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Sddec11-03 Group Members: Charles Ristau (Group Manager) Yik Sen Tan (Web Master) Tariq Azmy (Secretary) Theron Worthington (Communication Liaison) Advisor:

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Presentation on theme: "Sddec11-03 Group Members: Charles Ristau (Group Manager) Yik Sen Tan (Web Master) Tariq Azmy (Secretary) Theron Worthington (Communication Liaison) Advisor:"— Presentation transcript:

1 sddec11-03 Group Members: Charles Ristau (Group Manager) Yik Sen Tan (Web Master) Tariq Azmy (Secretary) Theron Worthington (Communication Liaison) Advisor: Prof. Daji Qiao Client: Prof. Manimaran

2  CSP handles instrument cleaning and preparation for Operating Rooms  Instruments required normally scheduled  Sometimes additional instruments are needed ◦ Nurse requests instruments ◦ CSP cleans and prepares instruments

3  Most of the needed instruments are prepared ahead of time for the scheduled operations throughout the day  Sometimes additional instruments are needed  Requests for these instruments are generally made through phone calls or notes left on instrument trays  This can tie up phone lines and create an inefficient system of logging and tracking of instrument requests

4  Implement a system that is capable of tracking requests by OR staff (nurse).  Implement in OR Room, Decontamination Room, and Sterilization Room.  Additional terminal for CSP coordinator to monitor request status.


6  Nurse who work in the operating room. ◦ Make instrument request through the system.  CSP staff in Decontamination and Sterilization area. ◦ Receive request from nurse.  Coordinator monitors requests ◦ Can edit status as needed

7  Based on set-up in Iowa Methodist Health Center in Des Moines  Operating Rooms  Every rooms has one terminal  Central Sterile Processing (CSP) Area  Decontamination Room – 1 terminal  Sterilization Room – 1 terminal  Supervisor Room – 1 terminal

8  Operating Room Terminal ◦ Create Request ◦ Cancel/Clear Request ◦ View Request Status  Decontamination Room Terminal ◦ View Request Status ◦ Change Request Status  Sterilization Terminal ◦ View Request Status ◦ Change Request Status  CSP Coordinator Terminal ◦ Monitoring

9  User friendly ◦ Straight forward user interface ◦ Organized user interface  Reliability ◦ Request confirmation ◦ Request status  Increase effectiveness ◦ Auto-matched function

10 Server Status Update Requests Information Operating Room Terminal Decontamination Room Terminal Coordinator Computer Sterilization Terminals Status Update

11  Each terminal’s program will be linked to a server.  Every update will go through server and the server will update all terminal’s program simultaneously  The server stores past and present requests information based on the request number designated to each request.

12  Workstation ◦ Windows XP ◦ Java available  Network is reliable  No confidential information displayed  Only used by hospital staff in designated areas

13  Tools used ◦ Netbeans Swing GUI Builder ◦ Eclipse IDE  Learning Experience ◦ Java Swing programming ◦ TCP socket programming

14  Table displaying current instrument request information  Buttons allowing easy-to-learn addition or removal of requests

15  Picture of Add pop- up  Allows nurse to add a request by specifying the following information ◦ Room ◦ Case ◦ Instruments  Typing in instrument queries instrument database for matches

16  Show status of current requests  Allows the user to change the status of the request

17  Allows the user to change the status of a request  Status choices depend on terminal

18  Allows a user to supervise active requests  Can message status

19  Tools used ◦ Netbeans ◦ JavaDB  Learning Experience ◦ JDBC programming with SQL ◦ TCP socket programming

20  Takes updates from terminals to add requests or change request status in the request database  Updates terminals when a change occurs in the request database  Queries instrument database to find possible matches for user instrument input

21  JavaDB – Oracle supported implementation of Apache Derby  Created through Netbeans  Consists of two tables ◦ Requests ◦ Instruments

22  Edit/Change function on OR terminal  Enhanced GUI interface display  Instruments details scroll pop-up function

23 JUnit Testing  Non-thread methods in the front-end software tested  These methods passed JUnit testing with various given inputs Functional Testing  Auto-complete, status requests, and request addition/deletion tested and succeeded

24 Manual Testing  Scenarios created to test the system with different configurations of possible real-time events encountered  Tested scenarios behaved as expected  Persistence of system database during shutdowns was tested Integration Testing  System tested on different computers on different networks  The Iowa State network, ad hoc, and a simple router were used to test the system  Computers used during testing ran Windows 7 OS  System requires that at least version JRE 1.7 of Java be used

25 Problem Definition Senior Design Introduction End Product Design Project Documentation Project Reporting Technology Selection

26 End Product Implementation End Product Testing

27  Successfully implement for each terminal. ◦ GUI interface design ◦ Request Server ◦ Request Database  Follow-up actions/Future work ◦ Edit/Change function on OR terminal ◦ Enhanced GUI interface display ◦ Instruments details scroll pop-up function ◦ More instrument data in database


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