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October 12, 2011. A Look at Pedagogical Content Knowledge Overview Curriculum: Biology Content Pre-Assessment using CPS Reflection Instruction: What do.

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Presentation on theme: "October 12, 2011. A Look at Pedagogical Content Knowledge Overview Curriculum: Biology Content Pre-Assessment using CPS Reflection Instruction: What do."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 12, 2011

2 A Look at Pedagogical Content Knowledge Overview Curriculum: Biology Content Pre-Assessment using CPS Reflection Instruction: What do we want kids to know? Biology Big Ideas Assessment: Analysis of Biology BME 1, Planning for Reteaching/Integration, Planning for Biology BME 2 Writing




6 What do you know about Biology? Advanced Placement Biology Practice Exam: Questions 1-50


8 Orientations to science teaching Knowledge of science instructional strategies Knowledge of science learners Knowledge of science assessment

9 What do we want our student to know? Course Level Expectations Major Concepts

10 Keep a list up on the board (or in their notebooks) throughout the year. Take the opportunities to point out those big ideas each time they return during lessons. Biology Unit 2 What big ideas do we want students to learn? What activities/lessons can meet those objectives? How will we know? Should I really do THAT activity? (activity for activitys sake)


12 Biology BME 1 How did we do?,Have you accessed your reports in Limelight? Sort according to variables: by Standard, by demographics, etc. How did your building do? How did our district do? Planning for BME 2 Writing questions: Each teacher is to write two questions for our next meeting (Content 2x2; Inquiry) Looking at student work


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