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Published byMyrtle Watkins Modified over 9 years ago
How to Interpret and Use Standards of Learning (SOL) and ACCESS for ELLs® Data to Make Instructional Decisions for English Learners
Virginia Department of Education January 31, Robert Fugate, LEP Assessment Specialist Judy Radford, ESL Coordinator 2
Purpose of Title III Improvement Webinars
These webinars will address compliance with federal and state provisions for the education of English learners (ELs); understanding and using assessment data to inform instruction for ELs; VDOE resources available for reading and mathematics instruction; and developing and implementing a continuous improvement model for Title III. 3
Purpose of Webinar Understanding the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) requirements for assessment of ELs is critical for compliant administrations of the Standards of Learning and ACCESS for ELLs tests to ELs. Additionally, understanding how to analyze assessment data can inform instruction and identify areas in need of improvement. 4
Standards of Learning (SOL) Assessments Participation Requirements
Federal Law Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Academic Assessments Section 1111(b)(3)(C)(v)(I)(II) and (III) 6
Assessment Participation Assessment Participation
In general, all English learners (ELs) are expected to participate in SOL assessments, including reading, mathematics, science, history/social science, and writing. 7
Exemptions Certain exemptions on SOL assessments are available to ELs. Exemptions must be documented in the LEP Student Assessment Participation Plan and conveyed to the parent(s) or guardian(s). The table on the next slide displays available exemptions on SOL assessments. Note: Available does not mean required. 8
Exemptions Content Area Available Exemptions on SOL Assessments
Reading LEP students who have attended school in the United States for less than 12 months may receive a one-time exemption for the SOL Reading test in grades 3 through 8. This guideline also applies to students arriving from Puerto Rico. No exemption is available for the End-of-Course Reading test. Mathematics LEP students may NOT be exempted from the SOL Mathematics tests. Science Under the requirements of NCLB, all students, including LEP students, are required to participate in Science tests once at the elementary school level, once at the middle school level, and once at the high school level. However, LEP students in Virginia may be exempt from the grade 3 SOL Science test but must take the grade 5 SOL Science test. No other exemptions for the SOL Science tests are available to LEP students. History/Social Science and Writing Under the Regulations Establishing Standards for Accrediting Public Schools in Virginia, 8 VAC G, LEP students in grades 3 through 8 may exercise a one-time exemption from the SOL History and Social Science test and from the SOL Writing test (grade 5 or 8 only). No other exemptions for the SOL History and Social Science and Writing tests are available to LEP students. Limited English Proficient Students: Guidelines for Participation in the Virginia Assessment Program, page 3 9
Reading Assessments available to ELs
Grades 3 through 8 End-of-Course Virginia Grade Level Alternative (VGLA) Assessment Grades 3-5: ACCESS for ELLs Overall Score (Composite) of 1.0 to 3.5 Grades 6-8: ACCESS for ELLs Overall Score (Composite) of 1.0 to 3.3 10
Mathematics Assessments
Grades 3 through 8 End-of-Course Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Plain English Mathematics and Algebra I Grades 3-5: ACCESS for ELLs Overall Score (Composite) of 1.0 to 3.5 Grades 6-8: ACCESS for ELLs Overall Score (Composite) of 1.0 to 3.3 Grades 9-12: ACCESS for ELLs Overall Score (Composite) of 1.0 to 3.3 11
Science Assessments Grades 3, 5, and 8 End-of-Course Earth Science
Biology Chemistry 12
History & Social Science Assessments
Grade 3 Content Specific History Virginia Studies US History I US History II Civics and Economics End-of-Course Virginia & US History World History I World History II World Geography 13
Writing Assessments Grades 5 and 8 End-of-Course 14
Accommodations Accommodations
Limited English Proficient Students: Guidelines for Participation in the Virginia Assessment Program, page 10 15
