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Improving SME Engagement for Third Sector Providers Strand 1 – Employer involvement in Apprenticeship delivery.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving SME Engagement for Third Sector Providers Strand 1 – Employer involvement in Apprenticeship delivery."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving SME Engagement for Third Sector Providers Strand 1 – Employer involvement in Apprenticeship delivery

2 Project Focus "How do we, Third Sector providers, engage with the many SMEs in our local area?” The Partnership ELATT Bromley by Bow Centre Just IT

3 Strategic Aims To help third sector providers grow the SME apprenticeship market through support and involvement. Develop sustainable systems for staff and partners that can continue beyond the project period.

4 Project Delivery Joint SME promotion campaign Shared sales resource, Shared marketing materials; Social media; PR; events

5 Staff Training 8 sales staff learn successful sales techniques, employer needs analysis with ongoing mentoring; 15 delivery staff work together to improve knowledge of future Government changes, consider how these changes impact their work and suggest workable solutions to implementation; Improvement targets to evidence impact

6 What we will produce Learning Module for Managers Increasing SME engagement Researching need, targeting sectors Planning together Facilitating cross-referral of employer leads Evaluating the joint marketing campaign

7 Learning Module for Practitioners What SMEs need and what prevents take-up Putting SME needs first Government context Reaching SMEs ‘Selling’ under-represented groups to SMEs

8 Dissemination workshops For 25 third sector managers and practitioners Sharing lessons learned and embedding into wider practice.

9 Impact on learners and employers 45 more SME employers engaged 20 more apprenticeship starts from under- represented groups SME positive feedback Provider/employer collaboration

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