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HEALTHY CONCORD Community Planning Process What will make Concord a healthier place to live and work?

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Presentation on theme: "HEALTHY CONCORD Community Planning Process What will make Concord a healthier place to live and work?"— Presentation transcript:

1 HEALTHY CONCORD Community Planning Process What will make Concord a healthier place to live and work?

2 What are Healthy Communities? Recognition that health and well-being are interconnected with social, cultural, physical, economic and other factors and that community-wide participation and collaboration are necessary to improve health and the quality of life.

3 What are Healthy Communities? The Healthy Cities movement began in Toronto, Canada, in 1984 and quickly spread to Europe under the auspices of the World Health Organization. A Healthy Community is where people come together to make their community better for themselves, their family, their friends, their neighbors and others in their community.

4 The Healthy Concord Project has been guided by the WHO definition of Health: A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. A healthy community is one that continuously creates and improves both its physical and social environments. Such communities help people to support one another in aspects of daily life and to develop to their fullest potential. Healthy places are those designed and built to improve the quality of life for all people who live, work, worship, learn, and play within their borders. They also provide easy access and connectivity to other communities – places where every person is free to make choices amid a variety of healthy, available, accessible, and affordable options.”

5 What do Healthy Community Groups do? Work together on local issues that affect health and quality of life, such as : o Public health concerns such as chronic disease prevention, substance abuse, & environmental health o Housing and economic challenges o Youth development and well-being o Access to health/medical care and mental health services o Providing support for Seniors o Recreation o A healthy environment o Arts and cultural pursuits o Transportation.

6 Who creates a Healthy Community? People are the key to a Healthy Community. Individual participants come in all ages, from all educational and economic backgrounds, and from all sectors of the community. And that’s why you’re here today!

7 Who creates a Healthy Community? Municipal & local government and planners Local business, industry, economic development Civic/cultural and Arts groups Local residents Faith organizations Hospitals and health care organizations Health and social service organizations Youth groups/organizations Education Community foundations Recreational groups and facilities

8 How do you build a Healthy Community? Work Together! Residents work together to: Decide what health means for their community; Learn more about the healthy communities approach; Study the needs and assets of the community; Identify problems and strengths in the community; and Set goals to help the community build on its assets and become healthier TODAY we begin to set goals

9 What does a Healthy Community Look Like? Open space Opportunities for Recreation Access to Nutritious Food A Healthy Environment

10 What does a Healthy Community Look Like? Places for Social Interaction and Connection – Faith based Communities Library Festivals Vibrant Street Life Civic groups Arts organizations

11 What does a Healthy Community Look Like? Supports for Children, Families, Seniors –

12 What does a Healthy Community Look Like? Transportation Options--Ability for All to Get Around

13 How did the Healthy Concord Community Planning Process get started? Massachusetts Department of Public Health Community Health Network Areas (CHNAs)

14 How did the Healthy Concord Community Planning Process get started? Concord is part of the Northwest Suburban Health Alliance CHNA 15 CHNA 15 awarded Concord a Healthy Communities Planning Grant in April 2012, for an 18 month planning process. Funds for this grant were provided by CHNA 15 DoN funds from Lahey Clinic Steering Committee formed; members represent a broad spectrum of community interests

15 Healthy Concord Community Planning Process Project Consultant Jill Block joined project September 2012. 2 Public Surveys-- Fall 2012-Early Winter 2013. Key Issues identified Find solutions to these issues Implement these solutions

16 What are the outcomes of the Healthy Concord Community Planning Process? Anticipated that CHNA 15 will providing funding for a 2-year $25,000 Implementation Grant beginning September 2013. Today’s job is to brainstorm local solutions to the key issues identified in the assessment process

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