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Published byRuth Taylor Modified over 9 years ago
Target Skills and Common Core Standards I Can Statements:
ELA Plans Pig in a Wig August Week B Materials: : Big Books, CD songs, Chart tablet, sound cards, Decodable readers, letter tiles, graphic organizer, Leveled Readers Target Skills and Common Core Standards Comprehension Skill: Character CC1RL3- Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details. Phonics: Short a and final ck CC1RF3- Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. Know the spelling-sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs (two letters that represent one sound). Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words. Grammar/Writing: Sentences CC1L2- Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. Use end punctuation for sentences. CC1RF1- Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print. Recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (e.g., first word, capitalization, ending punctuation). Non fiction text: Pigs by Gail Gibbons A Kid’s Best Friend - Big Book Books about people who work with animals I Can Statements: •I can tell the main character, setting and major events of a story by using key details. •I can decode words that have short i and the x ending. *I can recognize parts of a sentence – the first word, capital letters at the beginning and punctuation at the end. •I can use capital letters and the correct punctuation when writing sentences. Centers: *10 important sentences – children read the sentences and locate the page number the sentences appear in the Student Edition *Make a list of things they would buy for a pig to eat at a grocery store. *Non-Fiction – have books available that focus on people who work with animals. Have children draw a picture and write a sentence about which job they would want. *Listening Station/Response Sheet *Computers – type high frequency words/use in sentences *Graphic Organizer - copied in Reading Journal
Monday •Morning Warm Up TM30L Shared Reading of Pig in a Wig
Whole Group Focus Lesson 8:40-8:55 Strategic Intervention 9:00-9:20 Whole Group Focus Lesson 9:25-9:32 On-Level 9:40-10:00 Reading Group lesson is for 10 minutes and then teacher conferences with 3-4 students. Other students at the teacher table will be silent reading decodable readers, leveled readers, or AR books. They will know to bring their AR books back to the table with them each time they meet with teacher. Teacher can conference with students by listening them read a leveled reader from A-Z reading, leveled readers from present and old reading series, or discuss AR progress goals. Monday •Morning Warm Up TM30L •Share Lit.30m, Sing With Me/ CD Pet Service List Amazing Words career service tool •Phonemic Awareness: Target Skill: I can put the short sound of /i/ with the lietter i. Blend/Segment TM30m •Phonics short i/song TM30n Blend words – use motions of shoulder, elbow, wrist to segment sounds. •Build Words TM 30o - wipe off markers on table. Dictate new words to spell - Monitor progress •Decodable Reader #3 - TM 30q highlight short I words •Conference: Hadawe Brody Delaney Listening Comprehension TM 31a-31b Target skill: I can distinguish realism and fantasy. Restroom Break: 9:32-9:40 Decodable Reader Conference: Bailey Logan Michael 10:00-10:10 Advanced Group 10:15-10:35 10:40-10:55 Grammar Teach/Model Naming Parts of Sentences TM 31d Review what is a sentence. I can identify the naming part of a sentence. •Advanced Selection #2 DI-27 highlight short I words Maddie Gage Shared Reading of Pig in a Wig Listen to CD.
Strategic Intervention
Early Bird to include cutting out vocabulary words. Whole Group Focus Lesson 8:40-8:55 Strategic Intervention 9:00-9:20 9:25-9:45 On-Level 9:55-10:15 Reading Group lesson is for 10 minutes and then teacher conferences with 3-4 students. Other students at the teacher table will be silent reading decodable readers, leveled readers, or AR books. They will know to bring their AR books back to the table with them each time they meet with teacher. Teacher can conference with students by listening them read a leveled reader from A-Z reading, leveled readers from present and old reading series, or discuss AR progress goals. Tuesday •Morning Warm Up TM 32a Target Skill: I can distinguish between fiction and nonfiction works. Share Literature A Kid’s Best Friend -responsibility -needs •Phonemic Awareness: Blend/Segment TM32b Blend words – use motions of shoulder, elbow, wrist to segment sounds. I can put the short sound of /ks/ with the lietter x. •Build Words TM 32d - wipe off markers on table. Dictate new words to spell - Monitor progress •Decodable Reader #4 - TM 32e highlight words with final x •Conference: Connor Anns Speaking and Listening 32c •Graphic Organizer “Ways to Help Animals” Target skill: I can speak to communicate ideas. •Assign coping this graphic organizer in Reading Journal Restroom Break: 9:45-9:53 Conference: Aiden Aryn 10:15-10:25 Advanced Group 10:30-10:50 10:55-11:00 Grammar Teach/Model Naming Parts of Sentences TM 33b Review what is a sentence. Use a book about animals to identigy naming part of sentence. I can identify the naming part of a sentence. •Advanced Selection #2 DI-29 Assign RS leveled reader for homework Geogia Morgan Shared Reading of Pig in a Wig Choral Read Discuss flash-cards -they should have cut them out during Early Bird.
