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Published byEmil Johns Modified over 9 years ago
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 1 CMS Detector Global Status Wesley H. Smith U. Wisconsin HCP2009 - Hadron Collider Physics Symposium Evian, November 16, 2009 Outline: Testing with Cosmics & Splash Events Detector & Analysis Performance Readiness for first collisions
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 2 CMS Detector Design MUON BARREL CALORIMETERS Pixels Silicon Microstrips 210 m 2 of silicon sensors 9.6M (Str) & 66M (Pix) channels ECAL 76k scintillating PbWO4 crystals Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC) Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) Drift Tube Chambers (DT) Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) Superconducting Coil, 4 Tesla Steel YOKE TRACKER MUON ENDCAPS HCAL Plastic scintillator/brass sandwich Level-1 Trigger Output Today: 50 kHz (eventually100 kHz) Directly feeds Higher Level Trigger CPU farm
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 3 20082008 Cosmics, Splashes & Circulating Beams
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 4 CMS Minus End & Closure
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 5 Final Closure (3 Sept. 2008)
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 6 2008: First Beam through CMS Beam Pickup (ch1) CMS Beam Condition Monitors (ch 3, 4) Point 5 Control Room CMS Centre Meyrin Halo Muons in CSCs and HB
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 7 Beam Halo Events in CMS Endcap CSC muon chambers ME-4ME-3ME-2ME-1 ME+1ME+2ME+3ME+4
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 8 Circulating Beam: Beam Halo Events HCAL Endcap: un-captured (lhs) & captured beam (rhs)
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 9 CMS Continuous Operation: CRAFT - Cosmics Run at 4 T* Ran CMS continuously for 6 weeks (Oct – Nov ’08) to gain operational experience, stability of infrastructure. Collected ~300M cosmic events. About 400 TB of data distributed widely. Efficiency ~ 70% (24/7) First analyses of these data used s/w release intended for 2008 data- taking & LHC grid infrastructure. Re-reconstruction & analyses with more advanced versions of the release *operating field of CMS is 3.8T
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 10 CRAFT08: Performance Plots (> 20 papers being submitted to JINST) Energy deposited by muons HCAL ECAL radiative ionisation Points- data total 10 Muon Chambers Point Resolution Muon Chambers Point Resolution Distn of Mean Residuals Alignment in Inner Tracker Si Trkr Modules Si Trkr Modules Bpix Modules Bpix Modules TOB x 2.6 um PXB x 2.6 um
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 11 ’08-’09 Shutdown – CMS Activities After cosmics run (Nov ‘08), detector was opened for maintenance & repair activities, installation of preshower subdetector & CASTOR. Work progressed according to the schedule laid down in Nov. 2008. Major Accomplishments: Removal, repair, and re-insertion of the forward pixel system Installation and commissioning of the preshower (ES) Completion of maintenance & (some) repairs of all sub-systems Completion of the revision of the tracker cooling plant Understanding of magnetic field in the return iron-yoke Overpressure protection (new item) – occupy underground control room Re-commissioning of CMS Prepared software (CMSSW3) for 2009 data taking, improving stability & reliability of computing infrastructure New TOSCA Field Map – agreement of data & MC now better than 2% Large MC production & analysis exercise at 10 & 7 TeV (“October Exercise”) CRAFT09: 40 day global cosmic run July 23 – Sept. 1, 2009 Mostly continuous with a few planned downtimes
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 12 2009 so far Cosmics & Splashes
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 13 Cosmic Data Taking: CRAFT09 CRAFT09: 23.7-1.9.09: Collected 300M+ cosmic events with tracking detectors & field on (3.8T). (160 M with field = 0) Quality of data from, and performance of, CMS is equal or better than that in CRAFT08 24/7 Data-taking effic’y ~ 80%. Possible to improve, e.g. on weekends ~ 85-90%.
