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U SING M ICROSOFT P OWER P OINT From Practical Computing Edition 2 By Lynn Hogan.

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2 U SING M ICROSOFT P OWER P OINT From Practical Computing Edition 2 By Lynn Hogan

3 P RESENTATION S OFTWARE  Deliver Information using text, charts, sound, animation and color  Must use good design principles  Used to boost clarity, communication and retention of ideas  Wide variety of tools for designing slides


5 L ET ’ S B EGIN  Open PowerPoint  Start, All Programs, Microsoft Office, Microsoft PowerPoint  Parts of the PowerPoint Window:  File Tab – New Presentation, Open Previous Presentation, Saving, Printing, Sharing  Quick Access Toolbar – Top of window next to PowerPoint Icon  Ribbon – Organizes commands into groups  Click a Tab, such as Home, Insert, Design, etc. to access  Slide Pane – Work Area, Can change view with View Tab  Left Pane – Thumbnails  Status Bar – Views, Begin Slide Show, Zoom  Notes Pane – add presenter notes, not visible to audience

6 Y OUR G OAL – S LIDE S HOW  Present your slides in full screen view  Slide Show View also allows you to preview your presentation  Two ways to advance slides: automatic or mouse click  Your creativity can shine through  Do not over-do animations, sounds, and transitions  Your goal – present information without distraction

7 S LIDES  Slides - Individual Pages  Slide Show – entire series of slides  Title Slide – First slide in the presentation  Subtitles expand on the main topic  Remaining slides can include:  Bulleted lists  Charts and Tables  Graphics

8 S LIDE L AYOUT  Slide format that contains specific content or objects  Contain Placeholders for various content  Title  Subtitle  Objects – pictures, tables, charts, clip art  Use Layout on the Home Tab to change Layout Design  PowerPoint will automatically reduce font size to allow more text in a placeholder

9 C REATING A S LIDE  First slide presented is Title Slide  Click and type  Format text in the Home Tab – font, size, color, special effects  Font size large enough to see at a distance  Create a new slide by clicking New Slide button in the Home Tab  Clicking “New Slide” words gives you layout options  Clicking New Slide Icon repeats layout of last slide

10 C REATING A S LIDE  Design Theme  Can be added before or after creating a slide  Preview by hovering curser over various designs  Templates  Similar to a Theme, but chosen before you begin  Templates are in the File tab  1000’s of available online templates  Use Undo button on Quick Access Toolbar to back out of most actions

11 M AGNIFYING S LIDES  Use zoom setting or slider  Changes screen view only, not slide elements

12 S AVING A P RESENTATION  Click File, Save to save to same location and file name  Click File, Save As to save to a new location or with a different name  Nice way to make a backup or save to a flash drive  Filename can be up to 255 characters long  Can include spaces, commas, and/or periods  The file extension is.pptx


14 W HAT ARE O BJECTS  Objects include clip art, photos, videos, tables and charts  Make the presentation more interesting  People remember pictures better than text

15 C LIP A RT AND P ICTURES  PowerPoint includes a collection of Clip Art  You can also access Microsoft’s online clip art gallery  Can add digital photographs and royalty free online photos  Can be adjusted for size, scale and location  Can change color of clip art, but not photographs  Special effects for photographs in Format Tab  Rotate Objects – click on picture and use circle above the picture

16 C LIP A RT AND P ICTURES  Choose a layout with content  The content allows you to add pictures, charts, tables, online pictures, and video  You can also insert clip art and pictures from the Insert Tab  Photos can be made into shapes, Click on the Picture, then Format Tab, Crop, Crop to Shape  Can be resized, moved, deleted and styled with frames and orientation

17 V IDEOS  Videos can be added to a slide in 2 ways.  1. Go to the Insert Tab and click Video  You can choose an online video, or one saved on your own PC.  You can save You Tube videos to your PC with an application that will convert You Tube videos to an MP4 format.  You can change to shape of the video on the slide after you insert it. The video format tool bar will come up and you can click video shape to change the shape of the view screen.  You can also add borders and effects to the video screen.  2. Insert a video as a hyperlink to another website.  This will take you to the other website where you can play the video.

18 C HARTS  Charts are used to convey numeric information in a way that is easy to understand  Create a datasheet for a Chart  Similar to a worksheet in Excel  Datasheet appears when Chart is chosen from Insert Tab

19 T ABLES  Displays data in columns and rows  Use a layout with content or  Insert Tab, Table  Choose number of rows and columns  No more than 4 rows and 2 or 3 columns for readability  Can choose style and color


21  Preview your presentation in the Slide Show View  Change print size and orientation under the Design Tab  Print from File Tab  Full Page  Note Page  Outline Page  Multiple Slides per Page


23 T RANSITIONS  Movement from one slide to the next  Adds energy to the presentation  A dynamic component of PowerPoint  Start in Normal View  Click Transitions Tab  Choose style and options  Sound can be added  Advance to next slide by mouse click or time

24 A NIMATIONS  Allows text or objects to move into or out of the slide  Motion Path can be chosen  Item can pulse

25 P RESENT YOUR S LIDE S HOW  Use Slide Show View  Make sure 1 st slide is selected  Slide show starts from selected slide  Press ESC to End

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