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Lee Rogers, Instructional Designer Presentation Date: July 30, 2012 Client Organization: ABC English School Project Management Plan For ABC English School.

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Presentation on theme: "Lee Rogers, Instructional Designer Presentation Date: July 30, 2012 Client Organization: ABC English School Project Management Plan For ABC English School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lee Rogers, Instructional Designer Presentation Date: July 30, 2012 Client Organization: ABC English School Project Management Plan For ABC English School

2 Develop a project management plan for completing the instructional design project. In addition, all members will help deliver a quality instructional design for ABC English School and its students. The expected audience for the management plan are: Clients Managers in the instructional designer’s organization Technicians Media specialist Project team members Statement of Purpose This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text. It is meant to give you a feeling of how the designs looks including text.

3 The course consists of 12 units. There are three modules in this course. The objectives for each module are to focus students’ attention on their language target in order to prepare them to take the TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) exam. This program is designed for adults to improve their listening & speaking abilities by using media and material from (TOEIC) Test of English for International Communication. The program allows students to learn through a progression of models and practice activities throughout the 14 week course. The course duration is flexible and is determined by the learning pace of the students. The Current State of the Project Objectives The objective of the program hinges on the four questions below that will address most of the answers about the design models. For whom is the program developed? (characteristics of learners and or trainees) What do you want the learners or trainees to learn or demonstrate? (objective) How is the subject content or skill best learned? (instructional strategies) How do you determine the extent to which learning is achieved? (evaluation) Objectives The objective of the program hinges on the four questions below that will address most of the answers about the design models. For whom is the program developed? (characteristics of learners and or trainees) What do you want the learners or trainees to learn or demonstrate? (objective) How is the subject content or skill best learned? (instructional strategies) How do you determine the extent to which learning is achieved? (evaluation)

4 Time frame it will take to implement the design. Observing trends in Web 2.0 technologies Analysis of online access at any location around the world Translating issues and goal objectives Current Status of the Project Completed Actions This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text. It is meant to give you a feeling of how the designs looks including text.

5 We have three trained Instructors and two tutors. However, three more instructors are needed to facilitate online collaborative learning. Student services are needed to support students throughout the program. Resources Required to Complete the Project Web 2.0 applications that allow asynchronous and synchronous communication Graphics Artists (to engage the students) Technical experts (to support the students) Evaluators (to measure students’ learning) Course text book Articles Listening and speaking worksheet Head sets with built-in microphone

6 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNov Project kickoff Jan. 9 First Prototype: Online class Mar. 10 Complete Web- based assessment May 12 Review interactive applications July 9 Faculty and admin training is up to speed by Sep. 15 Dec Copyright and Intellectual Property Completed by Nov. 7 This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text. It is meant to give you a feelig of how the designs looks including text. Proposed Schedule of Tasks Launch date Dec. 9 Weekly timeline updates

7 This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text. It is meant to give you a feeling of how the designs looks including text. Challenges the Organization Faces in Completing the Project Web 2.0 tools training for faculty and instructors for smooth delivery of online classes. Successful Completion of implementation by due date Timely support from the technical departments Logistical Requirements Need approval from the client or design team leadership for additional funding or for using resources

8 strategies To ensure a successful completion on-time, have a weekly timeline to manage the implementation stages Recommendation for Overcoming the Challenges Timely support by other departments is crucial before, during, and after the implementation phase. Educators are to be trained to use chat tools like discussion board and Google Chat to facilitate collaborative learning. Also once or twice during the course there will be real-time discussions. Synchronous as well a Asynchronous tools will need to be used effectively. Making the transition from face-to-face to online learning. Also creating a safe environment for students to interact and collaborate ideas and opinions.

9 Presentation Summary ABC English School is scheduled to launch its online program on December 9 th. All members involved in the design process must follow the guidelines to ensure a successful completion by the due date.

10 Reference Wang, H., & Gearhart, D. L. (2006). Designing and developing Web-based instruction. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

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