Resource Document Limited English Proficient Students: Guidelines for Participation in the Virginia Assessment Program 16
SOL Test Examiner’s Manuals
Resource Document SOL Test Examiner’s Manuals 17
Test and Standards of Learning Resources
Test and Standards of Learning Resources
Test and Standards of Learning Resources
Test and Standards of Learning Resources
SOL Test Administration Best Practices
Complete local test examiner training Read the SOL Test Examiner’s Manual Become familiar with test security guidelines Become familiar with Appendix D, Selection of Testing Accommodations for ELs Become familiar with each EL’s LEP Student Assessment Participation Plan Become familiar with each EL’s testing accommodations Become familiar with the online test environment 22
Standards of Learning Tests Score Reports
SOL Score Reports SOL Score Reports 24
SOL Score Reports SOL Score Reports 25
Non-Writing Test Sample Student Report 3 4 5 6 1 2 Test Name
Reporting Categories Number Correct Number Possible Performance Results (Scaled Score and Performance Level) Performance Level Description 26 26
Writing Test Sample Student Report Writing Test Sample Student Report
3 4 5 6 1 2 Test Name Reporting Categories Multiple Choice Column (MC) (Number Correct and Number Possible) Short Paper Column (SP) (Area, Points Earned, and Points Possible) Total Score (MC+SP) (Total Score and Total Score Possible) Overall Test Summary (Scaled Score and Performance Level) 27 27
Analysis and Dissemination of SOL Test Scores to Teachers
SOL assessments scaled scores for reading and mathematics tests, grades 3-8 Pass/Advanced: 500 to 600 Pass/Proficient: 400 to 499 Fail: 0 to 399 28
Analysis and Dissemination of SOL Test Scores to Teachers
SOL assessments scaled scores for EOC reading and mathematics tests Pass/Advanced: 500 to 600 Pass/Proficient: 400 to 499 Fail: 0 to 399 Course specific performance descriptors 29
Virginia Grade Level Alternative (VGLA)
Reading Assessment 30
VGLA Resources 31
VGLA Score Reports 32
VGLA Reading Sample Score Report
3 4 5 6 1 2 Content Area Reporting Categories Points Earned Points Possible Performance Results (VGLA Score and Performance Level) Performance Level Description Virginia Grade Level Assessment (VGLA) Score Ranges and Proficiency Levels Established by the Board of Education are available at 33 33
Analysis and Dissemination of VGLA Scores Ranges and Proficiency Levels
School Report Cards School, School Division, and State Report Cards
Percentage of Students Passing/Tested/Not Tested Assessment-Based Other Academic Indicators AYP Objectives Assessment Results at each Proficiency Level by Subgroup 35
English Language Proficiency Assessment Participation Requirements
Federal Law Federal Law Titles I and III of ESEA
English Language Proficiency Assessment Section 1111(b)(7); and Sections 3113(b)(3)(D) and 3116(b)(3)(C) 37
ACCESS for ELLs® The ACCESS for ELLs test is the annual English language proficiency (ELP) assessment for ELs in kindergarten through grade 12. Note: Formerly LEP students do not participate in English language proficiency testing. 38
Alternate ACCESS for ELLs™
The Alternate ACCESS for ELLs test is the annual ELP assessment for ELs in grades 1 though 12 with significant cognitive disabilities that prevent participation in the ACCESS for ELLs test. 39
Virginia English Language Proficiency Checklist for LEP Students in Kindergarten with Significant Cognitive Disabilities This checklist is the annual ELP assessment is for ELs in kindergarten with significant cognitive disabilities that prevent participation in the ACCESS for ELLs test. (No Alternate ACCESS for ELLs test form is available for kindergarten.) 40
Virginia English Language Proficiency Checklist for LEP Students in Kindergarten through Grade 12 with Hearing and Visual Impairments This checklist is the annual ELP assessment for ELs in kindergarten through grade 12 with hearing and visual impairments that prevent participation in the ACCESS for ELLs test. 41
Test Examiner Training
Online training available on the WIDA Web site ( Locally provided training 42
ACCESS for ELLs® Score Reports
Kindergarten Teacher Report
Proficiency level (1.0 through 6.0) for Accountability Purposes Proficiency level (K1.0 through K6.0) for Instructional Purposes 44 44
The Teacher Report contains data for individual students.
