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Yanling Sun, Ph.D Carolyn Masterson, Ed. D. Implementing ePortfolio among Pre-service Teachers and Interns Montclair State University.

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Presentation on theme: "Yanling Sun, Ph.D Carolyn Masterson, Ed. D. Implementing ePortfolio among Pre-service Teachers and Interns Montclair State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yanling Sun, Ph.D Carolyn Masterson, Ed. D. Implementing ePortfolio among Pre-service Teachers and Interns Montclair State University

2 Presentation Overview  ePortfolio Rationale  ePortfolio Projects at MSU –Pre-service PE teachers –Family service interns  Student ePortfolio samples –Pre-service teachers –Family service interns  Conclusion ePortfolio at MSU, Yanling

3 ePortfolio Rationale  To collect evidence of student learning outcomes  To effectively develop an assessment method for student learning  To promote reflective learning  To improve technological skills for faculty and students  To create a vehicle which enables students to organize and store their work  To create a professional portfolio ePortfolio at MSU, Yanling

4 Pre-service PE Teachers’ ePortfolios Dr. Carolyn Masterson Ed.D. Montclair State University

5 ePortfolio for Pre-service Teacher  Introduction of the Project –Two PE classes in the ESPE Program at MSU  Pilot One –Templates –Instructional strategies  Pilot Two –Templates –Instructional strategies  ESPE Teacher Education Program Portfolio Adoption ePortfolio at MSU, Yanling

6 Pilot One  Instructional Strategies –One lab instructional session –Assistance after session during semester  Portfolio Templates Portfolio Templates Portfolio Templates ePortfolio at MSU, Yanling

7 Pilot Two  Instructional Strategies –One intro session on NACTE standards –Worksheet handouts –Lab instruction: session 1 and session 2 –ePortfolio evaluation rubric  Portfolio Templates Portfolio Templates Portfolio Templates ePortfolio at MSU, Yanling

8  Pre-service Teachers’ ePortfolio Rationale  ePortfolio Pilot Studies  Student ePortfolio Samples Pre-service Teachers, Carolyn Pre-service Teachers’ ePortfolios

9 ePortfolio Rationale  Collect Evidence of Student Learning Outcomes  Instruct Students about NCATE Standards  Create a Programmatic Strategy to Meet NCATE Standard Review for ESPE Department  Improve Technological Skills for ESPE Faculty and PE Students  Develop a Future Professional Portfolio Pre-service Teachers, Carolyn

10  Teacher Education ePortfolio  Introduction of the Project –Two classes in the PE/Health Teacher Education Program at MSU  Pilot One  Pilot Two  ePortfolio Adoption by the ESPE Teacher Education Program (Fall 2007) Pre-service Teachers, Carolyn ePortfolio Project

11 ePortfolio Prototype Development  Teacher Education Subjects –Movement Education PE Class –Teaching of Physical Education Class  ePortfolio Development –Pilot One –Pilot Two  ESPE Teacher Education Program (TEP) ePortfolio Adoption Pre-service Teachers, Carolyn

12  Instructional Development Strategies –One lab instructional session –Technical assistance throughout school semester Pilot One Pre-service Teachers, Carolyn

13 Pilot Two  Instructional Development Strategies –Instruction about NCATE and Professional Teaching Standards during PEMJ pedagogy classes –An assignment worksheet was given to select artifacts and to assign appropriate NCATE Standards –Two ePortfolio instructional sessions –Session 1 - Initial development of ePortfolio –Session 2 – Upload artifacts, complete ePortfolio Pre-service Teachers, Carolyn

14 ESPE - TEP Adoption Plan  Create ePortfolio during Freshman Year Seminar classes  Complete the development of the ePortfolio before acceptance into the ESPE Teacher Education Program  Continue documentation of artifacts throughout the ESPE Teacher Education Program, including Field Experiences.  Final ePortfolio completed by the end of Student Teaching Field Experiences and as an EXIT requirement of the ESPE Teacher Education Program  Ongoing ePortfolio evaluation by instructors and reflection by students throughout the ESPE-TEP Program Pre-service Teachers, Carolyn