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 14 CRAFT09 Performance P T Comparison (B-Field): Stand-Alone Muons vs. Tracker Muons Subdetectors % Operational
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 15 CRAFT09: Tracker availability Silicon strip : 98.1% Tracker Outer Barrel: 98.3% T. Inner Barrel/T. Inner Disks 96.5% T. EndCap+: 98.8% T. EndCap-: 99.2% 1 control ring* 1 cooling ring* *will investigate possibility of repair in long shutdown Silicon Pixel: 98.5% Barrel: 99.1% Forward: 96.9 CMS preliminary Strip map : working modules (green), disabled (white), not read-out (red), other (mainly missing HV blue)
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 16 CRAFT09 Track finding efficiency for cosmic muons Tag muon with tracks from μ chambers. 2 track-finders: Combinatorial Track Finder (will be used in collisions) Cosmic Track Finder (simple algorithm tailored for single muon tracks provides cross check) CMS preliminary
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 17 CRAFT09 Tracker hit efficiency Hit efficiency for Cosmic Muons Efficiency in the various layers of Si tracker Tracks searched for without considering layer to be investigated. Track extrapolated into layer investigated Hit searched for in expected region Eff’cy including faulty modules*: 98.2% Eff’cy excluding known faulty modules*: 99.9% *not including recent loss of 50 modules (0.4%) due to cooling incident CMS Preliminary Data for field on & off * * *Excluding known faulty modules
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 18 CRAFT09: RPC Signals CRAFT09: Barrel and Endcap RPC fully functional Barrel chamber HV scan: Hit efficiency as a function of High Voltage Shown for two thresholds On plateau: efficiency is independent of threshold: robust settings CMS preliminary Efficiency at fixed HV (9.3kV) for two different thresholds. Robust operational conditions
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 19 CRAFT09 Endcap Muon CSC data: reconstructed y vs x in each station +z endcap -z endcap 99% of chambers delivered data in CRAFT09 (cf. 96% in CRAFT08) Borrowed LV supplies for a test -- turned back on later From one run (110508, 11 Aug 2009) cm
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 20 HFjets -jets e iso ET/HTMultiple objects Unused bits halo CRAFT09: All Level-1 Trigger algorithms used DT, CSC, RPC muon triggers with cosmic timing Also used: LHC timing and pointing roads in muon trigger ECAL & HCAL based triggers with very low thresholds Thresholds & cuts adjusted to provide comparable rates Tested steady long-term running at 80 kHz
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 21 L1 trigger performance (CRAFT09) L1 Drift Tube Track Finder Muon candidates efficiency vs p T (threshold 10 GeV) L1 e γ efficiency turn-on curve Measurement using muon brems in crystals Muon triggered events, requiring muon associated with ECAL e.m. cluster Super-pointing sample (LHC-like) p T from tracker Effcy. of 1, 5, 10 Gev Thr. trigger vs.EM cluster Et
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 22 CRAFT09 Data Acquisition Efficient running with 80 kHz input rate All systems in, including Preshower detector > 4700 Filter units applications running on 672 PCs Huge muon trigger rate*, DAQ/HLT/SM ok ~1 kHz cosmics / calib + 80 kHz randoms ~15 hours, ~ 4 10 9 events *Noise temporarily raised rate – automatic throttling keeps stability
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 23 CMS Splash Events Nov. ‘09 LHC started to deliver beam shots to CMS on afternoon of Saturday, Nov. 7 ~every 40 sec in 3 sessions CMS collected 1105 splashes Solenoid at 3.8T Shielding closed Silicon tracking systems off (strips & pixels) Muon systems at reduced HV (CSC, DT, RPC) Only downstream RPC endcap enabled Calorimeters on Trigger on ECAL (central ring) Silicon preshower detector on NEW CASTOR (5.1 < |η| < 6.55) calorimeter on NEW First ZDC (8.5 < |η|) channels on NEW
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 24 Beam 2 Splash ‘09 Event Display ECAL energy deposits in red, HCAL energy deposits in blue (light blue for HF and HO) RPC muon hits are in yellow, and CSC muon hits are in magenta. Note that CSC wires are also visible.
