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The IATI Data Store. In the beginning... IATI does not propose the development of a new aid database, and it does not seek to develop parallel standards.

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Presentation on theme: "The IATI Data Store. In the beginning... IATI does not propose the development of a new aid database, and it does not seek to develop parallel standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 The IATI Data Store

2 In the beginning... IATI does not propose the development of a new aid database, and it does not seek to develop parallel standards and systems for aid reporting. IATI Position Paper, April 2009

3 The theory was... Raw IATI Data Infomediaries / Ecosystem Usable, visualised, presentable information

4 But... Insufficient Data Poor quality data No take up from the ecosystem

5 The problem 190 publishers 2,900 datasets 272,000 activities

6 With the result that... The biggest problem facing our credibility IATI data is not being used Data manipulation not meaningful information Misuse by open data geeks

7 So... Online repository of activities Refreshed nightly Accessed via XML, JSON, CSV

8 It still isn’t a database... Think before you select Duplicate Activities Double counting Operational Data

9 First results

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