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Italian History (slides) by F. G.. restauration Restauration of old princes after Napoleon (1815-1848), age of the Holy Alliance, first attempts of independence.

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Presentation on theme: "Italian History (slides) by F. G.. restauration Restauration of old princes after Napoleon (1815-1848), age of the Holy Alliance, first attempts of independence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Italian History (slides) by F. G.

2 restauration Restauration of old princes after Napoleon (1815-1848), age of the Holy Alliance, first attempts of independence

3 austria Austria, or the Habsburg Empire, the enemy of Italian independence, the plurinational monarchy, the catholic power prince of Metternich

4 Giuseppe Mazzini (1815-72), political thinker, conspirator, leader of the republican and democratic wing of Risorgimento, Founder of Giovane Italia and Giovane Europa mazzini

5 sardinia House of Savoy, kingdom of Sardinia, Piedmont King Carlo Alberto Turin

6 1848 1848, the spring of nations, the Manifesto of communists, first war of independence, the Statuto albertino in Piedmont, victory of Austria (1849), king Carlo Alberto abdicates to the throne. Karl Marx

7 vitt ema II Vittorio Emanuele II of Savoy (1820-1878), il re galantuomo, king of Sardinia, fist king of united Italy, hunter, lover.

8 cavour Camillo Benso, count of Cavour (1810-61), Piedmontese, liberal, the prime minister of Vittorio Emanuele II who united Italy war of Crimea

9 Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-82), the hero of the two worlds, General, patriot, republican, socialist, writer, lover, conqueror of Naples and Sicily (for the Savoy) garibaldi

10 1861 1860. II war of independence. The French ally. Austria defeated Italy unites. The kingdom of Italy (March 1861). Rome missing? Cavour dies Napoleon III

11 south The Mezzogiorno. North and South. Bandits or rebels? Garibaldi gives the South to the King of Italy

12 florence Florence capital of Italy (1864-70). The destra storica, a liberal ruling class Baron B. Ricasoli Marco Minghetti

13 1866 1866. Third war of independence. The Prussian ally. Kingdom of Prussia winner in the Austro-Prussian war. Italy defeated both at sea and on the field. Veneto to Italy. battle of Lissa battle of Custoza General La Marmora Otto von Bismarck

14 1870 1870. Rome to Italy. End of papal state. Napoleon III defeated by Bismarck 1871. Declaration of German Reich.

15 pio IX Pius IX. The prisoner Pope. The infallible Pope. The Pope of Syllabus. The enemy of Savoy and liberalism

16 depretis Agostino Depretis (1813-87) 1876-87. The sinistra storica to power. Trasformismo?

17 1882 1882. The conservative alliance. Austria, Germany and Italy. Rivalry with France on North Africa.

18 Francesco Crispi(1818-1901, Sicilian statesman, prime minister, former republican, crushed first social movements in Sicily, tried to conquer colonies to Italy in Africa crispi The fasci siciliani

19 socialism The fourth Estate / 1892: Italian socialist party

20 colonies Italian colonialism 1890. Erithrea and Somalia Adua 1896. Italian army defeated by ras Menelik 1911-12. Italy conquers Lybia Italy: a late joiner?

21 emigration End of XIX century – first decades of XX: mass emigration 1913: 900.000 left Italy to America and Europe

22 1898 1898. Political crisis. People killed in Milan by soldiers. 1900. King Umberto I killed by anarchistanarchist

23 Giovanni Giolitti. Statesman, Piedmontese, the man of compromise giolitti

24 industrialisation 1900-1913. Industrial Italy takes off

25 social unrest 1913. Universal suffrage (for men) 1914. Social unrest. The red week Gabriele DAnnunzio The vate

26 war 1915-18. Italy joins France and Great Britain, or the fourth war of independence.Trent and Triest. 600.000 soldiers dead

27 Vittorio Emanuele Orlando (1860-1952), Sicilian statesman and jurist, the president of victory. Italy triumphant but.. orlando DAnnunzio: a mutilated victory?

28 reds Italy 1920-21.The biennio rosso. 1921: Italian Communist Party founded Vladimir Lenin Antonio Gramsci

29 duce Benito Mussolini, the duce of fascism 1922. Fascism at power

30 1929

31 empire May 1936 (XIV). Conquest of Ethiopia. The Italian Empire

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