45 45
Language Domain Scale Scores and Proficiency Levels
Teacher Report Language Domain Scale Scores and Proficiency Levels 46 46
Composite Scale Scores and Proficiency Levels
Teacher Report Composite Scale Scores and Proficiency Levels 47 47
Teacher Report Student’s performance in Comprehension: Listening and Reading by WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards 48 48
Teacher Report Student’s performance in Speaking Tasks by WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards 49 49
Teacher Report Student’s performance in Writing Tasks by WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards . 50 50
Analysis and Dissemination of ACCESS for ELLs Test Scores to Teachers
Teacher Score Report Scale scores Confidence band Proficiency levels Raw scores Score interpretation webinar at 51
ACCESS for ELLs Test Administration Best Practices
Complete online test examiner training at the WIDA Web site and local training Read the Test Administrator’s Manual, Sections 1, 4, 5 and 6 Become familiar with test administration times for each section of the test Become familiar with the Test Administrator’s Script Become familiar with test security guidelines Become familiar with each EL’s tier placement Become familiar with each EL’s testing accommodations 52
Standards of Learning (SOL) and
ACCESS for ELLs Data Analysis 53
A Refresher… Guidelines for Determining K-12 World Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) English Language Proficiency (ELP) Levels Annual Measurable Achievement Objective (AMAO) 1 (progress) and AMAO 2 (proficiency) Calculations 54
Guidelines for Determining K-12 WIDA ELP Levels (Instructional Levels)
ACCESS for ELLs Scores Level 1 Composite Score of 1.0 through 1.9 Level 2 Composite Score of 2.0 through 2.9 Level 3 Composite Score of 3.0 through 3.9 Level 4 Composite Score of 4.0 through 4.9 Level 5 Composite Score of 5.0 through 6.0 and a Literacy Score less than 5.0 55
Guidelines for Determining K-12 WIDA ELP Levels Formerly LEP (Monitored Levels)
ACCESS for ELLs Scores Level 6 Year 1 (Formerly LEP) For kindergarten students: Accountability Proficiency Score; Composite Score of 5.0 or above; and Literacy Score of 5.0 or above. For students in Grades 1-12: Tier C; Composite Score of 5.0 or above; and Literacy Score 5.0 or above. Year 2 *Note: Level 6, Year 1, and Level 6, Year 2, Formerly LEP students do not take the annual ELP assessment and are only included in the calculation for AMAO 3 (Adequate Yearly Progress) for reading/language arts and mathematics.
AMAO 1 (progress) and AMAO 2 (proficiency) Calculations
The calculations for AMAO 1 (progress) and AMAO 2 (proficiency) will be determined based on results from the statewide administration of Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to- State for English Language Learners (ACCESS for ELLs). 57
Students Included in the Calculations for AMAO 1 and AMAO 2
AMAO 1 includes all ELLs that have two ACCESS for ELLs scores. AMAO 2 includes all ELLs that are reported in the 2011 Spring ACCESS for ELLs Test Results. 58
AMAO 1 (progress) AMAO 1 (progress) is defined as those students who meet one of the following criteria: Earning a composite proficiency score of 6 on the 2011 administration of the ACCESS for ELLs. Showing an increase in composite scale score that meets or exceeds targets by level according to the table in the next slide. 59
Minimum composite scale score change to have demonstrated progress
AMAO 1 (progress) Initial WIDA Level Minimum composite scale score change to have demonstrated progress Level 1 29 Level 2 20 Level 3 14 Level 4 10 Level 5 3 60
AMAO 2 (proficiency) AMAO 2 (proficiency) is defined as those students who meet the following criteria: For kindergarten students: Accountability Proficiency Level on ACCESS for ELLs; Composite Score of 5.0 or above; and Literacy Score of 5.0 or above. For students in Grades : Tier C on ACCESS for ELLs; Literacy Score 5.0 or above. 61
Ask Yourselves… Have you analyzed your SOL data at the division, school, and student level? Have you analyzed your ACCESS for ELLs data at the division, school, and student level? 62
AMAO Division Level Data Analysis Template Located on the ESL Web Site under Administrative Resources 63
AMAO Division Level Template may be used to…
Consolidate AMAO data by division and school level. Analyze AMAO data after retrieved from AYP Detail and Spring ACCESS for ELLs Test Results reports. Modify as needed by school division. 64
Where are the SOL and ACCESS for ELLs® data located?
