infer is to speak volumes –Lev Kuleshov (The Kuleshov Effect 1918)

6 Established Conventions Tzvetan Todorov –Theory of Equilibriums A state of equilibrium at the outset A disruption of this equilibrium by some action A recognition of this disruption An attempt to repair the disruption The reinstatement of a new equilibrium Claude Levi-Strauss –Structuralism –Binary oppositions (challenge) That human beings try to make sense of their understanding of the world and myth/narrative through oppositions. Good being dependant on bad (eg. Batman and the Joker)

7 Established Conventions Vladimir Propp –Character sets Narratemes Elements themselves (as long as they are dutifully considered) are less important than the way in which they are put across. Characters: –The Hero –The Helper –The Villain –The False Hero –The Donor –The Dispatcher –The Princess –The Princess’ Father

8 Established Conventions Vladimir Propp –Functions (Spheres) Preparation Complication Transference Struggle Return Recognition

9 Established Conventions Roland Barthes –Meaning does not derive from an author’s intention and structured representation but the readers interpretation. Audience perspective is paramount. –Codes Enigma - mystery builds audience intrigue - solving the enigma codes in the narrative –Strings Strings (or Arcs) can run in parallel, crossover, and to the extent where if they are many and smaller, it is like a ball of string to be unravelled as a function of narrative.

10 The Short Film Narrative Good methods for creating a successful short film narrative: –Practicalities and Scope Keep it simple Don’t use too many settings, or settings you have little chance of filming in –Eg. INT. PALATIAL MANSION - DAY Don’t overcomplicate (1-2 narrative strands at most) Don’t build in outlandish visual effects that require lots of time to create Don’t create a huge cast of dozens of characters and extras –Writing Be aware of the screen-time limitations, and write accordingly Don’t build in any redundant content where the audience would be able to infer. –Refinement Always get someone else to read your script before you decide it’s final - for constructive criticism. Workshop your dialogue with friends, relatives or actors is possible.

11 Scriptwriting / Screenwriting Scene Action Character Dialogue Parenthical

12 Free, OpenSource Software Mac OS X Windows Linux eeePC Or go to and login to access the resources area.

13 Comments Comments? Questions?

14 Meeting 2 will be… Camerawork 101

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