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1. PROJECT GOAL Our final product will be an interactive public website which will allow the user to view various aspects of our current and future infrastructure.

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Presentation on theme: "1. PROJECT GOAL Our final product will be an interactive public website which will allow the user to view various aspects of our current and future infrastructure."— Presentation transcript:

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2 PROJECT GOAL Our final product will be an interactive public website which will allow the user to view various aspects of our current and future infrastructure. The website interaction will be simple and easy to use for the general public, but the implementation and results will give detailed and accurate investment planning for the next 40 years. 2

3 ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS SOFTWARE  Electric Sector o NEMS o MARKAL/TIMES  Transportation Sector o CARVER2 o TRAGIS 3

4 MARKET SURVEY  Investment Planning for State of Iowa for Next Forty Years  Demonstrates Interdependency of Transportation and Electric Generation Sectors  Utilizes Analysis Software Available Only at Iowa State University 4

5 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS  Obtaining Data o Energy generation o Consumption o Transportation  Visualization of the Data o Publicly shown on our website o Gives visualization of current energy and transportation infrastructure 5

6 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS  Visualization of the Data cont. o Will extend the previous groups data o Shown on Iowa map with colored lines, coordinate locations, and pop out information for each point of interest  Future Analysis o Creates a long term infrastructure plan for the state of Iowa o Uses past and current information including predicted trends. o Shows a 40 year plan with constraints and input variables specified by the user 6

7 NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS  Budget limitation o All data collection efforts are limited by a $12,050 budget  Must be usable on any computer for a user of any skill level o This is done by simple input specifications the user can manipulate 7

8 INPUT FILE DESCRIPTION  Electric Generation o Coal, Natural Gas, Nuclear, Hydro, Solar, Wind etc.  Electric Transmission o 115KV, 161KV, 230KV, and 345KV  Transportation o Passenger, Commodity, Railroad, River 8

9 FILE LIST  NETPLAN files include o Capacity o Node List o Emissions o Life Span o Investment Costs o Arc List o Fuel Type 9

10 ELECTRIC GENERATION  Generation sites of 20MW and up will be modeled  Each power plant will be denoted by a node  Nodes are connected with arcs to transmission nodes and transportation nodes  Excel files were created with the necessary information to run NETPLAN 10

11 CONSTRAINTS/CONSIDERATIONS  Uses GoogleEarth for part of the visualization for input and output files o GoogleEarth allows easy modeling of Iowa infrastructure and is free for all users  Generation and Transportation Cutoffs o Unable to include every generation plant, transmission line, or highway o Generation cutoff – 20MW o Transmission cutoff – 115kV 11

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13 DESIGN PROCESS 13.csv data files Nodes map Created Iowa Data Our senior design team will collect data of Iowa’s energy infrastructure and transportation. The data will be as points were formatted in Excel spreadsheets.

14 DESIGN PROCESS 14 KML files stored in ISU server NETPLAN KML files will stored on ISU’s server ready to read by the Google Earth implementation in our project’s website. Transmissions lines will not display as point, but will mapped out with Photoshop and save as KML file on ISU’s server as well.

15 DESIGN PROCESS 15 NETPLAN Website The output will be mainly from NETPLAN and will be in three difference forms Visual in Google Earth, graphic in chart area relationship, and Data table in excel.

16 INPUT SPECIFICATION 16 Input menu will appear from design’s website will allow users to choose different energy Investment scenarios also to run NETPLAN software

17 DESIGN SPECIFICATION 17  Languages: Java, HTML, and C++  Software: CPLEX and NETPLAN  Technologies: Google Earth and Graphic User Interface (GUI)  Server: ISU Linux server

18 NETPLAN RESULTS  Once NETPLAN runs it will show the projected investment o Displays the resiliency of the system  These are influenced by the users initial specifications o Displays investment planning and emissions o Output displayed by events  Such as load increases 18

19 TEST PLAN 19  Create Base Case for Iowa Infrastructure o Current Generation and Transportation  Simulate Investment Strategy for Iowa with Specified Parameters Using NETPLAN o Parameters Changeable by User  Load Growth, Emissions, etc.  Display Results on Website

20 20  Using multiple software and computer language  Google Earth map requires Google Earth plug- in to be embedded in the website  Finding most recent data  Restricted data  Working with NESCORE21 research group  Using newly developed software NETPLAN

21 RESOURSCES AND COST ESTIMATE 21  The software license will cost approximately $4,000  If it include labor hours, there almost 400 hours of work in $20/hour rate that will total of $8,000  Poster $50 Total cost ≅ $12,050 “including Labor”

22 PROJECT SCHEDULE 22 Spring Semester

23 PROJECT SCHEDULE 23 Fall Semester

24 CURRENT PROJECT STATUS 24  Base Case/NETPLAN o Transmission, Generation, and Transportation files have been completed o Natural Gas, Generation Investment, and Transportation Investments are in progress o Passenger Transportation modeling is currently being adapted into NETPLAN  Website Construction o General website has been created o GUI for public interaction will be started once base case is successfully demonstrated

25 TASK RESPOSIBILITY AND CONTRIBUTION 25 NameTaskTotal Hours Michael HealyData development, analysis, and documentation 45 Deogratius MpingeSoftware design and documentation 51 Spenser MussmannData development, analysis, and develop investment decision 57 Abdelmagid YousifSoftware design and develop investment decision 57 Total 210

26 PLAN FOR NEXT SEMESTER 26  Writing the codes to run NETPLAN form the website  Improve Google Earth map view  Proposed solution for long-term (40+ years) energy investment  Deliverable: website, documents, and poster


28 REFERENCES 28 Senior design team Dec10_12 Wind picture Transmission lines picture Plug in car picture in-electric-car-technology.jpg Highway picture dict/photofiles/list/4592/6074highway.jpg Electric train picture train.jpg Power plant picture content/uploads/2008/11/south-platte-river-power-plant.jpg

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