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January 17, 2006 1 of 20 RBB Sporting Goods Power Flight Golf Clubs Introductory Media Plan Jan. - Dec. JOMC 172 Spring 2006 This presentation deck is.

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Presentation on theme: "January 17, 2006 1 of 20 RBB Sporting Goods Power Flight Golf Clubs Introductory Media Plan Jan. - Dec. JOMC 172 Spring 2006 This presentation deck is."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 17, 2006 1 of 20 RBB Sporting Goods Power Flight Golf Clubs Introductory Media Plan Jan. - Dec. JOMC 172 Spring 2006 This presentation deck is based on the sample media plan in Advertising Media Planning by Sissors & Baron (6th edition, © 2002), pp. 23-38.

2 January 17, 2006 2 of 20 Executive Summary Target: regular golfers who play at least once per month (men 35-64) Primary medium: television (network & cable; golf & weekend sports programs) Secondary medium: magazines (golf & newsweeklies) Broad national reach (81%) of target immediately prior to and during the beginning of the golf season (50% @ 3+). Continuing support throughout golf season

3 January 17, 2006 3 of 20 Background: Power Flight Golf Clubs RBB Sporting Goods Company Company’s first product for golfers –Titanium dioxide –Improve average golfer’s game Nationally distributed by golf season $11 million ad budget ($10 million media)

4 January 17, 2006 4 of 20 Target Audience Objective Direct advertising to regular golfers who play at least once per month. –Primarily male (75.6%) –Age 35-64 (56.7%) –College graduates (35.9%) –Executives/managers /administrators (17.8%) –$50,000 employment income (25.8%) SOURCE: MRI, Spring 1999

5 January 17, 2006 5 of 20 Geographic Objective Concentrate advertising impressions nationally. –Support national distribution. –Need to create national awareness. –Competition is national. –Budget is not adequate for additional spot support.

6 January 17, 2006 6 of 20 Scheduling Objective(s) Schedule the highest concentration of media impressions immediately prior to and during the beginning of the golf season. –New product introduction needs immediate support. –Preempt competitive efforts. SOURCE: CMR Taylor Nelson Sofres, 1998 Competitive Delivery by Month

7 January 17, 2006 7 of 20 Scheduling Objective(s) Following introduction, provide sustaining support through the remainder of the warm- weather months., –Supports product during peak golf season. –Primary competitive efforts occur during these months. –Budget will not support year-long effort.

8 January 17, 2006 8 of 20 Reach/Frequency Objective(s) During the introductory period, reach 80 percent of target golfers an average of five times, and 50 percent three or more times. –Broad reach is needed to achieve awareness goals.

9 January 17, 2006 9 of 20 Reach/Frequency Objective(s) Following introduction, reach 30 percent of golfers at least once a month. –Continued advertising is necessary to achieve/maintain awareness levels. –Maintain presence during the remainder of the golf season.

10 January 17, 2006 10 of 20 Creative Objective Utilize media that can create awareness and effectively communicate the technical advantages of the Power Flight clubs. –Complex technical message.

11 January 17, 2006 11 of 20 Budget Objective Achieve these media objectives within a working media budget of $10 million. –$11 million total budget. –3 brands have larger budgets. Brand Total Annual Expenditures $(000) Callaway$14,382.0 Adams$11,647.8 Taylor Made$10,466.1 King Cobra$8,103.7 Odyssey$6,813.7 Armour$5,758.0 Wilson$3,274.6 TOTAL$60,445.9 Competitive Spending Leading Golf Club Competitors SOURCE: CMR Taylor Nelson Sofres, 1998

12 January 17, 2006 12 of 20 Media Strategy 1.Primary Medium: Television (Network & cable golf & weekend sports programs) Heavy use by target Generate national awareness Achieve broad national reach Match competitive efforts Demonstrate technical advantages

13 January 17, 2006 13 of 20 Competitive Media Mix SOURCE: CMR Taylor Nelson Sofres, 1998

14 January 17, 2006 14 of 20 Watching Golf on TV SOURCE: MRI, Spring 1999

15 January 17, 2006 15 of 20 Watching Other Sports on TV SOURCE: MRI, Spring 1999

16 January 17, 2006 16 of 20 Media Strategy 2.Secondary Medium: National Magazines Highly targeted (golf-oriented consumer magazines & selected newsweeklies) Heavy use by target Explain technical advantages Maintain awareness Match competitive efforts

17 January 17, 2006 17 of 20 Magazines SOURCE: MRI, Spring 1999; Marketer’s Guide to Media,2000.

18 January 17, 2006 18 of 20 Media Strategy 3.Concentrate introductory weight in February/March to lead into the golf season. Preempt competitive efforts 4.Use TV golf tournament sponsorships during introduction Cost efficient way to boost frequency

19 January 17, 2006 19 of 20 Media Strategy 5.Highlight RBB’s website in all print & TV Provide additional technical details, retail locations, etc.

20 January 17, 2006 20 of 20

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