15 Freshman Year  Development of the ePortfolio in IT Workshops during Freshman Seminar classes  Development of an Introduction to the ePortfolio during TEP - PE Management class  Inclusion of personal and NCATE artifacts into ePortfolio from classes –Personal “best practice” coursework artifacts chosen by students –Specific ePortfolio NCATE assessment artifacts chosen by ESPE Teacher Education Committee  Evaluation of ePortfolio development and artifacts by ESPE Teacher Education instructors Pre-service Teachers, Carolyn

16 ESPE - TEP Acceptance Requirement  ePortfolio Introduction expanded  Resume included  ESPE Honors and Awards included  Recommendations and support letters included  Additional course work artifacts chosen by student  Additional NCATE artifacts chosen by the ESPE - TEP Committee Pre-service Teachers, Carolyn

17 During ESPE – TEP  Specific NCATE Artifacts Included –Lesson Plan assessments –Unit Plan assessments –Teaching Effectiveness assessments –Technology assessments –Collaboration and Professional Development Assessments –ePortfolio Assessment Artifact –Field Experience Work – student assessments and student projects  Other “Best Work” Documentation Pre-service Teachers, Carolyn

18 ESPE – TEP Exit Requirement  Student Teaching ePortfolio Documentation –Completed NCATE assessment documentation –Completed Personal “best work” documentation –Completed Field work documentation HomeworkHomework Student AssessmentsStudent Assessments Student Projects.Student Projects.  ESPE – TEP Exit ePortfolio Evaluation –Student Teacher Supervisor Exit Interview and Evaluation using an ePortfolio Assessment Rubric Pre-service Teachers, Carolyn

19 Pilot Examples  Pilot One (Fall 2005 – Spring 2006) –Sample  Pilot Two (Fall 2006 – Spring 2007) –Sample  Final Sample (next year) (Fall 2007) Pre-service Teachers, Carolyn

20 Pilot ONE (/Fall 2005 – Spring 2006)  Personal Statement  Teaching Statement  Teaching Artifacts  Reflection Statement

21 Pilot One Personal Statement Pre-service Teachers, Carolyn

22 Teaching Statement

23 Teaching Artifacts

24 Reflection about My Teaching and Work

25 Pilot Two – This Past Year (2006-2007)  Pilot Two Samples –Introduction Sample One and Two –Personal Artifacts –Professional Artifacts –Student Artifacts –Reflection Pre-service Teachers, Carolyn

26 My Portfolio Introduction Sample

27 My Portfolio Introduction Sample 2

28 My Personal Artifact Samples

29 My Personal Honors and Awards Samples

30 My Honors and Awards

31 My Professional Artifact Samples

32 Lesson Plans Sample

33 Lesson Plan - Word Document

34 Unit Plan Samples

35 Project Samples

36 Research Assignment Samples

37 My Student’s Work

38 My Reflection - NCATE Standards

39 Comments – by Dr. Masterson

40 ePortfolio Evaluation and Grading  Criteria – ePortfolio Sections –Personal information including Introduction –Professional Artifacts –Student Work –Reflection Statement  Used an ePortfolio Rubric –Target exceeds expectations –Acceptable –Not acceptable –Did not complete

41 Assessment Rubric Sample Pre-service Teachers, Carolyn

42 Assessment Rubric Sample

43 TEP ePortfolio Learning Outcomes  Authentic Evidence/Documentation  Implementation of NCATE and Professional Teaching Standards in ESPE Program  Development of a Professional ePortfolio for Employment Purposes  Improved Technological Skills for both Faculty and Students in the ESPE Department Pre-service Teachers, Carolyn

44 Other Learning Outcomes  Improved Writing and Professional Organizational Skills  Reflective Professional Development Experience for Future Professionals  Acceptance by the ESPE Teacher Education Committee for all students in our Teacher Education Program  ePortfolio Evaluation System developed throughout a student’s career in the MSU/ESPE Teacher Education Program. Pre-service Teachers, Carolyn

45 Thanks for Your Attendance! Questions? Yanling, Carolyn, Marybeth

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