SOL and ACCESS for ELLs data are located in the Single Sign-on for Web Systems (SSWS) SOL data are located in the Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Application – AYP Detail Report ACCESS for ELLs data are located in the Title III (ESL) Application - Spring ACCESS for ELLs Test Results Report 65
Steps for Accessing SOL Data
Log in to the Single Sign-on for Web Systems (SSWS) Click on Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) application Click on Reports located on the right side of page Click on the AYP Detail Report 66
Sample AYP Detail Report Division Level
1 2 3 4 5 7 8 6
Steps for Accessing ACCESS for ELLs Data
Log in to the Single Sign-on for Web Systems (SSWS) Click on Title III (ESL) Application Click on Reports located on the right side of page Click on Spring ACCESS for ELLs Test Results 68
Sample Spring ACCESS for ELLs Test Results
1 2
Sample AMAO 1 (Progress) Data
2 School Division: Total EL Enrollment Total Number Of ELs Tested Total Number of ELs Meeting AMAO 1 (Progress) AMAO 1 Percentage Rate Met AMAO 1 Target 2010 2011 (65%) (66%) Division Level 549 526 420 415 77 79 Yes School Level Elementary School 1 88 95 67 70 76 74 School 2 86 72 84 School 3 89 99 75 Middle 44 30 68 59 50 51 100 61 38 55 62 81 No High 18 29 11 36 27 25 83 21 19 20 90 80
Sample AMAO 2 (Proficiency) Data
1 2 School Division: Total EL Enrollment Total Number Of ELs Tested Total Number of ELs Meeting AMAO 2 (Proficiency) AMAO 2 Percentage Rate Met AMAO 2 Target (Yes or No) 2010 2011 2010 (16%) 2011 (17%) Division Level 170 185 38 37 22 20 Yes School Level Elementary School 1 30 8 4 27 11 No School 2 25 5 2 9 School 3 21 6 29 Middle 15 17 3 18 28 10 23 High 13 62
Sample AMAO1 (Progress) Data (2011-2012 results based upon the spring 2010 ACCESS data)
School name Total number of students tested Total number of students met progress AMAO 1 (progress) percentage rate Met Target (66%) Elementary Schools School 1 48 35 73% Yes School 2 28 20 71% School 3 49 25 51% No School 4 29 22 76% Middle Schools 23 10 43% 15 High Schools 39 90% 26 18 69% Division AMAO 1 (progress) Results 277 180 65% How could the elementary school data be used to determine strengths and weaknesses at this level? How could elementary and high school data be used to develop interventions for the middle school? What is reflected by the data at the middle school? How could data be used to determine the effectiveness of the English Program at all levels?
How can ACCESS for ELLs test scores be used to improve instruction?
Review language domains and standards’ scores for strengths and areas in need of improvement Develop instructional strategies to address areas in need of improvement Work cooperatively with content area teachers to provide instruction to address areas in need of improvement 73
The Teacher Report contains individual data for one student.
Sample Teacher Report The Teacher Report contains individual data for one student. 74 74
How can SOL test scores be used to improve instruction?
Review reporting categories’ scores for strengths and areas in need of improvement Develop instructional strategies to address areas in need of improvement Work cooperatively with content area teachers to provide instruction to address areas in need of improvement. 75
Non-Writing Test Sample Student Report 3 4 5 6 1 2 Test Name
Reporting Categories Number Correct Number Possible Performance Results (Scaled Score and Performance Level) Performance Level Description 76 76
A Few Best Practices for Analyzing Data
Determine why and what data needs to be analyzed; Identify the most appropriate and knowledgeable participants to be a part of the data team; Know where the data is located; Take steps to minimize the time in collecting and analyzing the data; Take advantage of what is working; and Be prepared to make recommendations for “next steps” once data results have been analyzed. 77
Questions? 78
Contact Information Robert Fugate LEP Assessment Specialist Virginia Department of Education (804) Judy Radford ESL Coordinator (804) 79
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