Wednesday •Morning Warm Up TM 34a Spelling pre-test .
Whole Group Focus Lesson 8:30-8:50 Strategic Intervention 8:55-9:15 Whole Group Focus Lesson 9:20-9:30 On-Level 9:40-10:00 Early Bird includes getting Spelling Paper ready. Calendar Math will be cut short on Wednesday to allow time for Spelling pre-test No conferences on Wednedsay. Spend that time asking questions about RS Reading Selection of the Week in blue reader. SI and OL students bring blue reader to reading table. Wednesday •Morning Warm Up TM 34a •Share Lit.34b Target Skill I can identify feastures of nonfiction. A Kid’s Best Friend List Amazing Words scrub sloppy exercise •Phonemic Awareness: Blend/Segment TM32b Word Reading TM 34c Phonics Songs #2 Sing “A Tasty Mix” Use highlight tape for words listed Target Skill: I can build and spell short i and final x words. •Build Words TM 34d - wipe off markers on table. Dictate new words to spell - Monitor progress •Read Pig in a Wig TM34g-45 Ask text dependent questions/and those suggested in TM Build Background TM 34e CD Background Building Audio Target skill: I can build background. Restroom break/working snack 9:30-9:38 10:05-10:12 Advanced Group 10:15-10:35 10:40-11:00 Grammar Teach/Model Naming Parts of Sentences TM 31d Review what is a sentence. I can identify the naming part of a sentence. •Group Read Non-fiction books about animals From Reading A-Z or books from teacher library Conference: Listen to students read #3. Spelling pre-test .
Thursday •Share Literature Read Aloud Anthology Target Skill:
Whole Group Focus Lesson 8:40-8:55 Strategic Intervention 9:00-9:20 Whole Group Focus Lesson 9:25-9:32 On-Level 9:35-9:55 Reading Group lesson is for 10 minutes and then teacher conferences with 3-4 students. Other students at the teacher table will be silent reading decodable readers, leveled readers, or AR books. They will know to bring their AR books back to the table with them each time they meet with teacher. Teacher can conference with students by listening them read a leveled reader from A-Z reading, leveled readers from present and old reading series, or discuss AR progress goals. Thursday •Share Literature Read Aloud Anthology Target Skill: I can describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details. Amazing Words comfort search •Fresh Reads SI p. 7-8 Assign: They are Sick for homework and silent read during conference time. •Conference Danny Ethan London Listening Comprehension TM 31a-31b Target skill: I can distinguish realism and fantasy. OL p. 9-10 •Conference: Janaiyah Lyric 10:00-10:10 Advanced Group 10:15-10:35 10:40-10:50 Fluency TM 49b Use to teach this skill in RS blue reader. I can read aloud fluently and accurately. Advanced p Look at That Cat! for homework and silent reading during conference. Conference: Harris Allison. Shared Reading: Pig in a Wig Partner Read
Strategic Intervention
Computer Lab 8:10-9:00 Restroom Break 9:00-9:10 Teacher will assess ½ of the class this week. SI group and ½ of the OL Group. Others will be completing center work. Construct 3 sentences using graphic organizer from Tuesday. •Take AR tests •Reading Games Advanced Group will not be assessed this week. This group will take Selection Test at their seats during the SI testing time. Friday More Starfall: Short a and short i Fluency: Listen to stories on Starfall. Whole Group Focus Lesson 9:10-9:20 •Grammar TM 49d Write sentences from Grammar Practice Book p. 7 on chart. Students tell shoulder partner the naming part of the sentence. Review parts of a sentence. Target Skills: I can recognize parts of a sentence – the first word, capital letters at the beginning and punctuation at the end. •I can use capital letters and the correct punctuation when writing sentences. Strategic Intervention 9:25-9:55 On-Level 10:00-10:30 Students will take Selection Test at Teacher Table with their privacy folders up. Teacher will assess as students take a test Spelling Test 10:35-11:00 If students made a 100 on the pre-test on Wednesday than they have free QUIET time on the carpet.
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