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 25 Splash ‘09 Event Display ECAL energy deposits in red, Preshower in green, HCAL energy deposits in blue (light blue for HF and HO), RPC muon hits are in yellow, and CSC muon hits are in magenta. Beam 2
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 26 Splash ‘09 Event Display ECAL energy deposits in red, HCAL energy deposits in blue (light blue for HF and HO), RPC muon hits are in yellow.
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 27 Splash ‘09: ECAL vs. HCAL Observed Energy 721 Splash events in a wide range of beam intensity Response in EndCap+ is lower than EndCap- due to particle losses from material in CMS Barrel EndCap+ EndCap- Millions of muons per event 1000’s of TeV/event!
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 28 Bottom Beam HCAL Response: single Splash ’09 event Response in HCAL (HB/HE/HF) No dead channels 6 HF channels (out of 1728) masked in trigger Includes several saturated towers HF+ HE HBHEHF- ||||||||
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 29 Splash ‘09: HCAL HB Timing HCAL reconstructed (Rechit) time for barrel Left: Apply Splash08 measured η correction for splash vs. collision time-of-flight & cables to Splash09 data Right: Add ϕ correction for cables measured during first Splash09 data (Sat-Sun) to later (Mon) Splash09 data η-dep. ToF corr. HB+HB- μμ 1 ns! ϕ -dep. cable corr.
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 30 ECAL Response: 800 Splash ’09 events Average energy per crystal in ECAL White regions are masked channels 0.9% of total one quarter may be recovered. Use coarse trigger data to recover all but 0.15% Energy modulations are combination of energy flow traversing CMS & geometry effects. e.g. lower energy at large radii in the ECAL Endcap downstream to the beam direction is due to the ECAL barrel shield. Average muon fluence is about 5 muons cm -2 CMS 2009 Prelim. ECAL Endcap - (beam side) ECAL Endcap + ECAL Barrel η=0 Beam x [crystal index] Bottom y [crystal index] η=1.5 ϕ η=-1.5 =-1.5 =-3.0 =1.5 =3.0
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 31 ECAL Preshower Response to single Splash ’09 event Installed Spring ’09 Successfully operated during all Splash ‘09 events Number of muons per sensor shown Flux modulations consistent with energy maps seen in ECAL Endcaps. Isolated hot spots are attributed to muon radiation Sensors cover 37.1 cm 2 each → average muon fluence ~ 5 cm -2 LV problem – 50% now fixed Readout problem (now fixed) CMS 2009 Prelim. =-1.65 =-2.6 =1.65 =2.6
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 32 NowNow Preparing for the 2009/2010 Run
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 33 Ready for Collisions: Trigger Menu for 10 31 cm -2 s -1 Total calculated L1 rate 9 kHz (50 kHz capacity) Muons: Unprescaled at p T =9 GeV; L1 single μ thresh. at 7 GeV Also unprescaled L1/L2/L3 μ output at p T =30/11/9 GeV Electrons: No isolation requirements at L1 Unprescaled at p T =20 GeV w/no isolation & at 15 GeV with loose track isolation Photons: No isolation requirements at L1 Unprescaled at p T =25 GeV with no isolation Jets: Unprescaled 1-Jet p T =110 GeV MinBias: Algorithms use HF-tower E T, HF E T ring sums, Ecal E T, & pixel triplets Jet: 18 Hz MET & HT: 8 Hz Muon: 37 Hz Electron: 26 Hz Photon: 23 Hz B-Tau: 13 Hz x-triggers: 11 Hz MinBias: 8 Hz Total: 145 Hz Higher Level Trig. Rates by Object Planned HLT Rate 300 Hz (600 Hz capacity) /event = 42 ms (100 ms capacity)
