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Charter School Information. What is a K-12 charter school? Public school, created by the approval of a charter (contract) with a school board Charter.

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Presentation on theme: "Charter School Information. What is a K-12 charter school? Public school, created by the approval of a charter (contract) with a school board Charter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Charter School Information

2 What is a K-12 charter school? Public school, created by the approval of a charter (contract) with a school board Charter details objectives and goals for the school Accountability of goals flows through an oversight council to the school board –Oversight reports to board on regular intervals (monthly, quarterly, or yearly) Charter can be changed or eliminated by board vote

3 What advantage is there to being a charter school? 1.No interdistrict agreements required for out of resident students 2.Fewer state regulations (hoops) for the district 3.Slightly greater, though valuable, flexibility in meeting state teacher requirements 4.Opportunity to receive federal grant funds (~$500,000)

4 Student transfers No longer need resident district approval for students to transfer –Works both directions Class/school enrollment can be capped by charter language Other charter schools have behavioral / academic contracts with non-resident students Resident district remains responsible for SpEd students’ education (both IEP and financially)

5 State regulations Division 22 standards are greatly eliminated No longer have to prove to the state (examples) –Drug and Alcohol plan –Anabolic steroid training –Health services (nurse/counselor) –TAG program –Expanded options –Human sexuality education Gives us flexibility to do these things as we see fit, not as the state dictates (more local control)

6 Licensure Charter schools may employ registered as well as licensed teachers Charter schools still must meet highly qualified requirements for core areas To be highly qualified a registered teacher must –meet same testing requirements in addition to bachelor’s degree or –have undergrad major or graduate degree in subject area or –coursework equivalent to undergrad degree in subject area

7 Current TSPC licensure options include –APPROVED NCLB ALTERNATIVE ROUTE LICENSE No restrictions in addition to initial license –Hold bachelor’s degree + Praxis –Hold degree with major in subject matter –LIMITED TEACHING LICENSE Restricted to subject area that does not have endorsement (i.e. computer technology) –Hold an associate’s degree or equivalent –THREE-YEAR CTE TEACHING LICENSE District must have approved CTE area –Must have TSPC appraisal of experience –Professional develop plan –Have a mentor

8 Grant opportunities Federal money (allotted by state) through incentive grant for –Planning and start up ($56,000) –First year goal achievement ($225,000) –Second year goal achievement ($225,000) Federal money for dissemination grant –To share results with other schools –After being a charter school for three years –$40,000 - $60,000 per year for two years

9 Process Apply for Incentive Grant –First portion is for planning –Then start up –Then implementation School Board approves charter – then start-up money can be used Deadline for Incentive Grant is March 6, 2009 After Board approves charter, school can allow applications for enrollment for Fall 09

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