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 Stereotype  Prejudice  Discrimination  How can they be linked to disabled people?

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Presentation on theme: " Stereotype  Prejudice  Discrimination  How can they be linked to disabled people?"— Presentation transcript:


2  Stereotype  Prejudice  Discrimination  How can they be linked to disabled people?

3  Tends to be obvious  Intentional  Visible  Less obvious  Just as effective  Denying access to goods and services  Basic civil rights  Wheelchair access  Flight of stairs  Not invited out to save people the embarrassment of being stared at  The companion of a person with impaired vision is asked what the individual would like to drink.

4  People with disabilities are ill a lot of the time.  I do not believe people with disabilities are capable of working

5  2R4&NR=1 2R4&NR=1  While you are watching this, observe how many problems this disabled man is coping with, list them down.  What is meant by the term ‘looking glass effect’?  Lesson objective – to understand the problems that people face with physical disabilities and how they are protected.

6  To explain the looking glass effect – means › A person's self esteem is reflected in a mirror › Looking back through the mirror are the relationships we make, through this, people view our self image › This is known as our self concept (the looking glass effect). › Imagine how a disabled person views themselves and how others see them?

7  The SEN and Disability Act 2001 and the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 (DDA) requires schools: › not to treat disabled pupils 'less favourably' to make reasonable adjustments to ensure that disabled pupils are not at a substantial disadvantage › to draw up plans to show how, over time, they will increase access to education for disabled pupils (school accessibility plans) › to comply with the Disability Equality Duty to prepare, publish, implement and report on a Disability Equality Scheme.  Lesson objective – to understand the problems that people face with physical disabilities and how they are protected.

8  The Disability Equality Duty includes an important duty to eliminate harassment of disabled people that is related to their disability.  Therefore, schools need to tackle the bullying of children with SEN and disabilities as part of complying with this part of the Disability Equality Duty.  Lesson objective – to understand the problems that people face with physical disabilities and how they are protected.


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