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 34 Analysis Model in CMS Tier-1 Tier-2 Tier-3 Tier-1 Computing Facilities are major repositories of MC & reconstructed data Tier-2 Computing Facilities are half devoted to simulation half user analysis. Primary resource for analysis Tier-3 CAF Tier-3 Computing Facilities are entirely controlled by the providing institution & used for analysis Tier-0 CERN CAF Tier-1 Tier-2Tier-2 Tier-3 CMS Analysis is performed on a globally distributed collection of computing facilities Tier-2
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 35 Computing Readiness MC Production Generated 760M full simulation events July-Oct, 2009 For both 7 and 10 TeV analyses Tier-1 & Tier-2 readiness Closely monitored: much improvement in Tier-2 readiness Intensively tested during 2-week “October Exercise” of analysis 77 separate analyses w/230 participants, increment of 700K jobs ~ 2000 data sample subscriptions, 900 TB from Tier-1’s to Tier-2’s October Exercise 4 times average Different colors for different Tier-2’s Ready & Working Not Ready Scheduled Downtime 200k/day 50 sites
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 36 Early Physics Program Early beam - collisions, up to 10-20 pb -1 @ 7 TeV Commission trigger, start “physics commissioning” – “rediscover SM”: Physics objects; measure jet & lepton rates; observe W, Z, top &, of course, first look at possible extraordinary signatures… 7 TeV, 10’s of pb -1 : measure S.M., start searches Approx per pb -1 : 3000 W l (l = e, ); 300 Z ll (l =e, ); 5 ttbar +X Improved understanding of physics objects; jet energy scale from W j j′; extensive use (& understanding) of b-tagging Measure/understand backgrounds to SUSY & Higgs searches As data accumulates higher, look for excesses from SUSY & Z′ resonances.
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 37 Particle Multiplicities & B physics B + → J/ K + with 10 pb - 1 e.g. Exclusive B production with early data: B +(0) → J/ K +(*0) cross section & lifetime ratio for 10 pb -1 @ 10 TeV Charged Hadron Multiplicity in Minimum Bias pp Collisions at 900 GeV and 10 TeV (5k events) M J/ K+ 900 GeV 10 TeV Analyses have been redone for 7 TeV – available soon
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 38 QCD: Jet Measurements Startup inclusive jet measurement using k T & SISCone Studying other algorithms – present intent to make anti-k T the default Startup inclusive jet measurement using k T & SISCone Studying other algorithms – present intent to make anti-k T the default Inclusive jet cross-section uncertainties (SISCone) for 10 pb -1 data @ 10 TeV Inclusive jet cross-section measurement (k T ) for 10 pb -1 data @ 10 TeV
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 39 W, Z ∙BR (10 pb -1, 10 TeV) syst. uncert: 2.4% + 10% for Ldtsyst. uncert: 4.0% + 10% for Ldt; Z ee W e Z Selection E T > 20.0 GeV both e isolated 70 < M e,e < 110 GeV W Selection E T > 30.0 GeV Isolated e Use data driven methods e.g. tag and probe method to work out efficiencies from “data”
W. Smith, U. Wisconsin, HCP, Nov. 16, 2009. CMS Detector Global Status - 40 Conclusions & Outlook CMS closed after 10-month successful maintenance period & in “data-taking” state Round-the-clock operationRound-the-clock operation Magnet is at operational field.Magnet is at operational field. All sub-detectors operatingAll sub-detectors operating Took data in 2009 beam splash eventsTook data in 2009 beam splash events Data analyzed from cosmic & beam-splash running shows an aligned, calibrated detector with trigger & DAQ that is ready for physics Computing and Software systems have been exercised to demonstrate readiness for data analysisComputing and Software systems have been exercised to demonstrate readiness for data analysis Physics planning & tools are ready for beamPhysics planning & tools are ready for beam We are ready and eager for first collisions!
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